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Doctors as soon as i can, apparently they have had my urine results back from my first midwife appointment (I am 11 weeks & 4 days gone with my first) she said i had a serious water/bladder infection that had a special name beginning with A, cant remeber though, she asked if i'd had any symptoms i.e pain whilst peeing etc & i replied i hadnt. She then said usually it may cure itself but as im pregnant i need to get medication for it. She also said i need to see my doctor asap because it can be harmfull to my baby if left untreated. Now i am so so so scared because i could have had it for the whole three months, i just dont know. Please can someone who has had this please help me or at least tell me the worst case sinareo if it has effected my baby. Due to PCOS i have been trying for a year to conceieve this baby & I was so excited & now i am terrified. I know it is not a huge issue compared to other peoples complications but for a first time mum to be this is terrifying. Help

2006-11-09 03:19:55 · 38 answers · asked by Gemma 27.05.2007 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

To those who have only said 'what are you sitting here for, turn off answers & get to the doctors now', i cant get an appointment until tomorrow afternoon & i am worried thats all. Thank you to all those who have been understanding & giving me a little more information.....the midwife made it sound a whole lot worse trust me!

2006-11-09 03:34:53 · update #1

38 answers

They would have picked it up at your first prenatal screening if you were infected at previous appointments.

She's trying to give you a sense of urgency because most women do not get bladder infections treated, in most cases they do clear up on their own. WHen you are pregnant it can be harder to get rid of them, and letting them go untreated means greater infection, more stress on your body, and stronger medications. All these things are not good for the baby.

They can tell from the tests how bad the infection is, and getting treated now is what they want you to do. Not wait for a better time.

Dont worry about the risks from before, she would have told you if it were more serious. What she wants is for you to get treated to avoid a greater infection. Because you have no pain urinating, or fever, or other signs of greater infection, it means this has been caught early on.

Calm down, you're fine. Go get treated and you'll feel much better :)

2006-11-09 03:24:19 · answer #1 · answered by amosunknown 7 · 7 0

Urinary tract (water) infections

Urinary tract infections (UTI's) are more common during pregnancy than at other times, mostly because of a slowing down of the urine flow on its way from the kidney to the bladder. Around 1 in 25 women get a UTI during pregnancy, the common symptoms being a discomfort or burning sensation on passing urine, an aching pain over the bladder or needing to pass water very frequently. This last symptom is unfortunately very common in pregnancy anyway and is not very reliable in making the diagnosis. If the infection passes up to the kidneys and into the blood stream (pyelonephritis or septicaemia) it causes loin pain, vomiting, a fever and can even start premature labour.

By treating early UTI's, kidney infections and their complications can be prevented. The infection is diagnosed by looking at the urine under a microscope and seeing if a bug can be grown from the sample. This can also confirm which antibiotic is the best to use. A mild infection is treated with a course of antibiotic tablets for at least a week, but a more severe one would need admission to hospital, intravenous antibiotics and rest. After one UTI, further infections are more common and monthly checks on the urine are suggested, to see if one is developing even before symptoms appear.

What is a urinary tract infection?
Most people use the phrase urinary tract infection (UTI) to refer to a bladder infection — that is, a bacterial infection that causes inflammation in your bladder, often triggering symptoms such as a frequent urge to urinate and a burning sensation when you pee. This condition, also called cystitis, is fairly common among sexually active women between 20 and 50.

But bacteria can infect any part of the urinary tract. The urinary tract starts at the kidneys, where urine is made. It continues through tubes called ureters to the bladder, where urine accumulates until you're ready to pee. And it ends with the urethra, a short tube that carries urine outside your body.

An infection occurs when bacteria from your intestinal tract travels from your rectum up your urethra to your bladder, where it can cause cystitis or just continue to multiply in your urinary tract without causing any symptoms (a condition called asymptomatic bacteriuria). In either case, the bacteria may continue to travel up the ureters and cause a kidney infection, a serious condition that can lead to premature labor and other complications.

But maily go to the doctor and get the full details, and tell him that you have been very woried about this.

2006-11-09 03:32:15 · answer #2 · answered by jojo 3 · 0 0

I hope by the time I have sent this as I have only just seen question you are down at the doctors getting your antibiotics.
Being an ex nurse please do not panic this will make it worse for you and baby. Acute was most likey the word they used which means you have a nasty urine infection and needs treatment now. Drink plenty of water or lemon/cranberry juice which is good for you to help flush the infection out as well as taking the antibiotics. Infections can be common in early or late pregnancy your body has so many changes to make.
I am not going to put up worse case senareo as that is adding fual to a fire trust me you and baby will be ok GO TO DOCTORS NOW and tell receptionist it is urgent so you can be seen tonight and not next week!

