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Do you think it's degrading to women in general? Or just degrading to some extent? Or is it another form of expressing your female/artistic side, at least the posing for pictures part.

I do know the body is a work of art...but what do you think?

P.S. Not necessarily just "Suicide Girls" but maybe pin-ups ect. you get the picture, right?

2006-11-09 14:10:37 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

11 answers

I'm not a fan of Suicide Girls. The models are not paid and the site owners are profiting big time. Meanwhile, these women are left with their half-naked bodies plastered on the internet and nothing to show for it but Suicide Girls underwear and a membership. That, I think, is degrading to an extent.

Besides that, I don't feel nude modeling is wrong. It's a woman's choice if she would like to remove her clothing for the camera. Why be ashamed of your body?

2006-11-10 07:40:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well, I identify as a feminist, and I have no problem with SuicideGirls. I also find it to be art. I think that to some extent stripping could be considered degrading because they're being shown as only sex objects and nothing more. I think the real problem is with the men that aren't bright enough to see the difference between women around them most of the day and women that are getting paid to get people off.

2006-11-10 02:26:16 · answer #2 · answered by carora13 6 · 1 1

i do think it's degrading but you can't control every woman some women feel that they show "strip down" to be beautiful i the eyes of any beholder. It does make all women look bad in a way but it happens everywhere hun. The suicide girl i do not agree with that they promote self-infliction in a way most of the girls on there say that they have mutilated themselves in a way. I know you feel different about these situations more than others but that's what makes the world go round'.

2006-11-09 22:15:47 · answer #3 · answered by FELICIA H 2 · 0 0

A true feminist feels that a woman can do anything she wants.
If she wants to pose nude that is her right. A true feminist would not impose her morals or beliefs.

Women posing nude in a taste full manner is art. But my views on what is taste full is different than what other people consider being taste full.

2006-11-09 22:37:05 · answer #4 · answered by John R 1 · 2 0

I would not exactly call myself a feminist but I do not think there is anything wrong with posing nude for something artist, but if you mean something raunchy then I do not think that is ok, as far as stripping I think it is ok if you do it for fun like take a class, but as far as a job in front of people (men) I personally do not think that is ok.

2006-11-10 02:53:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think that strippers and people who pose nude are doing it because they like the thrill that they get for knowing that other people are watching them. I also think, as far as strippers go, they like the money involved. I say that as long as they are consenting adults I have no problem. Plus, some of the Suicide Girls are fine!

2006-11-09 22:14:46 · answer #6 · answered by riot grrrl 3 · 0 1

Well, I can't say I approve, and mostly it degrades the stripper, but I'm sure it reflects on the rest of us too. It is possible to pose for pictures with clothes on.

2006-11-09 22:15:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It depends a lot on the context. Both are essentially a form of expression; whether it's degrading or not depends on who's fantasy is being expressed - yours, or someone elses?

2006-11-10 01:43:25 · answer #8 · answered by angiekaos 3 · 0 0

Why do some women take offense at women who use their bodies to make a living ( strippers, bikini models ) but they don't complain about men who do the same thing? Men couldn't care less about male dancers and you won't hear them complain about men who use their bodies to make a living ( athletes ). My personal thought is that it is the jealously thing - I mean, have you ever seen or heard a really physically beautiful woman complain about the way women are "treated?" No, it seems to me it is the ones who are really overweight, don't get attention from men, can't/won't/don't wear bathing suits, or even go to the gym to workout.

2006-11-09 22:25:44 · answer #9 · answered by commonsense 5 · 0 2

Suicide girls are hot goth girls like em

2006-11-09 22:13:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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