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23 answers

of course not, people come up with wacko stories such as the one your teacher told you every day. People thought the world was going to end on 6-6-06 but it did not. don't worry you will hear people say things like that many more times in your life.

2006-11-09 07:49:14 · answer #1 · answered by Sean F 1 · 1 0

acutally, i asked this question once. this was the answer i got :
It's not a doomsday prophecy - that's americanization at it's best. No where does it say the world will end and everyone will die. All the mayan information states it talk about the solar system - you know how we keep track of years by how the world rotates around the sun? Like, when the world is at one point in the rotation it's january and when it's another part it's august?

Well, the Mayans had 3 calendars - one for our world, one for the solar system and one for the galaxy we live in. Each calendar had a "year" so to speak - and when the first calendar ended, the world had revolved around the sun. When the second calendar had ended, the solar system had revolved around the galaxy. When the third calendar ends (which takes some ungodly amount of regular earth years, in the hundred thousands) - the galaxy is at the very beggining.

Except - you know how the earth tilts back and forth and thats' how we get seasons?

The galaxy, and solar system, also tilt back and forth in space.

The only thing the 2012 Dec 26 date, the Mayans said: was that this will be the date that the earth, solar system, and galaxy, will all be perfectly at 90 degrees to each other, and every single one of them will be at the "beggining of their next rotation."

It was a funny coincidence, and they stopped their calendar there because they probably figured that hey - since that's the "end of the calendar" well just wait till we get there or close enough before we do the next one.

The Mayans were extremely great mathematicians - people today still cry that all their information was lost, because we are still trying to catch up to what they knew. Except, because they didn't have printing presses and such, this calendar took years of math, obersvation, and literally hundreds of people to note the information. It was a massive project, on par with the Egyptian Pyramids.

So yeah, they probably stopped when they got to a good point.

They did say one thing though: that "human kind will return to nature" at the beggining of the new calendar. Wether they meant that we should, or will, who knows. Their advanced math was creepy in the sense that - like I said - we still haven't gotten as advanced as they were.

Maybe they knew things we don't.

2006-11-09 05:53:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

There have been people throughout history that have been so-called visionaries that predicted such gloom and doom.
Some of them "heard the voice of God" that said the end is near, so they make a sign, fasten it to a stick, and parade around showing people that "The end is near". But evidently the message was not what they thought, because nothing happened and old "Mother Earth" and us are still here.
There is no need to be scared. Being scared won't change anything, but you know that already, still it is a really difficult subject to deal with.
We surely don't know when the world will end. From what the best scientists can figure out, you have nothing to worry about.
We all will have been dead a very long time before the "world" ends.

2006-11-09 06:48:36 · answer #3 · answered by Gnome 6 · 1 0

Well, it all depends on what you mean by "the wolrd is going to end"? To the Mayans, when Cortez engaged them in war and he won, that was the end of the Mayan world. And speaking of Mayan, that date is a corrolation in the Mayan calander. The Mayan calander does not go beyond this date and many have thought that this is of some significance. How absurd. If you believed that the world was going to end when you heard about the Y2K bug, then you can buy the 2012 story. Might as well believe the Y2K38 UNIX bug will also mark the end of the world.

2006-11-09 06:44:42 · answer #4 · answered by gleemonex69 3 · 1 0

No, that is not true. There is a Maya calendar that ends on that date, but it is just a calendar written by a long dead civilization and based on religious beliefs which most people would consider as pagan and which have nothing to do with us or the real world.

And SHAME on your teacher for scaring you like that! Kids trust their teachers and any teacher who tells a kid that the world will end and we will all die in a few years should not be allowed to teach!

2006-11-09 06:06:20 · answer #5 · answered by campbelp2002 7 · 1 0

Your teacher is irresponsible and an idiot. The end of the world has been predicted for centuries. A friend in high school was so scared he almost killed himself. His mom, a Baptitst, said she "ran the numbers and dates" from the bible and predicted a date in 1979, the world would end. Don't worry about the end of the world. Worry about "Real" things that you can control and live a happy life.

2006-11-09 05:55:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

How can the world end in six years? The world will not end until the sun expands to the point were it engulfs Earth. This will not happen for at least another 4 billion years. Humanity can wipe itself out by doing stupid things, but the world will not end all because humans are not here.

2006-11-09 06:47:07 · answer #7 · answered by bldudas 4 · 1 0

I am not trying to frighten anyone, but technically the world could end anytime, with nuclear war or an asteroid impact. If those don't happen then the world will not end until it's core burns out or the sun burns out, and unless you live for another 40 billion years you won't be around to see it.

2006-11-09 07:53:35 · answer #8 · answered by Tyler Colby-Wolter 1 · 1 0

Kid, your teacher must have meant that some climatic changes are going to be visible as extinction of some animal species, rising of world temp., affects in plant life etc. might take place.
But, the world will not come to an end so soon. Don't worry, sugar.

2006-11-09 05:58:56 · answer #9 · answered by Himalayan Mystic 3 · 1 0

Is she writing out her will? If so, why?
End of the world predictions are evergreen, usually the end is predicted to occur after the prognosticator is old enough to assume he/she is going to be dead. The remaining followers then announce that they have miscalculated and announce another new, improved end of the world date. One not to close to the here and now.
How silly.

2006-11-09 06:18:27 · answer #10 · answered by justa 7 · 2 0

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