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Are you glad that all but 1 state that had the "gay marriage" issue On tuesdays ballot rejected it? Personally I'm Elated even thouge I'm sure sooner or later it will fly.

2006-11-09 06:04:52 · 14 answers · asked by don 6 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Sorry I mispelled "though".

2006-11-09 06:06:15 · update #1

14 answers

It was interesting to see that 7 out of 8 states banned gay marriage, and the 8th simply didn't care from the voter turn out. It appears that the gay agenda is nowhere near as popular as the gay community thought.

2006-11-09 06:11:55 · answer #1 · answered by georgeewert 1 · 2 8

This is such a ridiculous issue!

I can't believe that a religious issue is even being considered as an amendment to the Constitution....it's an outrage....I'm not even gay and I'm pissed off about it. Our constitution is being abused...and anyone who says that these restrictions aren't motivated by religious beliefs are kidding themselves.

Many people in this country are treating gays like blacks were treated before civil rights...like they're some sort of subspecies...sometimes I'm surprised gays are even aloud to vote in this country....and believe me, there are people in this country that would ban that too if they could.

I think sex between two men is absolutely disgusting!...but that doesn't mean I have the right to prevent it, or even that I want to prevent someone else from doing something that harms no one. It's the same as gay marriage...it hurts no one.

Some people say it would allow gays to reap benefits that they don't deserve because they would get married just for the sake of the benefits....

...that argument is completely bogus, because many straight people have already been doing that for years...it should be an issue of how to prevent people from abusing marriage, not restricting people from getting married because they might abuse it.

I see no validity to the laws...I can't think of one benefit created from them.

I'm very interested in any intelligent information on how anti-gay laws are beneficial to anyone.

2006-11-10 17:03:59 · answer #2 · answered by will771m 2 · 0 0

You are entitled to your opinions but here's my take on this. I find it pathetic that the government is using Christianity and morals as a convenient battle weapon. The Constitution separates church from state, does it not? So why then is Christianity and religion being brought into politics? It's because it's a matter of convenience! Folks hollered and yelled about keeping God out of the school systems, Courts, and government offices and yet here they are doing the one thing that so many people have hollered about! Christianity has been brought into the whole gay marriage thing when in all reality it should be about equal rights. Christianity and morals have been used as a convenience and NOT because of what someone truely believes in their heart. It's pathetic.

2006-11-09 16:11:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why would anyone be glad to see bigotry thrive and spread like a virus? The world has been here how many billions of years now? Christianity has been around a little over 2000 years. The US has been here only 230 years. It is ironic that a lot of heterosexuals are afraid of seeing gay marriage succeed, when over 50% of heterosexual marriages fail. How many gay parents have you ever heard of drowning, torturing, or beating their kids to death? But I do agree with you on one point, it's just a matter of time. Bigotry and ignorance sometime take generations to die out. It is nice, however, to see that it (ignorance and bigotry) is indeed riddled with cancer.

2006-11-10 12:10:49 · answer #4 · answered by deLaParre 3 · 1 0

Marriage is a made up thing that should not be governed by people who don't think that EVERYONE should have the right to do it. You should just be happy that people are able to love one another in the way that people who want to marry do. How would the marriage between my girlfriend and affect the marriage of a man and woman? It's not going to- not any more than our life together as a "committed partnership" does now?

2006-11-09 14:41:00 · answer #5 · answered by iluvmynotebook 5 · 4 0

No matter how I look at it, I can't see where gay marriage is an affront or a threat to my traditional marriage and I wholeheartedly support it.

Here in Vermont, we couldn't quite get "Gay Marriage" approved by the legislature, but we did get "Civil Unions" passed which is still a much better deal than we had to offer gays and lesbians before...and certainly better than most other states had to offer at the time.

I simply cannot fault a couple -- no matter what their sexual orientation -- for choosing to commit completely and wholeheartedly to each other. What the hell could possibly be wrong with THAT?!

2006-11-09 15:02:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't see how my getting married to my 'husband' of 16 years will hurt you, or anyone else for that matter. I don't want to hurt religion, I would never consider getting married in a church that did not support gay marriage and I don't want to walk down the isle in a dress.

I do want a civil union that grants me the same rights any other married couple. I want to be guaranteed to not be ejected from the hospital should my spouse get sick, I want to include him on my health insurance, I want to file joint taxes. I want our home to be our property.

I need to state for the record that fortunately my husband and I are educated and financially secure enough to have already provided for all of these and any other items that may arise. We have wills, powers of attorneys, medical power of attorney and living wills all prepared. However, it would have been nicer for the state to recognize our union in 1992 when we said our voes in front of our friends and family.

I do not want to infringe upon your rights, I just don't want mine limited.

Marriage is a union between two people who love one another. Life is difficult enough, when ANY two people are in love and have the courage to say "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" that vow should be honored.

2006-11-09 17:21:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Gay marriage may be not right and nasty and all but it should be their choice if they want to get married. Just because you're straight doesn't give you more privelages over gays. Plus the whole thing about the bible saying homosexuality being wrong and therefore marriage among gays should be illegal is just bogus. There is a thing called seperation between church and state. if gays want to get married let them if the church doesn't like that then the church could make it illegal so they could just go to court and get married and not be honored in the church that's all.

2006-11-09 15:18:05 · answer #8 · answered by laughinggerbil 2 · 2 1

I think you should recheck your facts before you go up against us intelligent professional gays. The "gay marriage" issue was a gay marriage ban, which was APPROVED in all but one state. I'm glad that I'm from NJ, where gay marriage will soon be legal rather than where you are from.

2006-11-09 14:24:19 · answer #9 · answered by Wanderer 4 · 5 2

Yeah, but the new governor of Massachusetts has promised to overturn the law against out-of-staters getting married there, and New York's new governor will recognize same-sex marriages and union that are legally contracted in other areas. So within months, my wife and I--we live in New York--will be legally married again!

Oh, and your spelling is the very least of your problems.

2006-11-09 14:28:56 · answer #10 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 5 2

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