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access to affordable birth control, social programs to help poor mothers, expanded adoption/foster opportunities? This is not a taunt, I am just curious to how you feel about the supply side of abortions, rather than just the demand side. How many of you pro-lifers out there have an adopted kid or a foster child? I don't hear many pro-lifers offering solutions, only judgement. Give me some hope, please.

2006-11-09 03:08:20 · 5 answers · asked by ♥austingirl♥ 6 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

I don't know how old you are, but I am 26...and my friends were a hell of a lot more graphic than any sex ed. program could ever hope to be.

Kids these days are not as innocent as you would like to believe.

2006-11-09 03:21:57 · update #1

5 answers

It should be taught in school that the act of sex is sacred and should be considered a very special moment between a man a wife. Kids that young are too imature to completely understand how complicated it is. That is why the school systems/governements shouldn't be giving out birth control, or saying it's ok if you get pregnant and want to have an abortion. What ever happened to suffering the consequences of making bad decisions? That is how you grow as a person. It's ok to make mistakes if you own up to them. The solution is to not make sex seem like such a casual thing, so that young people don't find it so acceptable. There is still hope.

2006-11-09 03:16:07 · answer #1 · answered by kat 2 · 1 1

I guess I would classify myself as a pro-lifer, I mean, I am not pro-abortion. I view abortion as a choice - not a good one - but a choice nonetheless.

I re-read that, and it almost sounds like I am being a smart aleck, and I want you to know that is not my intent! I would agree that abortion is a painful decision that sometimes is the right one. No two situations are the same.

The only time that I get overly upset is when it is treated lightly, as in "Gee, it doesn't matter if I get pregnant, I'll just have an abortion....again....".

When it occurs from an honest mistake, a momentary lapse of judgement, failed control methods, etc., and if other alternatives are considered first and are not feasible, a couple need to make that painful decision.

If it has happened to you or someone you care about, you have a lot of support, even from some of us self-defined "pro-lifers"!

2006-11-09 11:23:09 · answer #2 · answered by jooker 4 · 1 0

I think that certain things should be taught at different levels in schools by age group. Basic sex education, without getting too graphic should be given to kids in 9th grade. As they progress, some things could be taught in Biology. Juniors and seniors could receive some information in life science and classes to do with civic actions. I have seen college books which describe different styles of sexual positions with pictures, and found it a bit shocking, but understand that at that level it is more necessary and fitting than at levels in lower high school. Teaching such things should be taken slowly, just as the invovlement with sex should be for adolescents who don't understand the possible consequences of what may be involved if they are reckless with their choices they make with their bodies

2006-11-09 11:17:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

actually it is a taunt but thats ok, we expect it. as for us all offering 'only judgment' that is a completely and utterly disrespectful and dishonest thing to say not to mention biogoted. read on if you really want to know what a real p/l is and not the extremist kind...enlighten yourself. the thing is the majority of prolifers are for informed consent and comprehensive sex ed but not biased sex ed. bottom line the truth and let the woman (and the father) make a decision but with all the facts not based on a one sided argument. most p/l also promote and encourage affordable/free b/c although abstinence is the only 100% way of preventing pregnancy and stds. condoms are said to have a 98% effectiveness and the pill 99% but if you actually read the research on these products that effceincy rate is based on many factors...age, time of use, specific application etc. etc. so factoring in all the mistakes like missing a pill, not putting the condom on properly etc. and these things can decrease the effectiveness. now that being said, many of you who promote abortion always use the argument of rape and incest and most p/l ppl agree that they completely understand the choice in these circumstances but in saying that, the number of abortions for these reasons are less than 1/2 of 1% of all abortions...the rest are for varying reasons...convenience, financial, just don't want it...etc. the thing is there are many, many over the counter products to safeguard against pregancy and easy access to birth control prescribed by a doc, you can even order it online by one of the pharmacies that have the doc review your 'health application' he signs off on it without even seeing you and sends the pills to your home. not to mention the health departments in every state provide free and/or low cost examx and b/c all you have to do is set up and appointment (not always necessary) and go in. as far as adopting a child or foster child, i am too young and single but you can bet i would, right now i help support two foster children financially because by law that is all i can do. i have friends who parents do...one's parents have adopted SIX special needs children and are also take in foster children. one other family does nothing but take in foster children, right now they have 3. another family has adopted two out of the 7 foster children they now have in their home and are waiting to adopt the rest. one thing you forget is that the adoption process and foster care process is not an easy one. sometimes you want to adopt but the parent(s) either can not be found or they will refuse to allow it, many never see their children at all. so before you go passing judment at least get some of your facts straight. and i ask you how many children have you adopted or fostered? although i am too young to adopt/foster i volunteer at a local pregancy center which offers clear, concise and honest opportunities to young women in trouble including info on abortions, adoption, social services, private help, counseling before and after if necessary and a myraid of other opportunities to help them make an informed decision. like many p/l we feel the truth speaks for itself. how about you?

2006-11-09 11:30:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

we have a problem with the act. that's why you hear a lot of harping on why it is not right. the solution is implied. its called personal responsibility.

i have no problem with sex education for scientific education purposes. i will not have my children taught about sex under the pretext that they don't have the strength of character to be responsible, so they need to be taught by a 5th grade teacher how to put on a condom, and if they don't put on a condom, they have "options" like abortion.

abortions carried out in the name of convenience are not the same as those as a result of incest, rape or abuse, but i believe there cannot be a blanket law or ruling making all abortions okay, or no abortions okay.

2006-11-09 11:30:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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