hm... well the only solution I can think of is to tell them to **** off, other than that, I got nothing
2006-11-09 14:14:41
answer #1
answered by we'll go so far 2
I don't understand what the big problem is, if your not gay. Are you doing something do get a lot of girl attention? Or you really good looking? Try to do stuff that turns girls off, or gross. Then maybe they'll stop flirting with you.
2006-11-09 22:17:06
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Wow hun sounds like your growing up...good for you,you might even be gaining a respect for women and arent really into the whores that throw themselves at you,and are starting to become more interested in other aspects of a woman,besides the other stuff which is ok to hun..but nice to have the other stuff on top of the list...Bye
2006-11-09 22:32:53
answer #3
answered by deb s 2
What is your question? Are you giving off the wrong signals? Too friendly maybe?
If you don't like girls flirting with you, then act like a jerk, I guess, and they will lose interest.
Or, make it into a joke, like "hey I feel harassed here! What am I, a piece of meat? Personal space ladies please!" be funny but they will get the message.
2006-11-09 22:14:30
answer #4
answered by ♥gingeylynn 3
You need help because you are straight and girls flirt with you. Alrighty then.
IF someone flirts with you, simply do not respond and they will stop. If they don't, just give a cold response and that will stop it. There's no other way around it. Be careful not to give off flirting behavior yourself.
2006-11-09 22:15:35
answer #5
answered by Cub6265 6
if you don't feel confortable then just ignore them or say your not interested. Maybe you feel that way because you have a girlfriend (just a guess) you probably past that stage where flattery is considered overrated. In any event hun, you should just go on with what you have to do in life if you are attractive then girls are gonna throw themselves at you it's only human look at it this way they recognize good taste (you) when they see it! :)
2006-11-09 22:22:15
answer #6
answered by FELICIA H 2
If your straight then you need to find out why you are uncomfortable with it. Maybe some counseling would help. Also, why did you put this question in the Gay and Lesbian section?
2006-11-09 22:19:15
answer #7
answered by Izzy 5
Sometimes, even guys get tired of feeling like a piece of meat. Perfectly normal, dude.
2006-11-09 22:16:04
answer #8
answered by jare bare 6
So what is the question? Girls flirt with you and you are not comfortable with it? And what is your point? God bless
2006-11-09 22:14:54
answer #9
answered by ? 7
You probably think those girls are not your type. Just walk away from them, they will understand. And find one that is your type!
2006-11-09 22:14:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous