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Why, in your opinion, does Isreal's violence against Palestine get overlooked while those of others are blantantly condemned?

Isn't this hypocritical? Does this create more tension and violence in the world?

2006-11-09 02:43:43 · 16 answers · asked by 11:11 3 in News & Events Current Events

Massacre of Lebanese civilians at U.N. compound in Qana, Lebanon - 4/18/96

Israeli air force carpet bombs in downtown Beirut in summer of 1982 killing tens of thousands

Assanationa attempts to kill several Palesteinian Mayors in May 1980

Massacre by Barch Goldstein in March 1994

Assasination of Prime Minister Itzhag Rabin - November 1995

Killing of civilians in Marwaheen

Under Ariel Sharon, 1,500 men, women and children in the Beirut refugee camps of Chatila and Sabre were murdered

Palestinians being forceably expelled from Palenstine in 1948

Any thoughts?

2006-11-09 03:25:17 · update #1

Regarding "Arabs having 22 states": Not all Arabs are the same. That other Arabs may have their right of self-determination does not take away from Palestinians' basic rights. The fact that many Palestinians live in Jordan and have considerable influence and rights there doesn't mean that the millions of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation or who were expelled from their homes and are now in refugee camps aren't entitled to their rights - any more than the fact that there are a lot of Jews in the U.S., where they have considerable rights and influence means that Jews should be shipped across the Atlantic. See the flawed reasoning in that argument now?

2006-11-09 03:30:15 · update #2

People are not "supporting terrorists" for bringing up legitimate statements no more than the people who voted for the Democratic Party. Melodrama is bad for your health.

2006-11-09 03:32:37 · update #3

16 answers

Because israel has the U.S. and U.K under there power in congress and in the media and of course when a story gets into the jewish media they will rewrite it to there liking.From what i've seen and and read about it's Israel that is the real terrorist and they also have weapons of mass destruction but you won't hear that in the media will you.Israel and these zionist skinheads have been killing mass amounts of innocent Palestinian woman and children. Rivaling any war crimes saddam has ever commited yet they go free thanks to the support of the U.S. and U.K.. Ever since hitler flushed them out of germany the Jews have been stealing Palestinian land this is only doing one thing planting the seeds for more brave muslim freedom fighters unfairly labeled a terrorists that will fight back if more people are killed by Israel and it's allied zionist controlled support.Look what Israel did in Lebanon bombing them with high tech "made in usa" laser guided missles and weapons but they still somehow find innocent woman and children to target and call it a mistake.Shame on the U.S. and U.K by supporting these zionist racist thugs.

2006-11-09 03:25:22 · answer #1 · answered by zionistequalsnazi 2 · 3 3

Have you ever watched American information? The significant majority of the time I consider it's particularly balanced. As on your argument that one of the crucial prisoners are kids, I consider that are supposed to be considered, but if those "kids" are appearing as suicide bombers and taking pictures weapons, they're a risk and are appearing as terrorists. I consider that the palestinians/arabs have a factor, and I consider that the Israelis have a factor. I do not continuously consider that the movements of the state of Israel are correct, however as a Christian I consider the land of Israel belongs to the Jews (and Christians). Why do not those corporations simply appreciate that Israel has a correct to exist, after which go away every different by myself? Take folks that had been displaced whilst cutting-edge Israel got here into existance into the opposite arab nations, and aid them begin a brand new existence (it is been practically 60 years!!!). Won't that be higher than this carrying on with violence? I am praying for peace to go back to the area, however I recognize that lasting peace will simplest come from the Prince of Peace...

2016-09-01 09:45:04 · answer #2 · answered by adamek 4 · 0 0

Israel is the only Jewish state in the whole world. The Arabs have 22 states. The Arabs are not wiling to accept a Jewish state in their midst.

Israel thought that by leaving Gaza entirely in August 2005, that the Arabs would get their act together and develop their economy. Instead, the Arab have seen fit to launch thousands of missiles at Israel's civilian population, intending to kill as many citizens as possible.

Israel, on the other hand, is trying to live in peace. When they do attack, it is with the clear objective of silencing the Arab terrorists. By international law, Israel is totally justified in its quest to protect its citizens. The Arabs are in total violation of international law by unprovoked attacking of innocent civilians in Israel.

