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My family is jewish and i was circumcised at birth. I have since left the jewish faith because i think its crap. I am now permantly mutilated because of what those basterds did too me. i can never forgive my parents for letting it happen. I feel that the best way to hurt them back for hurting me is too kill myself. Then they will suffer.

2006-11-09 06:44:55 · 50 answers · asked by xdfsddfgdfgdfg d 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

50 answers

They actually did you a favor bud....circumcision is much cleaner.... Though your thinking is very unorthodox...

2006-11-09 06:47:40 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 3 4

First of all, slow down… take a deep breath. You have to find out what the real issue is here. Do you feel suicidal or are you just mad? If your trying to kill yourself because of a circumcised pnis, that’s not the answer. Most women prefer a circumcised pnis and it is true that it a cleaner, healthier way. For instance, its easier to keep a circumcised pnis clean, there is a lower risk of penile cancer, some studies indicate that the procedure might offer an additional line of defense against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), particularly HIV, some people also claim that circumcision heightens the sensitivity of the tip of the penis, increasing sexual pleasure later in life, etc. etc. . Plus there are far more problems during sx for the uncircumcised then the circumcised (such as extreme pain when they get an erection, infection from fluids trapped in the foreskin, etc. If you are really set on the fact that you were circumcised you can always try foreskin restoration.
Here are a few sites that deal with it:

Secondly, the real matter at hand is the suicidal thoughts. If you are doing it as a means of punishment for others, I will tell you that it will hurt others but not in they way that you wish it to. They will feel remorse, deep sorrow and possibly regret, but not the kind of painful turmoil that you seem to wish on them. Killing yourself will not solve anything, except that you won’t be around anymore to let them really know how they have hurt you. And what about the other people that care about you, have you considered how you will hurt them? Have you tried confronting your parents. I know this can be very difficult, perhaps it may be easier to talk to a counselor first or even just a friend. My ex-boyfriend was suicidal and I realized that I was the only person he felt comfortable to discuss his feelings with. He would always say that he just wanted to crawl under a rock and stay there. He would hit himself and have erratic outbursts. Four years have past since then and he can’t even fathom the thought now. He found the cause of his pain and was able to overcome it. Do you have a friend that you can confide in, a sister, a brother? If not try a counselor, they at the very least will not judge you for anything you confide in them. Likewise, there are some really great websites to help you on suicide (just google suicide help).

In conclusion, suicide is not something you choose to do; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain. The fact that you chose to write about it here, means that even while you want to die, at the same time some part of you still wants to live. You may have trouble seeing it right now, but there is soooo much to live for. You must find a way to cope with your pain. If the pain is from your religious circumcised background, talk to a doctor about the restoration. Best of Luck, hang in there ; -)

2006-11-09 08:35:34 · answer #2 · answered by Leah D 1 · 2 0

Hey... I know how parents and their hang ups can drive you up the far side of a wall, but look, there is something you can do BESIDES making that ultimate decision. Do you know there is a procedure that can fix that? It has become common practice for men who had the procedure done at birth and now wants it reversed. I will give you back what was taken away. I won't lie to you and say that I understand how your parents decision has affected you as a man, but I do know that they probably didn't do it to injure you purposefully. It's simply a religous thing. You have seperated your self from that. If you hurt yourself, you will not only hurt them, but you will ultimately be cheating yourself out of the possiblility becoming stronger behind this, becoming successful, and having a great happy ever after. The greatest thing you can do right now is find someone to talk through this. Remember the problem can be fixed. Allow yourself the opportunity to grow up and fix it. Good luck

2006-11-09 07:07:38 · answer #3 · answered by annesome 2 · 1 1

If that's your best answer then do it...cause everyone knows that life is only worth living if you have that little piece of skin on your dick....sounds like you make huge scenes out of small bitz, drama is your greatest tool isn't it well I hope your last drama piece gets you the Oscar. I feel sad for your folks for having to have raised a victim maybe if you had more guts in life you would have been able to over come such a horrible disfigurement like that...but wait are there not others who have also had this thing done to them and they still want to live ???? oh well they must all be waiting to kill them selves to... OK so you first......let us know how much better life get when you dead......

2006-11-09 06:57:02 · answer #4 · answered by 4stringthndr 3 · 0 1

First off, if it bothers you so badly, why not look into having a circumcision reversal? Yes, they are capable of doing this. Secondly, you obviously have more anger and resentment built up toward your parents than is healthy. You're contemplating hurting yourself in order to get back at them for something that is commonplace (as of 2003--the most recent stats I could find--60% of all males were circumcised in the United States). Please look into counselling to deal with this anger. YOU don't deserve to be hurt, and neither do your parents.

