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This is the nonsense I'm most confronted with, both by advocates of the politically correct idiocy involving the native American tribes here in the States, as well as the destructive idiocy involving the descendants of the violent savages that roamed the continent of Africa centuries ago; the notion that simply because they were there first, they somehow 'owned' the land.
If white settlers had not arrived in America and Africa, both continents would still be savage, untamed, unutilised - with the indigenous tribes happy to kill one another and have their existences dictated by, and all natural phenomena explained by witchdoctors or medicine men.
There would be no medicine, no TV, no computers, no cities, no cars; none of the innovations of the Industrial Revolution.
In short, no civilization.
This stupid notion that blacks in Africa 'own' the land will have far more destructive consequences than that notion does here in the States.

2006-11-10 08:59:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

It has given the Marxist criminals in the ANC carte blanche to steal fertile land that has been farmed for decades by white farmers - feeding a nation - and basically hand to people simply because their skins are black. What racism.
Sorry guys, but the eventual outcome of this illogical theft is playing out North, in Zimbabwe.
South Africa is well on the road to becoming another beggar nation with hands outstretched, whining for handouts from the United States.

Nobody has considered this simple question - if the thugs in the ANC reserve the right to steal the land from the whites, what's to stop them from stealing it again from the blacks?

2006-11-10 09:08:43 · update #1

cryptocomp - the idea of you being a 'faffirboetie' never entered my head. That's a racist concept.
This has nothing to do with you liking or disliking blacks. It has to do with theft. Theft that will ultimately lead to the starvation of a country.

2006-11-10 12:01:11 · update #2

Your answer also has nothing to do with my question.

2006-11-10 12:02:11 · update #3

tiisetsemo - don't take this the wrong way, but who gives a damn where life started, we have to live it now. If you're going to answer my question, actually answer the question, and don't let fly with a torrent of politically correct nonsense that doesn't address the question at all.
Excuse me if I'm not moved to tears for the 'white man's treatment of the indigenous peoples of Africa and America.'
Contrary to PC myth, they were warlike savages who were brutalizing each other long before white people arrived on the scene, not innocent land-dwellers co-existing peacefully.
The arrival of white settlers was the best thing that happened to them; it forced their respective backward cultures to grow and adapt.
It appears, however, that in South Africa, that culture hasn't grown and adapted enough and fast enough.

2006-11-10 18:23:07 · update #4


tiisetsemo - 'The land belongs to the people.'
Yup, you've fallen for the lie that all Marxist states feed their hapless citizens. Notice please, that the only ones that seem to be benefiting from all this new found wealth seems to be the Marxist government themselves, with their fat bank accounts, private jets, spending sprees etc... while a large majority of you guys are in squatter camps and the South African rand is worth less and less.
Once again, take into account that if the thugs running your country reserve the right to steal from whites, they logically reserve that right to steal again from blacks.
And don't worry, with the current state of white emigration, because of the ANC's racist policies, it won't be long before the 'indigenous people' of South Africa will be left to their own devices - dying in their excrement, squalor and AIDS epidemic, with black hands outstretched toward the USA, begging the US taxpayer to bail them out.

2006-11-11 02:05:26 · update #5

african lion - no,'whenwes' are from what was Rhodesia.
You don't need handouts now, but you will, don't worry, you will.
Let me ask you this, if a farmer who is 'asked' to sell his farm refuses, will he be allowed to keep it?

2006-11-11 05:54:20 · update #6

Motti Shish - you might be surviving over there, however, I'm living a damn fine life over here.

2006-11-11 21:41:24 · update #7

7 answers

Hooray!!! Finally someone with a brain ...Thank you...I can add nothing to your argument..you've said it all...I'm so happy to see I'm not the only one who isn't "blinded" by the "be sorry for me,I've been "so oppressed" bully that they always get away with in South Africa as well as other places in the world...

2006-11-10 19:06:57 · answer #1 · answered by marleyanne b 2 · 1 10

We have tackled this question on 'ownership of land' before.Were you not satisfied with the answers you got? As we all know the earliest known evolution in the civilization of man was the "Stone Age".Funny enough evidence has been found to link this to Africa.(So that rules out the argument that had the white man not arrived in Africa,there would be no civilization.Anyway the way those white people treated the indigenous people of Africa and America was atrocious!That questions their humanity and if they were civilized at all)

Let me not get carried away, after all you say the question is about theft.Theft, how so?

The white man's theft of the land of the indigenous people, their resources, lives, cultures,dignity?

Or what other theft could you possibly be referring to?!

If you want me to spell it out for you, the land belongs to its people!The people belonging to that country!If the white people unlawfully seized this land then it is not theirs!

2006-11-11 02:03:07 · answer #2 · answered by T.I 5 · 7 2

im a white south african brought up in old SA ways
1;nobodys stolen anything
2: i wont say im a kafferboetie if ur south african ud know what im talking about!!!!!
if not for the new south africa there would b no american bands no 2010 world cup no chinese clothing ens...ens.....ens
we have to learn to live together GOD CREATED US EQUAL not just south africans
dont judge a book by its cover

not finished yet!!!!
we dont need hand out from anybody no super power to hide from i think we can look after ourselfs TY!!!!!!
oh i love doing 100mph with elephants running beside me not to mention the rhino the lion the giraffe the dassie the........ u know where im going

if u wanna insult my birth country u have to get passed me, and i m no easy biker

understandable yeh but this is a new and young country we need a nappie change, and we need to learn, Thetf i think is the least of our problem

2006-11-10 19:21:35 · answer #3 · answered by cryptocomp 2 · 8 2

I have an idea that you are an ex South African, one of those that ran away,,,,,,,,in short,,,,,,a,,,,,when we ,,,,,,, Sorry buddy, you have been fed wrong info, we don't need no handouts, if that is what you are worried about, neither have land been taken by force, that is one of our neighbors department !!!!

2006-11-11 13:04:21 · answer #4 · answered by african lion 3 · 5 0

Its amazing how jealous some people are of South Africa! What, are you scared to live here Brad M?? Some kaking in your pants and come live here with the rest of us! We are surviving, can you?


Trust me Brad, I'm living the life in SA! I love it here!!

2006-11-12 01:51:01 · answer #5 · answered by Motti _Shish 6 · 3 0

They honeymoon is over the marriage is rocky and it's going to end in a messy divorce, after 2010 the sh*t is going to hit the fan big time,no place to hide then it will be blood river all over again, no retreat no surrender.

2006-11-11 02:59:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 10

you don't pull any punches, do you ?
As always Brad, you tell it like it is.

2006-11-10 17:08:19 · answer #7 · answered by goodriddance 1 · 1 7

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