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You created me that way? No, he won't take that because he didn't create 2 women or 2 men if he did you and I wouldn't be here today. I'm not preaching anyone, but I just want to remind you beginning with myself that one day like today we will stand before God.
I will stand before God. She/he will stand before God.
You will stand before God.
We will stand before God. They will stand before God. Yes, Yes, Yes.

2006-11-09 05:17:47 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

25 answers

I suggest that you read "What the Bible REALLY Says About Homosexuality" by Joseph A. Helminiak. And remember, "minds and parachutes function best when they are OPEN!"

2006-11-09 05:23:22 · answer #1 · answered by dmspartan2000 5 · 8 4

I left my faith in my different pants? Made me chortle Dr. Pepper out my nostril in this one. If there somewhat is a god or goddess and a judgment day and a heaven and a hell, then this factor, god will probable comprehend all approximately me and that i can't would desire to make any excuses for how and why I lived the way I did. it is going to comprehend my motives and my certainty and that i'm no longer nervous approximately it interior the least. At that element it's going to be too previous as a results of Haber an more desirable previous, only like immediately is. If, on the different hand, that i'm ideal, and once you die, and that firs shovelful of dirt hits you interior the face, you will no longer sense it, you will no longer have a suggestions to go through or difficulty, and no immortal soul travelling around in area searching for a stable time and a golden staircase. What if we are the two incorrect and the international somewhat is turtles each and each of how down, then what? Who can say what dying is like without making something up? no one. i'm no longer nervous approximately my selections and my ideas, so which you will relax now, and shield your guy or woman suggestions and coronary heart.

2016-10-21 13:16:07 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

What will your excuse be for preaching hatred, bigotry, discrimination and therefore violence against LGBT people? I certainly hope you don't have the gall to call yourself a 'christian.' A more appropriate label would be 'hypocrite.'

God made me exactly as I am, and God doesn't make junk!

I can't wait to stand next to you before God, when he starts reading the list of His children that you defamed and denigrated. I'll wave to you as you take the down escalator.

2006-11-09 08:12:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

OK why is this such an issue for you?
You where born straight and you choose to live according to the dictates of how God made you.
You do not know how it is to be homosexual you can not say what is in our hearts only God knows that. So why are you here trying to torment us. You are attacking us for something you do not know anything about.
You need to ask yourself why you feel the need to persecute others.
God made me this way I fought it for 40 years I am a Christian and a father, a husband and a son. You are judging me based on who I am attracted to, who I love. you are judging me as a sinner just because I love a man. You are not a Christian. Not by your actions. You may be religious but your actions of judgment are not that of a Christian.
I will pray for you.

Also when I stand before God he will judge me not you. I will tell him I have no excuse for my sins but that his son is my savior and my lord and I do believe that will be the end of it.

2006-11-09 07:00:37 · answer #4 · answered by ♂ Randy W. ♂ 6 · 3 3

When I stand before God, I will not have any excuse. I will have to accept full responsibility for the choices I made in life, and I will have to accept whatever judgment He decides to pass on me. You will have to do the same.

Jesus said the two greatest commandments on which hang all the Law and the Prophets are,

"Love the Lord your god with all your heart."


"Love your neigbor as yourself".

I have done those two things to the best of my ability, so I don't believe God will damn me. I have flaws the same as everyone else, but sin is all the same in God's eyes. The apostle Paul addressed homosexuality as a guideline for a specific church in one of his letters. Jesus did not. Yet so many Christians continue to believe that homosexuality, if indeed it is a sin (I believe ALL promiscuous lifestyles are, not someone's orientation) is somehow worse than any other sin. Sad.

What sins will you have to answer for?

Is this "question" of yours an example of "Loving your neighbor as yourself"?

Yes, yes, yes, YOU too will stand before God, and I wouldn't want to be in your shoes when He addresses the second of His greatest comandments. "Did you love your neighbor as yourself?"

So, what will YOUR excuse be?

2006-11-09 05:54:01 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 7 2

Your funny, we are all glad that you believe in god. Some just don't, but if I answer your silly question, I imagine he will hug me and thank me for being such a loving person. Then he will look at you wondering why you didn't mind your own business and frown at your judgment. Oh and just so you know God didn't write the bible, just an FYI.

