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11 answers

a few of my gay male friends drive the Infinity G35 coupe.

2006-11-09 14:29:37 · answer #1 · answered by mesquitemachine 6 · 0 3

There are a LOT of gay men into cars. I'm one of them. Lambda Car Club is a national car club for car car nuts. Most popular cars tend to be huge American luxury cars, Cadillacs, Imperials etc from the 50's & 60's. Typically flawlessly restored.

I don't know how to answer this question for myself as I have owned so many intersting and wonderful cars and lusted after so many others. Here's a short list:
Jaguar XKE's
Early 50's Nash Ramblers..especially convertibles
4 door convertible Lincolns (Suicide doors)
SS Malibu (any year big block)
Bentley cars of any type or vintage
Any corvette before 1970
and so very many more.

2006-11-09 23:02:03 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 1 2

A car with a large penis.

Seriously, I'm gay. And I can promise you that no gay person I know has ever thought a car was "hot."

The end.

2006-11-09 22:37:13 · answer #3 · answered by NYC Tim 2 · 2 2

For me it would be a 1969 Chevy Camaro RS/SS with an updated suspension and engine, with a paint job designed by Chip Foose.

2006-11-09 23:44:21 · answer #4 · answered by puhpaul 3 · 0 1

As long as it is not ten years old, clean, runs good, smells amazing, and has a sweet, hot guy in the drivers seat, its no contest. I would love to see the man of my dreams in a nice bmw convertible though, haha.

2006-11-10 00:06:20 · answer #5 · answered by Randizzle 2 · 0 1

It would depend on the person.
For me, it is..
Sports car: Honda S2000
Coupe: Ford Thunderbird (even though they quit making it)
Sedan: Ford Mustang
SUV: Ford Escape Hybrid

2006-11-09 22:41:13 · answer #6 · answered by χριστοφορος ▽ 7 · 0 1

I don't think of cars as hot...I think that's more of a question that straights with small dcks would ask themselves.

2006-11-09 22:56:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

2.4 liter Ferrari ..with torsion bar suspension, and imported verturie carburetors

2006-11-09 22:44:34 · answer #8 · answered by Matt Z 3 · 0 1

I am betting a vintage red convertible, at least in California.

2006-11-09 22:33:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Russian battle tanks.

2006-11-09 23:17:59 · answer #10 · answered by HandsOnCelibacy 4 · 0 2

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