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Sour Grapes, that seemed to be justified, but now that the Dems won the Mid term, and we who voted against it speak our mind and opinions about it, it is called sour grapes, but in 04, complains against it was not sour grapes.
So I guess you can but we cannot.
yes or no?

2006-11-09 02:55:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

10 answers

Either way, I hope our side (the Republicans) doesn't endlessly complain about the voting machines.

We lost. We believe in the market, and we were rejected by the people. We have to sit back and learn from it. If we sulk we won't fix the problems. Suck it up, congratulate the winners, and get to work for next time. I'm with ya!

2006-11-09 02:59:21 · answer #1 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 4 0

Au contraire mon frere!
Several elections are still being contested. And I am more than happy as a liberal (not a Democrat) to see this done no matter who wins.
Honestly I think GWB won in '04, but not '00

NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS, fraud-no-fraud, THAT GUY DIDN'T HAVE THE POPULAR VOTE IN 2000! And despite our antique constitution I can't imagine someone feeling its okay to take the presidency without a true majority-Republican or Democrat. Similar issues arrise for sucession during an assassination (Should A Democratic speaker of the House suceed a Republican?)

When conservatives won they rubbed in in the faces of the Democrats for years cheating the American People out of effective balanced governement.

I don't see any democrats rubbing this win in the same patronizing way. They are seeking to build bridges in Washington already!

This country isn't split like most people think. Most people are not registered to a political party and vote in the middle.

I voted for Arnold Schwarznegger 'cause I thought Angilides was more Conservative and less qualified.

Sour Grapes make bad wine!

And also for the Record, Al Gore DEFENDED Bush's win and REFUSED to sue.

And Kerry is just a plain moron.

2006-11-09 11:06:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I think there is both sour grapes and legitimate concern on BOTH sides.

I am a democrat and was extremely disappointed in the last election, but it was the will of the people. That's why we vote. And when I was upset/disappointed, I had SPECIFIC examples of why I was. I hate when I hear people complain about politics, but just in general say that a certain party is going to do something. I always vote democratic, but know that a republican is perfectly capable of making good decisions too. I don't say "Oh, the Republicans are going to ruin the country." I'd say (made-up example) "Joe Smith will not make a good president because his voting record on such-and-such issue is really poor". I think it all comes down to whether or not you can back your opinions up. I am elated by this election but I'm not going around making fun of republicans because they now feel how I felt in the last election-and it is justified.

P.S. Even though I am happy about the Dem wins, I am all for recounting ballots as needed and where questioned. I am not one to just accept the numbers because my party won-all ballots need to be counted by a neutral process no matter who won. I was all for recounts in the presidential election but still stand by republicans who want them too.

2006-11-09 10:59:58 · answer #3 · answered by CincyJen 2 · 2 0

I think it 's great to see the Republican party take their close losses with dignity, no complaining about voter intimidation or rigged voting machines or stealing election, or endless recounts like the Democrats... We don't have behave that immature. I hope they learn why they lost and stick to their core principles the reason why Americans had put them in power in the first place. Democrats take note.

2006-11-09 11:21:17 · answer #4 · answered by Ynot! 6 · 2 0

There were still complaints about the elections from Democrats this time. Machines that didn't work, not enough provisional ballots to deal with problems. If you only listen to one point of view, you only have one point of view. But I'm guessing that there would have been complaints either way as long as we allow for no way to check the vote eh?

2006-11-09 11:00:59 · answer #5 · answered by Black Dragon 5 · 0 2

I have heard no gloating from the Dems. We have serious work to do ahead of us. Rick Santorum set a great example with his gracious speech in defeat. We could all learn a lesson from it.

2006-11-09 11:00:09 · answer #6 · answered by notyou311 7 · 3 0

Are you mad about something? The best possible thing for you to do is leave the past in the past and concentrate on the future of the country. There's gonna be plenty of legitimate stuff to ***** about later.

2006-11-09 11:02:27 · answer #7 · answered by CyndiDrum 4 · 0 2

Your question smells like sour grapes.

2006-11-09 10:58:19 · answer #8 · answered by ♥ Cassie ♥ 5 · 4 2

Leave the past in the past. Let us move on.

2006-11-09 10:57:43 · answer #9 · answered by Sugar 7 · 5 2

that's how the mind of a liberal works

2006-11-09 10:58:02 · answer #10 · answered by slabsidebass 5 · 1 5

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