It is actually a cardboard standup of Ted Danson that was either put there accidentally by a prop guy or as a joke.
2006-11-11 02:21:46
answer #1
answered by Krystal H 2
It's not a ghost it's a cutout of Ted Danson in a suit and he's wearing a hat. In Three Mean and a Little Lady when they're moving into their new house they get it out of the truck.
2006-11-11 07:07:53
answer #2
answered by mlss_gammon 1
Yes I saw it and it was rather creepy. Something about the boy had fallen out the apartment window long before? I was odd because it was a panned shot with no breaks and the kid was just there. You'd think if they saw it while on set they would have cut the shot. I don't know. I've also heard it was a prank but it was kind of unsettling.
2006-11-10 16:08:14
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I thought it was really creepy, too, but it really did turn out to be false. I really, really wanted to believe it, but it was debunked and listed on What happened was they had a cardboard cutout of Ted Danson used in another scene and someone forgot to take it out of the back of the room before they shot that scene. If you look closely in another scene you can see it's the same cardboard cutout. Check out the link below to see what I mean.
2006-11-10 16:10:31
answer #4
answered by braennvin2 5
in the dazzling shrink of the action picture, there's a scene wherein Ted Danson's character walks in the path of the homestead with the toddler. at a similar time as doing so, they pass a huge window and a depressing shape that sounds like a shotgun (barrel pointed down) is considered exterior the window. whilst they pass in front of the window a 2d time, the parent of a boy could be considered pondered on the bathe glass on the historic past. An city legend exists that a boy killed himself (with a shotgun) for the time of filming and that it grew to become into his ghost considered in the action picture. The "lifeless boy" grew to become into truthfully a cardboard cutout of Ted Danson's character [2] (nevertheless the rumor continues to be debated). This grew to become into first subject depend stated on the 1st episode of "television Land's Myths and Legends", and grew to become into referenced in episodes of family contributors guy and Supernatural. different variations of the rumor are: That the boy grew to become into the grandson of the rumoured "putting guy" in the Wizard of oz. The boy have been killed in the "flat" the place the action picture grew to become into filmed. truthfully, it grew to become into filmed on a valid point.
2016-10-21 21:33:33
answer #5
answered by ? 4
yep but its not a ghost i heard its a cardboard box something like that have u seen the ghost in wizard of oz now that is freaky
2006-11-10 16:11:22
answer #6
answered by picis_nyc 1
this is an urban legend it is not true. It was told by the producers that it never happened and that it is a cardboard cutout and everyone thinks that it is a ghost. sorry to bust your bubble. good luck and god bless and happy thanksgiving.
2006-11-11 02:15:25
answer #7
answered by Kate T. 7
No I haven't but that does sound freaky. next time i watch that movie i'll look out for it.
2006-11-10 16:07:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Its a prop I think discovery channel had a thing about that but people just made it big
2006-11-10 16:28:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yeah at the window
2006-11-10 16:06:15
answer #10
answered by Kiah 3