2006-11-09 03:38:35 · answer #3 · answered by momof3 7 · 0 0

If they've got the signs of infection in the test results, but you haven't had any symptoms, they may have caught it just as it's starting.

They just want to catch it early so that it doesn't turn into anything harmful, so I wouldn't worry too much.

In the meantime, cranberry juice is very good for clearing urinary tract/bladder infections, so get hold of some. Don't go overboard though, a glass or two a day will be enough to help!

Good luck with the pregnancy!

2006-11-09 03:28:12 · answer #4 · answered by junkmonkey1983 3 · 1 0

I had hemorrhoids problems for different years. I was basically simply excessively embarrassed to go to a doctor or to the pharmacy to request a hemorrhoid treatment. At last I went to a doctor that tried to do everything in her power to help me, yet unfortunately the prescription didn't work. Surgery was impossible! By then, I was powerless, embarrassed and with just about no social life, so I've chosen to try something else. Then I discovered this method: http://treathemorrhoid.kyma.info I purchased this book on the most proficient method to dispose of hemorrhoids naturally notice it helped me a great deal! I don't feel torment anymore! I wish I had it years before. I can't accept how rapidly I got relief (just about overnight!) they've never returned and I don't worry about it anymore in light of the fact that on the off chance that they do, I know precisely what to do. After reading the book and making a move in 48 hours the ache, irritation, tingling and draining was gone. To my surprise I could permanently cure my hemorrhoids 100% naturally. Hemorrhoids are fundamentally engorged veins. The veins return the blood to the heart and those from the lower parts of the body work against gravity to push blood again to the heart. At the point when the blood becomes thicker because of one's absence of water admission, the blood gets pooled in the veins in light of the fact that blood is more hard to stream. This makes them get engorged and become bigger. On the off chance that this happens in the rectal area, it becomes hemorrhoids. I can assure you that I tackled my hemorroids problems with this system: http://treathemorrhoid.kyma.info It's definitly the most ideal approach to effectively dispose of hemorreoids.

2014-09-29 20:26:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not an expert by any means but worst case senerio would be birth defects, usually associated with the brain, if it's really bad it could lead to a miss carriage. although it's sounds like it's only in your bladder at the moment, uless they checked the amniotic fluid. if you don't have any symptoms most likely you haven't had it too long and treatment will fix everything, maybe just a simple antibiotic. In any even call the OB and let them know that you are on your way and they should take you in immediately. Best of luck!

2006-11-09 03:31:50 · answer #6 · answered by rnavarro 2 · 0 0

I think you are over worrying. The infection has probably only just appeared as you have had no symptoms. They were only saying get it treated as leaving it untreated could be harmful to the baby. Remember you are more prone to urine infections when you are pregnant, that is why they check it frequently.

Go to the Dr and ask all the questions you want to reassure yourself and you will be given a course of antibiotics which are completely safe to take whilst pregnant. Honestly, don't worry it happens to millions of women.

2006-11-09 03:26:25 · answer #7 · answered by koolkatt 4 · 1 0

I was also diagnosed with a urine infection when I had my initial pregnancy checks at around 8. weeks. Please don't worry, this is very very common and can easily be teated with antibiotics. Mine cleared up within days and Im 16 weeks pregnant now! Stay calm and go to your doctor and there will be no problem, I am confident of it. UTIs (Urinary tract infections) are more comon during pregnancy and as far as my understanding goes they would only be dangerous if left untreated and if they developed into a kidney infection. I believe in later pregnnacy they can bring on early labour.

2006-11-09 03:26:37 · answer #8 · answered by lulumoggins 1 · 2 0

its just a bladder infection and midwifes sometimes make things sound worse then they are
you should go get treated right away they give you meds safe for the growing baby inside you so you dont have to worry about that
they want to fix it as soon as possible because your pregnant and ur gonna go through alot of changes and pain so they just dont want you to have to worry about a bladder infection as well as anything else that could happen like hemroids or swollen feet knees breasts.... well you get the picture im sure

alot of people get infections relax and go see the doc

2006-11-09 03:25:28 · answer #9 · answered by MaeStar 2 · 2 0

First of all calm yourself down sweetie, you wont do that little bundle of joy any good getting all stessed. Secondly I've had 2 children and throughout both pregnancies I had loads of water infections (felt like I constantly had one with the 2nd!) Please go to the drs so they can prescribe some antibiotics - they will help, I also found cranberry juice helped for a while but just drinking a couple of pints of plain old water quickly really helped me, seemed to flush it through! If in doubt please get in touch but after you've been to the drs. Oh and by the way I had 2 very healthy little boys the infections didn't do them any harm at all! Take care and good luck xxxxxxxxxxx

2006-11-09 03:40:56 · answer #10 · answered by SARAH 2 · 0 0

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