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Members of the homosexual community are determine to spread and grow their perverted politics, philosophies, and belief system. I have found them to be aggressive, disrespective, and preditory.

2006-11-09 05:02:41 · 8 answers · asked by Billy D 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

8 answers

I belive that respect is the ultimate key to all. How you are at night has nothing to do with what u do in the day.. but some people cant seperate those 2 things-

2006-11-09 05:06:45 · answer #1 · answered by jrzy 1 · 1 0

I think they should and I'm a straight woman who is happily married. Who are we to decide who can love each other and who can't? Why should we feel like we have the right to deny another HUMAN BEING the right to love and marriage and sharing your life completly with a person. We're just not in that position at all, neither is our president, our churchs, or any other ignorant, unfeeling person in the world. In my opinion it is those that deny love that have yet to truly feel it. Because if you had felt it you would agree that everyone DESERVES to feel it. You know during the holocaust people denied Jews from marrying Germans which cause of someone unseen difference that certain, and I use this term lightly, "people", thought they saw. Now if we were to see that happening we would say it was RACIST, right? So tell me logically, without using any of the Bible BS, and by the way I am Christian, so please please don't prech to me about what a not good Believer I am, I KNOW God accepts me still, anyways so tell me why is it worng for two people who love each other to be married and open and happy about it?

2006-11-09 13:16:13 · answer #2 · answered by PoTown 1 · 1 1

Not so sure about marriage but it seems there should be some legal commitment the two can make that would give them some rights as a couple. It isnt up to the government to rule what people do in the bedroom

2006-11-09 13:07:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Every adult has the right to do with his body whatever he wishes. And two conscenting adults have the right to live together any way they wish. Why are you so threatened?????? Your judgement that it is perverted is your own opinion. I'm not gay or lesbian, but I have friends who are....... And I doubt that you have found gay men aggressive, disrespectful nor predatory. Think you yourself are fearful that you may indeed be gay....Lots of gay bashers are.......

2006-11-09 13:07:26 · answer #4 · answered by April 6 · 1 0

What would you say if the world decided to make every person with blonde or red hair a slave for people with dark brown or black hair?

“First, they came for the Jews.
I was not a Jew, so I did nothing.
Next, they came for the blacks.
I was not black, so I did nothing.
Then, they came for the gays.
I was not gay, so I did nothing.
Now they are coming for me,
And there’s no one left to help me.”

It sounds to me like you are what is known as a homophobe - someone who fears/hates homosexual people (I'm taking this to mean both males and females) without knowing them as people, just because of something they can't help. Like being racist because you don't like black skin, white skin or thin eyes.

I'm not telling you to stop your belief system, I'm only asking you to consider a few other factors here before you go on about how disgusting it is to be different than what you believe to be "true", "correct", "right".

First; People who are born different (race, handicapped, gay/bi, etc.) don't choose this, remember. No child wants to go through junior high school and worse yet - high school knowing that he/she is different from everyone else. An outcast amongst one's peers is how I've heard it described. I don't know anyone that really wants to be hated by people who have never met him/her.
Second; it actually sounds to me that you are living in or are hanging around a primarily gay area. Most cultures tend to express their cultural beliefs with greater detail and exuberance when in close proximity with a group of peers who share the same culture. You've probably heard of China Town, for instance. And there are other areas where cultures/races congregate and thrive! If you were living in, say, Beverly Hills or just about anywhere in the mid-west, it's more likely you would realize that not all gay people are out and blatant about their sexuality.

A woman friend of mine mentioned to me once, "When I go to a bar, I don't walk up and introduce myself with, 'Hi. My name is Linda and I'm gay.’ just as I wouldn't expect you to walk into a bar and introduce yourself with, 'Hi. My name's Steve and I'm straight.’ It just doesn't make any sense to tell someone something intimate and personal if you just want to talk to them."

There is a bit of nature vs. nurture that does come into play with a gay person, though. Being born gay is one thing. That's nature. How you deal with it is nurture... if you would be chastised for it, you're more likely going to remain in the closet. You probably know quite a number of gay or bisexual people practicing their preference and you don't even know it. If, however, you live in an environment where people love others for who they are, as opposed to hating them for what they are, you're more likely to be out and won't feel the need to hide who you are from the rest of society - from people like you.

As for spreading and growing "perverted politics, philosophies, and belief system", I think you are in need of counseling here. Regardless of what you may have heard, a gay woman cannot corrupt or recruit your daughter to become gay. This is biological in nature, I'm afraid. Sorry, you'll never be able to change this.

- Homosexual people are never going to go away.
- Homosexual families are still a blessing of love to the children.
- Homosexual marriage can be called whatever the lawmakers want to call it. It still boils down to equality for everyone, not just the religious crusaders. Marriage used to be a religious ceremony until the governments got involved. Everyone wants a piece of the action. The government is not a religious organization (or didn't used to be). The separation of church and state is long gone. It's now no longer a matter of religious beliefs, it's a matter of civil liberties, oppression, and it's illegal under almost every country's bi-laws.

2006-11-09 13:34:40 · answer #5 · answered by stevegoryan 3 · 0 0

Are you sure you are not confusing homosexuals with televangelists and priests?

2006-11-09 13:21:20 · answer #6 · answered by Wounded duckmate 6 · 0 0

No. Penis's belong in vagina's. Just because it fits in to other holes doesnt make it right.....

2006-11-09 13:13:50 · answer #7 · answered by HonestGuy 2 · 0 2

HELL NAW THAT'S **** IS NASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-09 13:04:57 · answer #8 · answered by Tori 2 · 0 1

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