non-offensively let a gay co-worker know he's acting very immature since I turned down his offer for sex? He's been making underhanded comments & passive/aggressive responses in situations not even involving him, & acting jealous if I work with other co-workers.
15 answers
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Society & Culture
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➔ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
He is a good worker. Just very immature.
08:47:47 ·
update #1
No; I'm not gay. But I've had a lot of offers!
09:12:13 ·
update #2
Why not talk to him?
Explain to him just what you've told us. He issued an invitation that you declined and you are uncomfortable with his actions since then.
Explain that you don't want to file charges against him and would rather find ways to work together without the silliness.
2006-11-11 04:43:17
answer #1
answered by ? 6
Yeah some people just can't take rejection that well. Are you gay? Because if you're straight then the reason you turned down sex should be really obvious, but not all gay people are the same.
2006-11-10 09:02:44
answer #2
answered by StarGirl 2
"I don't want to offend you, but you've been acting less than mature since I declined your offer. We all have to work in the same environment here, and it would be much more pleasant if you could find your way to a happier state of mind."
If he continues his harrassent, take it up with management. He is creating a hostile work environment and there are laws which govern this behavior in order to protect you.
2006-11-10 08:49:04
answer #3
answered by MyPreshus 7
Tell him that one day he might understand that the worst place to look for love is while at work.
He sounds very young, so being nice may not get the point across.
2006-11-10 08:50:54
answer #4
answered by jrayhp 4
That is sexual harrassment. You need to be firm with him letting him know that it makes you uncomfortable when he makes his comments. But you might want to butter him up and let him know you respect his sexual orientation. But you don't think it's appropriate for him to harrass you in the workplace. I am a gay man and I know people have their limits.
2006-11-10 09:21:09
answer #5
answered by gc27858 4
Just tell him to grow up and act like an adult, the work place is not the place to bring personal problems. Tell him he can have his issues with you outside of the workplace
2006-11-10 08:47:44
answer #6
answered by Alexis 4
mmm that is a hard situation to be in.. very hard. obviously he is possessed in you.. which would be horrible for him also.. tread lightly . oh maybe ask someone for advise at work GOOD LUCK
2006-11-10 21:17:15
answer #7
answered by ? 7
pull him to the side and say to him " stop with the rude comments i really so not appreciate them. if they do not stop then something is going to happen like charges filed."
2006-11-10 09:21:37
answer #8
answered by thshwilliams 1
Just tell him that he's acting inappropriately- the fact that he is gay should have nothing to do with it. It's that simple.
2006-11-10 08:52:39
answer #9
answered by iluvmynotebook 5
His annoying move on with life and make sure ur not flattered when guys wanna have sex with u cause u may end up being gay. If ur nervous ur going to get a girl and have it with her fast!
2006-11-10 09:44:56
answer #10
answered by *StarFashion* 2