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hey guys. I am kinda a big dude (17) i am 6 feet tall, wiegh about 189 and can bench press 210. I have a fear though. There is this kid(my age)who wants to fight me. He is about my hieght, mabey an inch shorter at the most. He is skinny but can punch pretty hard. I know he doesn't lift weights. I really don't know why I am afraid but i am. Mabey because he's had more fighitng expierence.
Anyways, i am pretty conifdent in my ability to beat him up, but i just wish i could punch as hard as him. Anyone know any way i can get my punch harder or way to make his punches hurt less? any other advice on how to kick his *** would be appriciated. thanks.

2006-11-09 02:51:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Other - Sports

5 answers

Swing sideways into the Temple, The Back of his head at the top of his neck are both vital areas that could easily render him unconscious if hit with enough force. Not quite as hard as you hit, as it is where you hit, the timing helps as well. I'd use the weight advantage to crush him. He doesn't lift weight, you'll smash him. He's doomed. Stick your chest out when dealing with him. Head and arms back. This will make you look more intimidating and ruin his ego a bit and give him fear. Keep a straight face and don't talk. Get down to business immediately if provoked. I suggest grabbing him and throwing him down. Don't respond to the punches he gives you while you are downtaking him. That may require practice. I'd get a few friends and practice this. Legs are always good to use once he's down.

2006-11-09 03:01:08 · answer #1 · answered by Answerer 7 · 0 0

Yeah those little guys can be scrappers. Take up karate. You'll find this takes some time and by then maybe you can figure out how to avoid fighting.
Why do you want to fight this kid? Obviously he's trying to prove something by pounding the 'fit' guy. Isn't there some way around it? I know, sad truth is fighting is a part of life for most kids and if you can't get out of it, I guess you just got to take your best shot.
I used to fight all the time, and I used to win, I'm 5'1 and a girl, pounded a few boys too. They deserved it and always threw the first punch, I lived in a rough neighborhood.
Wear a cup, watch your nose, can't fight much with blood and tears in your eyes, us little guys fight dirty with no remorse at seeing you doubled over, puking and bleeding on the pavement

2006-11-09 11:13:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Betchya I could kick his as*s!

This is my speciality!

To win a physical fight... You always let them hit you first! I know it sounds stupid, but if you can bare a hit, The fight is 9/10 won. It kind of shocks them to see that you can take it and they expend energy and therefore lose some in the process... THEN you can go in for the kill when they think they have won!

What you need to do is throw yourself at him to knock him off his balance and remember to keep yourself in the position of having the advantage. Mentally, your anxiety shouldn't prevent your primal instincts from kicking in and using them to beat his as*s! Always stay focused and always keep his weight off yours! If he get's on top of you you're done!

It is a fight or flight reflex... yours is in flight mode. All animals want blood, the more they taste it, before they get it they are timid. Since fighting is primal and instinctual... you have to both take a few beatings and kick some butt to understand the dynamics of it. Both situations serve their purpose...

Basically, he wants to fight you because he knows you are afraid but yet there is something about you that is threatening to his social status and standing in the school. You may not see it but he does. Otherwise why would he bother?

As soon as you show dominance he will fight you for it at first until you take it back from him. Then it will be yours to do with what you want until the next idiot comes along to take what you have... It never ends really and physical fights are only one way that we all have to deal on a daily basis.

Im suprised that good old fashoned fist fights still exists... I thought all that was left were mind bending retards with their pretence and their phony, passive agressive out witting techniques?

Im proud of you hon! Not only can you admit you are intimidated... you're still willing to kick his as*s, or try anyway.

You can't win them all, nor should you. Psycholgically, all you really have to do is take a hit and make sure someone is there to break it up if it get's too heavy.

I remember my first real fight... I beat up a boy so much taller than me that I had to jump up to punch him in the face for hitting me in the stomach with a snowball. Since I am a girl, when we got dragged into the office, I cried and he got in trouble...He had no idea what hit him on either count. As soon as I turned the corner, I smirked at him and walked down the hall distraught in the arms of the guidence councellor, that could not do enough to console me. Heh heh... I m an evil little bit*ch and not to be fu*cked with!

The first time I ever actually got my butt kicked... I was a mother. I told some lady who was bigger than me, to "Keep her monkey's on their leashes." at the playground because her little bastard, wild, moron, kid kept hitting my son. Well, she kicked my as*s! And I learned a lesson. Pride cometh before ever fall! I really thought up until that point that it wasn't possible for me to lose a fight! She almost knocked me out cold with one punch! It did have a lot to do with the fact that my son was there... otherwise, I think I would have been stupid enough to go back at her and maybe even win? Who knows?

I never saw it coming and I learned at that moment to watch my mouth and pick my battles!

Use whatever wiles you have and beat his as*s!

2006-11-09 11:10:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the best defense is to use your head and not fight. but if you must fight it is always easy to jab a finger in the windpipe or stomp down on their shins to break them. ive seen a lot of big guys go down like that. it has been my experience that the person pissed off the most is the one that wins. like i said tho, dont fight... you are either gonna end up beat up, arrested, and/or sued.

2006-11-09 11:02:31 · answer #4 · answered by IfULookdAzGudAzMeUdBeatOffALot2 1 · 0 0

Use a gun. (joke) Swaying your hips slightly with the punch increases the power

2006-11-09 11:09:16 · answer #5 · answered by thatniceguy 3 · 0 0

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