2006-11-09 07:31:04 · answer #5 · answered by Sithein 3 · 0 1

Now, it is actually a common practice to circumcise boys when they are born at most hospitals and most don't do it because of religion. Some say there are help benefits to it. My Brother-in-law is Christian and he did it a couple of years ago. It wasn't religious he just decided to get it done. YOu are lucky in some ways because if you hadn't been circumcised as a child and had to do it as an adult, you wouldn't want to go through that pain. Killing yourself would hurt them much more than what they did to you hurts you. You've never had foreskin so you ain't missing anything. I have never been circumsized but I want to but I am scared of the pain. I wouldn't be able to get hard until I healed and I can't control that. Trust me you wouldn't want that pain.

2006-11-09 06:55:19 · answer #6 · answered by sweet_caring_teddybear 1 · 1 2

I'm sorry you feel like you're permantently mutilated but, killing yourself isn't the right answer. If you think about it, society doesn't see it as mutilation so you have no fears of becoming an outcast. If you want to get back at your family, move out and never speak to them again.
If you do move out, and actually with whatever you decide, find a counselor you can talk to and actually try to talk to them. It will help, I promise.

2006-11-09 06:53:20 · answer #7 · answered by irishgypsy88 2 · 1 1

shh its okay to be circumsized, unloess you were a bit older and felt the painand all. alot of men are circumsized especailly in the jewish community and other religions practice it too. you are not the only one. the only thing you can do is to forgive them. this have must have happened a long time ago. you are not mutilated, most women prefer men who are circumsized.

it was purely your chois to leave the religion. you did what you think is best. but you know killing yourself will not resolve any of the issues you are facing right now. i feel liek dting 2 right now, im 19 and 2 days ago my first boyfriend (of 2 years) told me he doesnt love me anymore........you can make it through this. i will make it through this. i wish i could fall asleep and not wake up, i wanted to marry him in a few years and he told me the same thing then this happens, shi t happens.
but killing yourself will not make anything better. please do not harm yourself you will oly regret it in the long run. im sure you are a nice intelligent man and you are smarter than to go off and kill yourself. the only thing you can do is talk to them and forgive them. get rid of your grudges they are ot healthy for you to keep..

good luck, please be safe, things iwll get better with time.

2006-11-09 07:39:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Life is a gift from God.
What your parents did was not out of bad intentions.
When they did they thought they were doing good.
We can not blame parents for mistakes, because we all do them.
Nobody is perfect.
U still can function as a man. Being circumcized is nothing bad.
Think of it this way u stay cleaner, than if u still had the extra skin.
That is all that is. Also it's better than getting it done as an adult due to infections.
So this is not such a catastrophy.
Don't take life for granted.
U are free to enjoy life and make the best of it.
Don't stress about your loins, u can still use and be fruitful.
Someday a good woman will enjoy u as u are.
Be Blessed.

2006-11-09 06:52:15 · answer #9 · answered by Curious 2 · 1 3

Wrong answer! No No No, never will I or would I say, do it! Life is the best thing we have on earth. Why would you take that away from yourself. Your family is living they're life and what do you think is going to happen when you are gone.... Baby life goes on... so wait and just do what you have to do to make your life happy and safe for you and now that you know don't let it happen to your own child. Most of all sit them down and speak with them to give them an idea of how you feel.! But killing or hurting yourself in any shape, form or fashion just do not make sense to me. I guess I just love myself way to much.

2006-11-09 06:52:12 · answer #10 · answered by ressie re 2 · 1 2

First off, please, please, please seek professional counseling at once! Secondly, killing yourself will hurt you more than it will hurt your family and it's a pretty drastic response to having been circumcised. Thirdly, circumcision is routinely done in many cultures outside of the Jewish faith; in the United States it's considered "odd" to be uncircumcised. While I, as a woman, have no preference in this matter, I know many women who are turned off by an uncircumcised penis. So perhaps you can try not viewing it as mutilation and instead view it as cosmetic surgery. Trust me, I am not trying to belittle your feelings of betrayal, but I suspect your issues run much deeper than this. So, to repeat my first statement, please, please, please seek professional counseling. Good luck to you.

2006-11-09 06:52:33 · answer #11 · answered by fyrfly 3 · 1 2

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