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I love both the book and the movie.

2006-11-09 15:57:54 · 13 answers · asked by lotr122892 1 in Entertainment & Music Movies

13 answers

This movie was a beautifully created film. The cinematography alone made it well worth the cost of a ticket. The costuming was beautiful, artful and relatively authentic. As long as you are/were willing to sit through the length of the movie, it was very well done.

I do agree that the use of a Chinese actress versus a Japanese actress was not the brightest call, but unfortunately, most Americans really don't recognize the differences (very sad, but also true.)

I loved the story, though now that I have it on DVD, I tend to skip over the beginning where she's a child (except for the flavored ice scene - it's just beautiful). I really love watching the development of the characters.

While a lot of people think it isn't worth renting over and over again, let alone owning, I see it as a beautiful rendition of a lost part of history. And to think - the book was written by a man! Go figure!

2006-11-09 17:27:17 · answer #1 · answered by grizabellamom 2 · 0 0

Liked both but enjoyed the book much much more. I know a movie has only so much time and has to edit, but I was extremely disappointed with how small Nobul's role was in the movie *he was my fave character in the book* I also wished more could have been shown about how Sayuri, Mameha and the others survived WW2 *like how Nobul had Sayuri living with his friend the kimono maker*

2006-11-10 00:03:01 · answer #2 · answered by starikotasukinomiko 6 · 0 0

I've seen the movie but I haven't read the book even though I have a copy of it, I have no time to read it yet. The movie was good and I hope the book too.

2006-11-10 00:05:57 · answer #3 · answered by Dawn Treader 5 · 0 0

I read the book and loved it. I never saw the movie, but I heard it isn't as good as the book. Are the movies ever as good or better than the book?

2006-11-09 23:59:33 · answer #4 · answered by cutegirl 3 · 1 0

I really am enjoying the book right now. I will see the movie after I'm done with the book.

2006-11-10 00:13:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It had a good story line to it...However..they made the movie way too long...and they didn't explain some of the moive...example...all of a sudden...it was the war..and no explantion...I wanted to walk out..but after paying to see the movie..I was like...No..I am staying until it is over..
Also..you knew that they were going to end up togehter...and its a tad wrong..because he was a old man..when they first met when she was a child....
Not a movie I am going to buy on DVD....

2006-11-10 00:22:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Book was great. Though the movie was really hollywood , I went in Japan with my Japanese friends and they pointed out numerous faults, especially small details (and having a Chinese actress play the leading role). It really wasn't so popular in Japan....but I liked it.

2006-11-10 00:00:55 · answer #7 · answered by wandering_canuck 5 · 0 0

Although I understood it, I still didn't walk away with an appreciation for the lives of lovely ladies who were forced to be whores. Even though inside they were so much better than that, it was all they'd ever be when you get down to it. I gave my wife the soundtrack because she loved the music so much.

2006-11-10 00:01:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i love both the movie and the book too!! it amazes me!

2006-11-10 00:06:03 · answer #9 · answered by this sucks 1 · 0 0

At first I didn't think I was gonna like it. I thought it was just a chick flick.

But I was pleasantly surprised by how well made it was.

2006-11-09 23:59:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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