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does anyone else believe theres life other than us(americans need not reply as we require answers of a certain degree of minute intelligence)??

2006-11-09 06:44:04 · 35 answers · asked by TheLizardKing 3 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

35 answers

The concept of "beyond space" is flawed; space-time has no beyond for there to be anything in at all. Our limited perception of the stuff around us in three dimensions leads us to imagine the universe or even all of space as some giant sphere or disc of matter floating in space, but really, space and time being the same thing mean that our universe and all within it is everything we can perceive, full stop. Ergo, there is no inside to be outside of.

either that or its turtles all the way down :-)

2006-11-09 07:02:40 · answer #1 · answered by jj 2 · 1 0

Are you serious???

Please post questions with "minute intelligence"...

Besides your obvious grammatical errors, which I'll assume for your sake are intended, your sentence doesn't make any sense. First of all, try to be more exact. "Does anyone else believe..." If you are hoping for a neutral response try not to throw in your own opinion right off the bat. Second, "Life other than us" certainly does exist; have you ever seen a dog, maybe a kitty cat? If you have then you should know by now that other life besides "us" does in fact exist; perhaps your meant "intelligent" or "cognate" life. Third, your question "what's beyond space" in no way correlates to your other question "is there "intelligent" life other than us (humans)".

I'd continue but I need to get back to work. Really I just wanted to say that before you can deem millions of people as non-intelligent you have to be able to use better language, grammer, and logic than every single one of them.

Maybe the real question you should be asking is "How can we overcome cultural and political barriers in order to create a more pleasent and free society?" instead of proliferating an opinion that is obviously wrong and from which no good could occur.

From your grammer you sound very young, probably younger than 16. That should give the world hope that by the time you machure you will look at people, cultures, and nations from a different, more enlightened point of view.

Dig into those books a little more and don't get dragged into the first opinion you see which is almost always the most negative one.

Wait a second... why are you posting on a web site that I believe was created by a stupid American? Not sure on that one, but at least I'll take the time to look it up right after I post this.

2006-11-09 07:19:20 · answer #2 · answered by Kirk H 2 · 1 0

Apparently beyond space there's nothing. Time and Space and thus reality doesn't exist beyond the universe and so beyond the universe there's not just nothing, there's even the concept that 'nothing' exists. Of course, that's just based on theories and calculations made from our own terrestrial bound selves so who knows what's true. Only way to find out would be to go there and try and take a look.

As for life on other planets, that all depends of what you believe.
I think there is probably life on other planets of a type. But if you mean intelligent life, well. That's a trickier question. The odds of our solar system having a planet of the right composition (ir rock, not gas gaints as most systems that have been found to have planets seem to have at our range) and distance from the sun to be able to support life. Add to that the odds of our planets having the proper atmosphere and everything else for life and not being a barren rock like Mars and the odss are already small, but nowhere near impossible. However, add to that the chances they worked out of intelligent life having appeared on our planet, and suddenly the odds are almost infinitessimal. So small that there was almost certainly no chance of other intelligent life in our galaxy at least.

Which then raised the question of whether you could believe in Natural Selection as the sole reason of intelligent life AND life on other worlds. Just a thought

2006-11-09 07:12:22 · answer #3 · answered by RandomlyPredictive 2 · 0 0

Now what makes you think that Americans have no intelligence? Remember Bush was appointed the first time. Obviously your question is based on what? Is there life out there? Or is there space beyond the Universe?
If there is life the equation of 1000 possibilities per 40 thousand light years has been used. Given that summation 40 light years is a long way to go to meet another person on another planet. At least not by the speed of light. Considering they may not be able to travel this fast and they have a limited life expectancy the odds are slim we will ever meet anyone.
As far as space in the expanding universe there may be other universes.
Oh remember it was a stupid American that made it possible for your arrogant self to use this thing called the Internet. Bill Gates ring a bell?

