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Could someone please explain.

2006-11-09 06:47:09 · 30 answers · asked by angelk 3 in Politics & Government Politics

30 answers

its mostly the democrats because they like to pass blame,and also the media because they only give what they want you to believe

2006-11-09 06:50:47 · answer #1 · answered by san_ann68 6 · 3 2

I'm not at all a Bush supporter, but the current President is not the one "responsible" for Katrina, Mother Nature is.

The fact is the Geologist knew back in the late 70's that the levees needed to be reinforced and that the levees could not handle such a catastrophe. I'm not a geologist or an engineer, but I know that New Orleans sits below sea-level and has been "sinking" for a very long time. It seemed pretty obvious to me that something this horrific was bound to happen.

There have been numerous Presidents and Government officials since the late 70's who could have insisted that the levees be repaired/reinforced long ago, but no one did anything about it. Including Mayor Nagen, who is quick to play the race card whenever it suits him. Why didn't HE do anything to protect the city he "loves" so dearly??? As mayor, he is in a position to fight for government funds, but he didn't.

It was easy to blame the current president (Bush) and FEMA because they had the opportunity to do something about it (when no one else did), but they didn't, and they did a very poor job in the pre-planning stages (when everyone knew the hurricane was coming), and did an even worse job once it hit land.

Unfortunately though, the Governmental red tape is still hendering the clean up and progression in New Orleans. For that, I blame George Bush, FEMA and Congress. I understand that there is a "process" for everything, but they should have fought this battle with their hearts and given these people their lives back long ago, instead of blaming this on the process of paperwork.

2006-11-09 17:07:25 · answer #2 · answered by nvjuliet 2 · 0 0

No one but Mother Nature is responsible for Katrina since humans cant very well decide the weather. The damage that Katrina caused cant be blamed on anyone either except for those who live there. Katrina or no Katrina it will all flood again if one of those levees breaks again. And they all know that every year huricanes hit . I know if I had to live there I would be rebuilding my house 2 stories up and on stilts so if it floods again I would stay nice and dry. People blame Bush because they feel there should of been quicker response time for emergency services to get to them . and that aide should of been passed out quicker. If they didnt know or think something like that was going to happen and they live there how would Bush of been able to know what was going to happen so things would of been better prepared. I think the people in that area need to be better prepared or make sure the city officials have better plans.

2006-11-09 15:06:03 · answer #3 · answered by hersheynrey 7 · 0 2

Some people blame President Bush for the mishandeling of Katrina, not the actual hurricane. President Bush as president has an obligation to protect Americans. When he recieved the first phone call about the dire situation in New Orleans, he should have acted immediately instead of waiting for someone to get off their butt to investigate days later. He is the President who has the power to make his own decisions. Katrina proves that George is not worried about the safety of the American people. He wants Iraq. Katrina could have been a way for him to prove his sincerity to the American people, and he blew it big time. His first duty is to his country not his bank account.

2006-11-09 15:02:30 · answer #4 · answered by sicilia 2 · 2 1

They blame the poor FEMA response on Bush since he appointed an unqualified friend to run FEMA rather than someone with experience.

I do not understand how they do not blame the local and state governments which failed even worse in the disaster. Had the corrupt city officials not taken money set aside for rebuilding and maintaining the levees, the floods would never had been as bad. Had the state asked for help once they knew they couldn't handle the disaster instead of waiting two days FEMA could have improved their response.

2006-11-09 14:57:12 · answer #5 · answered by mymadsky 6 · 2 0

Well, New Orleans is a fairly major city in the country he is in control of right? America is advanced scientifically and should be able to build and develop its cities so that they don't get flooded to hell and back... Wasn't there something about the flood walls that should have been sorted out? I suppose the security of American cities is not so impotant to the President, unless it's a terrorist threat right? Looks like nature is a bit more dangerous than all these phantom bombers running around the place.

All these things aside, I think he's being blamed for not caring after the event. Shame there's no oil in New Orleans and Bush obviously isn't a jazz fan.

2006-11-09 15:00:08 · answer #6 · answered by airmonkey1001 4 · 2 1

It's human nature to expect the government to solve any and all problems. It's also human nature to ignore potential problems until they become major problems.

I'd guess we observed a bit of both with Katrina. It's just easy to point a finger at the prez and make accusations.

Same thing happens to Clinton when terrorists attacked us.. what? 3 times? Wasn't his fault.

Now, i spose it could be argued that we experienced 9/11 partly because Clinton's response to previous attacks was.. well.. moderate at best. Not sure about that logic, tho'.

2006-11-09 14:51:59 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

I blame BUSH...not for the hurricane: thats just Nature.

The blame is:

250000 FEMA trailers bought with tax dollars sitting around the nation rotting. While tax dollars pay to store them. And no one lives in 80%.

$1.2 Million dollars to install and support a single trailer for 6 months.. kick back and loss time compensation

The Corps of Engineers--ARMY--
Commander in Chief=Bush
Failed Levees and retaining walls

Millions of dollars wasted on BOGUS contracts to get friends rich

So, i do not blame bush for the hurricane. it is the aftermath. He stood right in front of Jackson square in New Orleans and said...We will re-build New Orleans... never said when or how long. Which now makes sense with his Iraq Policy too.

Keep blowing that smoke, GOP, 2008 we will have a democratic lead government and world peace

2006-11-09 15:09:35 · answer #8 · answered by devilduck74 3 · 1 0

oh try not to be so silly. no one blames Bush for the weather. however when a president chooses to go play guitar at a fund raiser while a major American city drowns it doesn't do much for his reputation. then he denied knowing the how serious the storm was until film footage surfaced of a very detailed and ominous briefing he received. (and yet he still decided to go play guitar at that fund raiser). the cavalier attitude towards the destruction of the Gulf Coast and him lying about the lack of information he was provided doesn't help public confidence.

unless of course one is a neoCONNED. in that case it matters not how incompetent is a leader. as long as you elected him his stupid actions or inactions are totally okay.

2006-11-09 15:27:34 · answer #9 · answered by nebtet 6 · 0 0

Dictator Dumbya is responsible for not doing very much except allowing the chaos to continue long after others in such a position would have helped the people and using the chaos as an opportunity for his cronies to steal with no-bid contracts, ect.
This is not unlike what he did with the Big Lie Iraqi Crusade, except in Iraq, he CREATED the chaos.

2006-11-09 15:15:08 · answer #10 · answered by rhino9joe 5 · 1 0

because they seem to forget that the state leaders have to tell of the federal government if they can come in, the federal government isn't allowed to just come in and do what they want, the governor was an idiot she was super late, and the damn racist mayor hid in a hotel upstate until the catastrophe was over "This will be a chocolate city once again"
research this and you'll find it to be true, i personally think it was the stupid people who lived there and didn't leaves fault, i don't care if your poor, if you live in a bowl and you know a hurricane is coming, ride a bike out of the city!

2006-11-09 15:28:12 · answer #11 · answered by AFwife 2 · 0 0

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