The Palestinian Arabs could have had a state already, if they only behaved like civilized human beings. But they have proven time and again that they are not ready to behave, and so the Arabs will have to exist with "only" 22 states.

2006-11-09 02:54:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I am trying to get that visual of an Israeli strapping a bomb onto themselves and then walking into that Palestine cafe and blowing up innocent civilians including women and children and it is just not coming to me. The visual I do get is a response to missiles being launched into Israel and them targeting those launch sites and also targeting known leaders of Hamas an organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel. If you want to side with known terrorists and you would not strike back if people were targeting your women and children then go right ahead but if you think we are siding with the wrong people then it is people like you who give these people hope to keep doing what they are doing.

In the last support of your outrageous and stupid support of known terrorists, I want to pose one more question and hopefully this will solve your diatribe. How many times since Egypt and Israel signed the peace accord has Israel for no apparent reason indiscriminately bombed Egypt. Last time I checked they are predominately Muslim, they share a border with Israel, and they are mostly Arabic. Why not Jordan? Why not Saudi Arabia? Could it possibly be that Israel attacks only those countries that attack it and that proudly denounce its right to exist? Your argument makes no sense to any reasonable person.

2006-11-09 02:57:34 · answer #4 · answered by redondo69 4 · 2 3

If I lived next to a country that sent suicide bombers into the restaurants and coffee shops where I was sitting with my family, I would want my country's army to be strong and defend us, even though I'm against war in principle and see it as a failure of diplomacy.
About taking sides, we see the anguish of the Palestinian people in the press and television, but never the anguish of the Israeli people. Why the bias?
I want the violence to end. Both sides need to stop it.

2006-11-09 04:02:17 · answer #5 · answered by lottyjoy 6 · 0 2

No Israel is not more quilty but you seem to think so.
They return the attacks on the three terrorist groups who hide in the middle of civilitation population sending rockets into areas where the terrorist know that there are women and children but no one seems to care that it is the Israelis that are being killed by them. When Israel returns fire the terrorist make the women and children stay in the area where they are so that they can show the world how bad Israel is.
Please get it strait that all three groups want total distruction of Israel and want none left alive!
The U.S. supports them because of this fact. They should be albe to live in their country without having to worry about being wiped out by the three terrorist groups. Nor have to worry about being shelled daily by them.
The main reason that these terror groups continue is that they have better access to the "un-bias" media than Israel and have for years gotten away with the mass killing of the Israeli people.

2006-11-09 03:20:31 · answer #6 · answered by fatboysdaddy 7 · 3 3

You are sadly misinformed. Israel is a tiny country totally surrounded on all sides by countries controlled by terrorists, the same terrorists that want to destroy us. They have never attacked anyone unless they were attacked first. They have been attacked by suicide bombers and missiles over and over again. They even built a wall to keep terrorists out, but that hasn't worked. They have the right to defend themselves.
Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and the only ally the US has in that part of the world. Please don't believe the jihadist and terrorist propaganda you hear. It is false.

2006-11-09 02:55:36 · answer #7 · answered by notyou311 7 · 0 2

We side with Israel because all they want is to be left alone. And I cannot think of instances when Israel attacked another country without good cause. Of course, most arab countries have been at war with Israel since 1948, so that is perfectly legal.

Israeli violence against palestinians, when it occurs, is targeted against specific individuals known to have committed crimes. palestinian violence is indiscriminate.

What causes more tension is the continued financing of palestinian terrorists. Cut off their money and peace will come. Otherwise bring back Shermann.

2006-11-09 02:50:13 · answer #8 · answered by cp_scipiom 7 · 3 3

I've never sided with Israel. However since Hamas was founded with the sole goal of destroying Israel, I can see why the Israelis are playing 'real politik' (achieving your goals through any means necessary) to ensure their security. Both Israel and the Arabs have legitimate claims, the hostility will never end until they're both willing to compromise.

2006-11-09 02:50:12 · answer #9 · answered by keg 2 · 3 2

I believe israel want to drive the remaining palestinians out of palestine and terrorism is on way of doing that.They've made life pretty awful for the palestinians.

2006-11-09 02:53:37 · answer #10 · answered by up urs 3 · 3 2

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