2006-11-09 07:05:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dude, that's harsh (about us Americans). Well to tell you the truth, I believe there is life other than us. It's all around us. Life. The birds, the bees, trees and so forth. But if you mean life other than on this planet, then yes I believe. I believe in the Drake Equation. This equation is closesly related to the Fermi Paradox. The extreme age of the universe and its vast number of stars suggest that extraterrestrial life should be common. Considering this with colleagues over lunch in 1950, the physicist Enrico Fermi is said to have asked: "Where are they?" Fermi questioned why, if a multitude of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations exist in the Milky Way galaxy, evidence such as probes, spacecraft or radio transmissions has not been found. The simple question "Where are they?" (alternatively, "Where is everybody?") is possibly apocryphal, but Fermi is widely credited with simplifying and clarifying the problem of the probability of extraterrestrial life.

2006-11-09 06:50:30 · answer #5 · answered by gleemonex69 3 · 2 0

ok, only one person here realised that space is infinate, adn therefore there is nothing beyond it. please help me.

secondly i believe there is life out there dont know what sort or if its inteligent. you are forgetting another thing thought, you all says that there are billions of starts adn palnets out there and we would be stupid to assume were the only ones here, but did you ever think about the probability that life could exist on this planet, that quite easily brings the numbers down with a thud, also there is this little thing with probability as someone mentioned. if there is life out there then it is most likly close enought for us to oneday reach. funny things happen with randomness adn usuallly randome instances come in bundles.

oh and that guy, hahah ' frack you' haha too much battlestar galactica i think.

would also like to say that there may be other dimentions as the girl said many of me, but there may also be other timescapes, this is where things life at different time 'speed' to us, a whole universe somewhere may have been borne bread life and died in the few seconds i took typing this. there are enless posabilities.

a final word.

i have to congratulate you on this question as you have caught so many minds adn its those minds tht will eventually get us to meet the aliens and other life out there. keep asking cool questions!!!

2006-11-09 09:28:43 · answer #6 · answered by origamix60 3 · 0 0

Why are you saying American are not intelligent? I am from America, and I am not stupid! I do believe that there is life on other planets. Some planets could even have intelligent life. Beyond space is probably more universes and maybe heaven.

2006-11-09 06:59:24 · answer #7 · answered by bldudas 4 · 0 0

space is so big that i think humans would be pretty arrogant to think that out of all the billions of planets and galaxies the only place life can exist is our earth.
tho i dont think that we'll ever meet any life form cuz it would take years to get as far as the next solar system and the fuel costs would be astronomical. nearly £1/litre now, even the US government couldnt afford it. and wormhole travel is a well risky deal considering that anything with mass going through it could close it and either get swallowed up or lost in the other side.

2006-11-09 07:00:33 · answer #8 · answered by Mark H 2 · 0 0

There is a very high possibility that there is life beyond earth, actually there may be life in our own solar system. One of Jupiter's moons is an icy moon and under that ice scientists believe there may be water that is able to suspend life. Oh and what's beyond space?, well it could be a series of universes which scientists have come to call the multiverse.

2006-11-09 07:46:37 · answer #9 · answered by Tyler Colby-Wolter 1 · 0 0

Of course there is life. Statistically, considering the number of suns with planets, and the number of other galaxies besides our own, there has to be. Carl Sagan showed an equation that was a hypothetical number of inhabitable planets (like our own) that would have life on it in our Milky Way: the number was about ten. Larger galaxies would have a higher number statistically, but this number would be mitigated by how old the galaxy is, the size of its central super massive black hole, etc.
As for life, all life on our world has DNA. Now try to follow this: DNA's structure is rigidly controlled by a set of biochemical laws. Evolution will drive DNA to eventually become us under similar conditions as we have; older civilizations will still be humanoid, evolving and evolving past our homo sapiens unto a form--and this is my guess--like the aliens you see on the Sci Fi channel, you know, the likeness of Rosewell aliens. Time will tell.

2006-11-09 07:02:32 · answer #10 · answered by kellenraid 6 · 1 0

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