2006-11-09 06:42:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Actually, no. We won't stand before a god of any kind. Sorry to burst your bubble, but 'judgement day' doesn't exist and never will.

My advice is that you stop living for an afterlife and focus more on the life you're making for yourself and others, right here, right now.

What I'm saying is that you don't have to wait to die to be judged. You're being judged right now, at this very moment.

2006-11-09 05:38:00 · answer #7 · answered by Todd 3 · 5 3

Well, I don't know 'bout anyone else, and if it were to happen, the Guy with the Beard in the Sky would have trouble with me not for my sexual preference, but for religious practices. And the fact that I don't condemn people with sexual preferences different from mine, or religions different from mine.

But I'll say "I refused to play cards with you because you STACKED THE DECK. What's YOUR excuse for having done that?"

Of course, I really don't worry about it, because I expect to be in the Summerlands for however long I want to be before I choose to come back to this green and beautiful planet again, to fight to keep it that way.

2006-11-09 05:59:45 · answer #8 · answered by Praise Singer 6 · 2 3

I am wondering what will be YOUR excuse? Policeman of the universe? whatever happen to the Christian saying, "Judge not lest ye be judged?" I guess that is too much to ask of a self-righteous thumper like you, eh? Now, run back to church and pray for my soul.

2006-11-09 06:36:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Sweetheart, we are not all Christians on this planet.

We do not all believe in the literal truth of the Bible.

We do not all belive in the story of Adam and Eve.

Quite a large number of people on this planet are taught that God DOES INDEED cause some people to be born homosexuals.

Keep in mind dear:

"Let he who is WITHOUT sin cast the first stone."


"Judge not, lest ye be judged."

Remember those? They are in the Bible. It's not your job to tell other people how to live their lives.

Once again from the Bible:

"'Vengance is MINE' sayeth the LORD"

Not yours dearie, the LORD'S.

2006-11-09 05:38:11 · answer #10 · answered by devil_bunny_99 3 · 8 3

Hey there PREACHER, I admire your courage to come into a 'gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered area' of this site, to poise your question.

Tell me preacher, what God, takes away a child when he is sick. Healing that child to become a great individual to the loving parents who await to help this child grow up, would bring back the 'joy' of life, but no, instead those same parents mourn the death of their child. It's hard to believe in a God like this!

Tell me preacher, what God allows his so-called men-of-the-cloth, such as 'Bishops, Clergymen, Deacons, and priests' to fondle and molest young children in the name of their God? Peadophilia should not start from a place which is supposed to be sanctioned as a 'safe-haven' for all who believe - tell me now, believe what? This makes it very difficult to believe in a God like this!

Tell me also preacher, what God causes poverty, famine, hunger, holy wars, all for the good of those who have money to survive? If you don't have the money for medicine, food, or even a bomb-shelter you are condemned to death - This is one God I'm willing to forget if he allows this to happen.

Tell me also preacher, does this same God tell you to come into these areas of chat/question sites to dictate what should be, and what should not be? It was my impression, that religion should be a 'freedom' of expression? I mean that we should be able to pray and fellowship among others freely without being judged for who or what we are. Now this is one God I would consider avoiding.

I tell you preacher, these are only a few topics off the top of my head, only to remind me that you are nothing but a bigot in your own mind. I would be willing to bet that your God doesn't even know you are doing this does he? I'd also be willing to bet that your God doesn't even care! With people like yourself, ipreaching this garbage, I ask is there any wonder many people 'choose' NOT to believe?

Here's my thought preacher, Instead of trying to get others to believe WHAT YOU BELIEVE and instead of what your God has taught you, try being your own person first, rather than being a 'lost sheep' who wandered into the wrong flock. Try not to get others to be like you, cause preacher, it's tiresome when people like you come into these areas. Honestly it is especially when you are supposed to have an 'opened-mind' about life and people. JUDGE NOT THAT YE MAY BE JUDGED!

Put that in your bible or whatever propoganda you are reading and read it over and over until you believe it.

Have a great day, and remember, even homosexuals know how to love and pray. After all, according to popular hetero belief, its all they do is be on their knees - wink.


2006-11-09 06:55:51 · answer #11 · answered by bga 3 · 3 4

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