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Has anyone ever asked him directly?
Also, umm..it says NO WHERE in the Bible in Jesus's or God's OWN words anything about homosexuality. All the homosexuality quotes and scriptures are written by apostles and other people.

2006-11-09 07:10:33 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

24 answers

Jesus not God have ever said anythign in favor or against homosexuality. Only the written word of man say anything against it.

However the bible does speak about love and loving each other. Love being the word of God. There fore any love between two people I feel is embraced by GOD.

2006-11-09 07:21:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

The point is, fear/shame. According to the Christians, you should be ashamed that you feel from the same gender. You're job was to be placed on this earth and breed, expand the population with more God/Jesus believer types. Like someone else said, it's biblical. However, not sure about the context.

The Bible is inspired by faith in God, written by men, 2000 years ago. Where women weren't allowed to speak. The Bible talks that the only role women are to have in 'life' is to obey her man, teach young, and that's it. NO OTHER USES. Well, would that standard work today? I don't THINK so!

Are you going to live your life in fear or shame today? Or are you going to live today. Whatever your beliefs are, you need to live with faith, and all will be answered when you die. Right?

Another thing, wouldn't it be ironic, we all live our life as the 'Bible tells us', and we die and find out there is nothing. Zippo. It was all a myth. Well, don't that just suck! Believe what you want, be kind and love others. Who gives a shitocki about the rest of it. You'll find out in the end, when it won't matter.

2006-11-09 07:22:02 · answer #2 · answered by Doofus McGoofus 2 · 2 1

You are correct!!!

Only men have condemned homosexuality not God or Christ. As for the Sodom comment, please come up with something more concrete than that old story. For the record, Sodom was destroyed for more than just sexual infractions, so you really can't use that one. As for the apostles following Jesus' admonitions well there you are, He never said a word on the subject. Finally, in the end, it is man who has the problem, God could care less, as long as we are good to each other, loving and respectful, that in the end is all He really wants.

2006-11-09 07:35:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Ahhh....more importantly (in my opinion, which is nothing) why do people use this excuse to enact laws? I thought this country was supposed to be built on religious (among other) freedom? How can we make laws because God supposedly is against something when God is not supposed to be in our laws? Doesn't the constitution say "all men are created equal"? Doesn't this include women? Why couldn't the bible also be written sexless? I certainly wasn't around to ask the writers...

2006-11-09 07:28:36 · answer #4 · answered by Just tryin' to help 6 · 2 0

Doesn't say a word in the bible about it.....not from Jesus' mouth, anyway.

If it were SO damn bad (as bad as most christians think today), trust me....the bible would have written glowing chapters about it. But there's virtually nothing about it except as (mistakenly) written by interpreters. Not Jesus. I repeat.....NOT Jesus!

I think these anti-gay people are just too obsessed with the sex.
They think nothing about the love between two consenting adults. All they think about is the sex act.
In other words...they have dirty little christian minds....

2006-11-09 07:45:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Try to convince a conservative christian of this...I've been saying this for years...people are so afraid of change they can't see the truth even when it is right in front of them. People condoned slavery for hundreds of years and they justified it with certain bible verses. Woman had no rights for how long? All because of bible verses that some man decided to take out of context. I have been a christian for as long as I can remember and I consider myself a very strong christian with a wonderful relationship with god and he has never once told me that I am living in sin. He hasn't told me because I'm not. There is only one way to heaven and that's through christ our savior...I've never heard of anything that says that goes for everyone accept the homos.

2006-11-09 07:47:51 · answer #6 · answered by philio8008 2 · 2 0

We don't...most likely humans brought this into the religion as a way to exclude those whom they considered "abnormal", prejeduce and hate is a human emotion, why should someone who is considered above humans act like humans? I think God is above that, and that we try to make him sound human as a way to control. To me there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, and no one should be excluded just because they like the same sex, everyone should be allowed to love and if god doesn't believe that then all the stuff about him being forgiveing and loving is a load of trash.

2006-11-09 07:17:03 · answer #7 · answered by Chiemi 1 · 2 1

through fact that is a contravention and twist on His unique creation of lady and male and WHY the two have been separated into separate bodies. God made guy (mankind), lady and male innovations/components multi functional variety.., yet Adam/guy become lonely seeing the animals with acquaintances and he did not have a helper nicely matched for him to proportion with or talk to or see and touch, so God positioned the boy to sleep and took his lady ingredient/priniciple out and shaped a physique for her and set Adams heart in his face and reported, "look here boy, and you're total and finished through fact you are able to perceive at the instant are not on my own". Then his head and his heart have been in separate bodies.., then they, lady and male had back mutually in sexual touch to connect in a blood covenant to be "one flesh", as God meant. God would not replace His ideas. Male and male do merely not do the job, or lady and lady. better halves tell husbands who they're.., adult males to adult males or women human beings to women folk human beings is a "lie" of who they actually are. See? that is incorrect through fact that is not "good".., that is queer as in unusual or un-organic or not God's purpose. to not be recommend, merely answering your question. that is not a "feeling'' factor, that is an unique motive factor and that is an aberation of certainty.

2016-11-23 13:00:25 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Great question! I don't have an answer though. Is there a right answer? In the words of that funky tootsie roll commercial, the world may never know.

2006-11-09 07:26:59 · answer #9 · answered by iluvmynotebook 5 · 2 0

Apostles wrote what Jesus taught.
And, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for there sin full sex acts, i.e. Homosexuality.
I really think maybe a little study and prayer will help you better answer that question though.
Everyone interprets the bible differently and as God wants them to see it, (also in the bible) "I will give you knowledge as I think you can handle it"
SO do yourself a favor and study and seek that answer in your own time and you will receive the answer.

2006-11-09 07:28:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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