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23 answers

it wont happen there will be another staged attack in the U.S then they will impose martial law in which executive orders alow FEMA to take control of america under the scratch of the presidents pen if there is international tension or a financial crisis(the american economy is falling aprt a nobel prize winning ex world bank chief came out and said the U.S economy will be in deep trouble in the next 24 months or even crumble),they have built 800 prisons in which FEMA are in control of and can hold 20.000 people in each yet empty and guarded 24/7.under martial law they will take all the people that publicly are against the government and the people that have already been documented by the state ,then they will draft the people and invade world wide ,you only have to look back into history to realise whats going on if people dont wake up its game over.So no knowone will apologise because bush and his demonic frekshow of people around him will control how this history is told.

these links are a starting point for anyone to actually look into whats going on:

2 min film makes a powerful point

terrorstorm:a history of government sponsored terrorism

2006-11-09 06:08:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

This is a tough one to answer. You cant even try to consider what hes done wrong, try to find one thing that hes improved !!!

1.He made an inherited surplus into record shattering yearly defecits, this doesnt even include the cost of the war thats a seperate budget, because of this the National debt has skyrocketed to over 8 trillion dollars, thats 8,000,000,000,000!!!
. No one under 30 gets his tax cut because the Govt has to borrow your money to pay you.80% of all new debt is bought by countries like Saudia Arabia and Communist China
This Govt overspends the budget by 2 billion dollars a day

2.He claims that hes making us safer even tho our own US intelligance reports, let us know how his polocies are actually having the reverse affects. Hes alienated us from allies, if he was smart there would be Muslims catching Muslim terrorists. Put us at War where Terrorists werent. And made us less safe at home, 4000 less Cops and Firemen work in NYC then did on 9/11 because of Federal budget cuts. These our first respondersand first line of defense agains Terrorist attacks. Told us we were ready for any disaster and then comes Katrina
installed political hacks, underestimated underplaned, misjudging, misleading bumblers.

3. Education, The no Child left behind act is getting an F minus, and he wanted to be known as the education president? He cant admit it has failed and he wont try to fix it.

4.Social Security; Lucky hes to lazy or arrogant? to take another shot at this. But a GOP President with A GOP congress and Senate and he just utterly fails at doing anything good or bad

5.Energy Heres something That would benefit everyone. We could reduce our need for foreign oil and make the Middle East a non factor, it would create jobs be good for the economy by creating numerous Bizzness opportunitys and actually b good for the envrioment. What do we get
He attacks the enviorment, has secret energy polocies
gas hits 3 bucks a gallon and Exxon pays its top execs huge bonuses.

Militarily, economicly, diplomaticaly, W ,has used 25 years resources in just 5 years. This man with no acomplishment,no resume. No experience in War except for avoiding it personally, no experience in business except for failures and bankruptcy. Has come to power spoiled lazy overprivleged overentitled. He has damaged the country far into the future.
Its not how many years before a President apologizes
Its How many Presidents will have to apologize for the actions and inaction of W

2006-11-09 05:08:53 · answer #2 · answered by gdeach 3 · 2 1

Never, just like we have never apologized for Truman's decision to drop the bombs on Japan. Would you libs quit your whining? You all forgot the reason we're fighting about a year after it happened! Bush has saved your sorry butts by taking the course he has, and all you can do is nay say him from the sidelines. You know what, why don't you all try going to Iraq for a year, you would come back with a much different point of view.

2006-11-09 04:25:39 · answer #3 · answered by letitcountry 4 · 0 1

Im not sue if a Democrat will apologize for Bush's actions, if he gets elected for the Pres. in 2008.

2006-11-09 04:20:39 · answer #4 · answered by "I Want to Know Your Answer 5 · 1 1

Apologise? You must be kidding!
These people are so arrogant to even think about apologising for their mistakes! It is not the fault of Bush that Iraq is a mess now, it is not his fault that 700,000 civilians died and still dying, it is not his fault that his soldiers have been behaving like thugs in Iraq (Abu Ghreib), it is not his fault that the world is less safe now and there are more extremists than ever. These people are ARROGANT, IGNORANT and they will never change!

2006-11-09 05:23:12 · answer #5 · answered by Abularaby 4 · 2 1

It all depends where the votes are. If the next Republican candidate for president thinks it will help, Bush will apologise himself in 2008.

2006-11-09 04:22:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1


Has any President in the history of the United States ever apolagized for another President? No.

We have had worse. Your just trying to play the liberal's advocate. Get a grip.

2006-11-09 04:23:23 · answer #7 · answered by Q-burt 5 · 2 2


2006-11-09 04:24:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Immediately if they have any sense. Remember, Democrats control the Senate and the house of Representatives so If I were them I would be calling for his Impeachment. He still has 2 years left to serve.

2006-11-09 08:40:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

3 years

2006-11-09 04:20:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

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