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if there are 50, four-hundred pound men, traveling in a 1968 bus going at 150 miles per hour, and after 20 miles, the bus suddenly stops for 1 minute to pick up 25 more, 400 men, what is the average speed of the bus over a 100 course???

2006-11-10 16:05:54 · 3 answers · asked by bigsky 1 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

3 answers

Without the stop they went 100 miles at 150 mph.

t = 100 / 150
t = 2/3 hour = 40 minutes.

But they stopped for 1 minute, that makes 41 minutes or 41/60 hours.

Determining their average bus speed over the 100 miles:
100 miles = r * 41/60
r = 100 * 60/41
r ≈ 146.341463 mph

2006-11-10 16:14:50 · answer #1 · answered by Puzzling 7 · 0 0

distance travelled=100 miles?
time taken=20/150+1/60+80/150
average speed=100/(205/300)
=100*300/205 mph=146.34 mph

2006-11-10 16:29:40 · answer #2 · answered by raj 7 · 0 0

146.3 miles per hour

2006-11-10 20:22:54 · answer #3 · answered by Mark Antony 3 · 0 0

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