Its basically the same thing but at least you still like women
2006-11-09 13:39:12
answer #1
answered by Jacob S 2
Ask yourself this question: Who is more in the closet, bisexual guys or gay guys? Bisexuals. And they are there for a very good reason: If they came out (and are married or about to get married) they would be hounded, branded, lose friends and jobs, be driven out of the church, and generally their lives would be made miserable. Bisexual guys may have sexual relations with gay guys but they are rarely truly accepted by the gay community.
It's not the most secure place to be -- in the middle of the closet, so to speak.
In general, people are much more accepting of gay people than bi people. They don't trust them and exclude them.
The best kept secret in all of this sexual orienation talk is this: Most (if not all) supposedly straight men are bisexual and quite capable of having sexual relations with either sex -- and some giving more preference to one sex over the other. A satisfying and supportive married life, culture and religion, and fear of losing male friends is what keeps this big secret a secret in our society. Virtually all "straight" men know that they are bisexual to some extent. I've lived too long, had too many male friends, and generally interacted with guys so much that I can't but help to see this fact of life for men.
2006-11-10 01:09:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No we get it worse, or at least that's how I've always seen it. People think that bi people spread disease from the gay to the straight community, they get it in their heads that just because we are compatible with both sexes that we can't be with just one, and everyone wants to convert us to a certain sexuality. In the end bisexuals are susceptible to abuse from bigots on both sides of the sexuality spectrum.
We get picked on by the straight community and we aren't always even accepted into the gay community. So not only do bi people face similar issues as gays but we have virtually no support system to fall back on. We're a minority inside a minority.
The most annoying thing I faced is how everyone accused me of being "confused". They just couldn't accept the fact that I didn't discriminate between genders. It also wasn't any fun hearing my mom telling me that she would rather me be gay, she is an extremely religious Christian so you do the math on what that means. I finally had to force it into their heads. I'm not gay, straight, or confused. It's also fun being a freaking virgin and still getting accused of being willing to sleep with anything that moves.
2006-11-09 15:49:53
answer #3
answered by Rageling 4
the concept maximum gays are truthfully bisexual is often attributed to the heterosexual community truthfully. Its based on the concept Homosexuality is a decision and not a organic situation. as a result a guy or woman won't be able to be only gay, they might desire to be bisexual and jsut pretending to be gay. so some distance as i comprehend in the gay community they haven't any issue with it. by ability of its very nature the gay community has a tendency to be greater open and accepting of all types sexuality and factors of view.
2016-10-21 13:52:31
answer #4
answered by ? 4
With female bi/gay people I think gay is more accepted because people are used to hearing about it and the only people who would be bothered by it are the crazy homophobes which bi people have to deal with anyway. Being bi is fashionable now for girls so even if you are legitimately bi people still think you are just experimenting or trying to seem adventurous so they don't really accept it as much.
2006-11-09 15:32:52
answer #5
answered by rotund_coffee_pot 2
I think its accepted equally. Being bisexual or gay should not be a reason for society to riducule or hate someone. People that continue to breed hate on those who do not conform to their beliefs are the real problems within this society and not those who live a homosexual or bisexual lifestyle. If you are bi or gay, congratulations,. good for you. Live life how YOU see fit and love whom you feel you need to love. Dont let others break you down or tell you otherwise.
2006-11-09 13:44:23
answer #6
answered by C.M 1
Bisexuality in men is far less accepted than homosexuality, if you're bi then the Gays bash on you too. It's generally more accepted in women because straight guys think they're going to get threesomes out of it.
2006-11-10 04:16:57
answer #7
answered by ? 7
Bi is more accepted me it seems that their just havin' fun and being honest about experimenting but to me flat out gay means you want to lay with the same sex ...only... and some people will never understand why ...but to each his own ...I say.....i'm a woman and i've been with my man for 5 years and the passion is still there ...and I wouldn't trade it for nothing in the world.... but i'm not that judgemental b/c I know it's hard for anyone to stay together whether your bi ,gay , or str8.....
2006-11-09 13:44:10
answer #8
answered by No 3
Some people are naturally bi. (Look up "Kinsey"). Many of them say they're more attracted to personalities than gender. But most people seem to gravitate to het or homo.
Once you leave the BIG SAFE hetero tent, it makes little difference to str8s ... you're a freak. In much of the world, bi's would be treated as if gay - harshly. But in more advanced cultures, it's not such a big deal -- if you're not making a nuisance of yourself.
2006-11-09 16:21:06
answer #9
answered by Luis 4
Society seems to have no problems with women, but are quick to cast judgements on who cares? It is easy to keep to yourself and the persons with whom you have sex. There is no need to hang a sign on your neck.
Men seem to be in much bigger denial than women about bisexuality....most men can have sex with anyone..or anything from what I have seen. And many private, given the slightest excuse...but god forbid anyone finds out about it! Very silly, indeed. And it seems that it is mainly men who are homophobic to a fault..their way of denying what goes on in their heads...I see this fading somewhat with the newer crop of kids coming up..thankfully. But at the rate we are going, it will take another 50 years to see the remaining remnants of this stupid taboo disappear...and, along the way, there will be setbacks. We saw a great advance in Gay rights and feelings towards gays in the 70's, but then AIDS came along and wiped out a lot of advances that had been made. Gays got blamed for a disease! Funny, everywhere else, it is a disease of straights, not gays. Good luck
2006-11-09 13:49:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I think bisexual is more accepted evern though they should be treated as equal as gays and gays should be treated just as well as straight people...i as a bisexual denied it at first in fear of being ridaculed....but the world lived when i told my secret....but if i was full on gay....I KNOW they would have acted different!
2006-11-09 13:46:20
answer #11
answered by Devan B 1