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For every snake there are seven frogs. For every frog there are seven bullfrogs. For every frog, there are seven tadpoles. For every tadpole, there are seventeen lilypads. For every lilypad, there are seven flowers. Every thing has six ants. Every ant has seven nests. There are seven snakes. How many nests are there?

2006-11-09 11:50:37 · 6 answers · asked by ♫tweet75♫ 3 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

6 answers





2006-11-09 12:05:11 · answer #1 · answered by SpaceCtrl 2 · 1 0

Are you sure you don't mean Neopets. :)

Let's count everything first... once we do we can multiply by 42 (six ants times seven nests).

Snakes = 7
Frogs = 7 * 7 = 49
Bullfrogs = 7 * 49 = 343
(Note: since tadpoles are based on frogs, you should have the same number as bullfrogs... I missed this earlier.)
Tadpoles = 7 * 49 = 343
Lilypads = 17 * 343 = 5,831
Flowers = 7 * 5,831 = 40,817

Adding that all up you get:
7 + 49 + 343 + 343 + 5,831 + 40,817 = 47,390 "things".

Now for ants we have:
6 * 47,390 = 284,340 ants

And for nests we have:
7 * 284,340 = 1,990,380 nests

Things to look out for:
1) Bullfrogs and tadpoles are based on frogs, so they have the same number.
2) Don't overlook the seventeen... everything else is multiplying by seven, but they threw in a seventeen to mess you up.
3) You have to count all the "things" first before counting the ants and nest, since you said everything noted before has six ants with seven nets.
4) Don't forget to notice the starting amount of snakes is seven.

The answer is 1,990,380 nests (Itchis)

2006-11-09 19:52:55 · answer #2 · answered by Puzzling 7 · 0 0

7 snakes+49 frogs+343 bullfrogs+343 tadpoles+5831 lily pads+40817 flowers=47390 things.
Ants=47390 multiplied by 6=284340
Nests=284340 multiplied by 7=1990380

2006-11-12 19:19:48 · answer #3 · answered by newgeek 1 · 0 0

Puzzling is wrong, he presumed a mistake in the wording. SpaceCtrl is correct for not changing frogs to bullfrogs.

2006-11-09 20:13:35 · answer #4 · answered by CAPTREE 4 · 0 1

Puzzling is right, so no need to show my work.

The answer is 13,832,112 nests.

2006-11-09 20:05:56 · answer #5 · answered by STILL standing 5 · 0 1

There are 12000198 nests.

I wait be nice.


2006-11-09 19:56:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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