There are large Christian communities in India.
The history of Christianity in India dates back to to the period right after the Crucifixion of Jesus. History has it that St. Thomas, a disciple of Jesus, landed in Kerala, a southern region of India, and converted many local people to Christianity.
As for the English names, it is the remnants of 200 years of English rule in India. And also there is a community known as Anglo-Indians who are the descendants of parents of English and Indian origin. They are totally adapted to English names, culture, language and mainly Catholic sect.
2006-11-10 15:38:47
answer #1
answered by Baby 4
1] The call centre staff may have been stretching the truth when he said his name was Kevin. A requirement by call centres to adopt 'English' sounding names with the belief it will go down well with their western clients. Happens in England too! A public school or posh accent opening more doors.
2] Fortunately India has a large Christian community throughout the length and breadth of the country. He may well have been Catholic.
2006-11-11 02:25:48
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yeah there are christians with english names in India. Biblical names such as Thomas, Mathew etc are common.
Some people also adopt western names such as Kevin.
But for a call centre employee, the name may not br genuine
2006-11-11 05:59:52
answer #3
answered by Sijo 1
Hey steve,
I am an Indian girl (not Christian) sometimes Indians or people from like different countries change there names at work so that the people or the customers they are working with don't have any problem in pronouncing there name and it sounds common. And how do you know he is Indian anyways maybe he was born in Canada and had his name according to the enviorment.
2006-11-10 22:12:14
answer #4
answered by Ayu 1
Yes you have guessed right. Majority of the christians and the 'Anglo-Indians' here prefer english names for themselves. In affluent people, irrespective of belief, presently the nicknames seem to lean towards european sounding names. Regards.
2006-11-10 22:18:56
answer #5
answered by salahkars 1
They have indian names but when they are baptized as christians, they are given Traditional Englsih names as one indication that they have been baptized..
2006-11-10 23:06:32
answer #6
answered by ? 7
could be his english mane is kevin or thats the closest english to sidhartha or some other unintelligable indian name that they may have been born with. humor him and offer to sell him your socks and a couple cheeseburgers and some ribs. hell go away.
2006-11-10 21:03:17
answer #7
answered by CWB 4
Nah i have had it ....the caller said his name was trevor.........oh yeh right NOT! sorry i was blunt and told him to do one! I get so angry with this call centre crap giving em english names, i have it all the time!
2006-11-10 21:03:12
answer #8
answered by untanuta 5
Yes, thanks to colonialism and cultural genocide.
2006-11-10 21:00:50
answer #9
answered by leer 3