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Has anybody seen one?

2006-11-09 02:40:43 · 38 answers · asked by Keira 4 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

38 answers

i wouldnt call them ghosts rather spirits or energies. I use to live in an appartment block which use to be an Old County Infirmary- it use to be the place where they cared for leapers. And I can definately tell you they are real!

Lots of weird things happened, once I was watching tv alone and a knife fell off the draining board of its own accord. (there was no vibrations coming from any applicance at the time to have knocked it off).
Another time my self and my boyfriend we just nodding off to sleep and right up in the corner of the room a huge dark shadow appeared and swooped over the two of us and away over the headboard-the two of us saw it at the same time.
And there was always thumbing and dragging noises coming from above us although we lived on the top floor.

Another thing that makes me believe in spirits is that my own mother died 2 years ago, and recently I was at home and heard her bed squeek as if some1 sat on it -thinking it was the dog jumping on or off i went to see there was no one there, all of a sudden I got an overwhelming smell of flowers (she was a keen gardener).
And the most amazing of all is, I had a picture of my mother and myself hugging on new years 1999, I loved the picture as we both looked so happy, I kept the picture in my diary and never ever moved it-no1 else knew where the picture was let alone remember having the picture.
One evening I was feeling really down, it was a particular bad time in my life and I asked my mother for a sign that she was looking after me. I was busying myself by clearing out some cupboards that hadnt been touched in years and low and behold the exact picture feel out of an old book- i know it was da same picture as I had written on the back. I reckon it was my mothers way of telling me she's still here in some form still looking after me.

2006-11-09 02:57:56 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 0 2

Hard to say.

I've already put my only real bona fide experience that I cannot explain on YA:


I've had a few other creepy experiences, that could easily be explained. For example:

Walking through a wooded park at dusk with my ex-boyfriend, we had to cross a small bridge. Coming toward it down the path from about 20 yards, we could see a figure in a long grey-black fluttering coat walking back and forth on the bridge. The light was very indistinct -- not dark, but not light either, it was exactly twilight. As we got to the bridge, the person had disappeared. When we got to the end of the bridge, we both had the overwhelming feeling that there was someone to our left hand side just out of sight underneath the bridge -- and we felt a strong, electric feeling of presence. We kept walking and didn't look back. That bridge had a history of muggings and attacks, so obviously it could have been some creep hanging around. My memory of the fluttering material on the figure on the bridge however, sticks with me, and in that light it was definitely weird and intangible. Very unnerving. The park is sort of creepy both in a real sense of being unsafe, and has a reputation for being haunted, so if the muggers don't get you the undead will.

Another ex-boyfriend of mine had worked with the Catholic church in Africa and had witnessed exorcisms there that he could not explain.

The internet has lots of sites of course on this, including photos here:


Some of the best ghost stories I have read were by M. R. James


2006-11-09 07:54:28 · answer #2 · answered by Katrine 4 · 0 0

I'm not sure. The Bible mentions ghosts and apparitions in it. I know that some of my friends have said they have seen ghosts, but I have never seen one. I think there is the possibility that they do exhist. However, I think what most people think are ghosts are just normal happenings that can't really be explained because we don't see what is actually causing it. It's just normal everyday stuff and people let their imaginations run a little wild.

2006-11-09 04:44:54 · answer #3 · answered by devilishblueyes 7 · 1 0

Yes I believe they exist. I was walking very early one morning alone a path close to where I used to live. There are two areas of grass on either side, and the area is flat. An old man came towards me and smiled, I smiled and walked past him. Since I have lived in the same area for most of my life, I know most of the people who live here, but he was a total stranger, after he passed me, I happened to look round and he was gone. There was no where for him to go as the path is quite long, and as the area is flat I would have saw him if he had crossed over the grass. I didn't feel frightened, but I know I witnessed something unusual, and no, I am not mad!

2006-11-09 08:26:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I saw a ghost in a nursing home that I worked in. As the home was on 3 floors, in a very old building, it had very steep stairs used by the staff and a lift used by the residents. The building had a lot of history...amoung these, it was used as a hospital during WWII.
I had only been there a few weeks and with nearly 60 residents, I wasn't quite familiar with them all.
I was busy in the bathroom with a colleague preparing a wee lady for bed.
I had washed out her stockings and was going to her bedroom to collect a few of her things and put her stockings on the radiator to dry.
As I walked along a narrow, dark passage, I saw another lady walk towards me, I could see her very clearly and could even describe her clothing...she also had a very distinguishing feature. She was about 10 foot from me when I reached the 1st ladies bedroom, I turned and stepped over the threshold. Suddenly I remembered she was at the top of the steep stairs so turned around to face her and she was gone.

I went to the top of the stairs and she wasn't on them. I ran down the stairs and looked through the door onto another long dark passage... She wasn't there either.
I went back up the stairs, walked the length of the passage, looking in other bedrooms and she was nowhere to be found.

I went back to the 1st ladies bedroom, got her things and went back to the bathroom.

I asked my colleague who the lady was, describing her and voiced my concerns about the stairs.

She looked startled and told me the woman I described sounded like wee Jessie.....but she had been dead 6 months. I didn't beleive her...putting it off as her being mistaken.

The next morning all the staff were talking. Everyone of them confirmed that the only person in the home with this particular feature that I decribed had died 6 months before.

I wasn't too confident walking that long, dark corridor on my own that morning that's for sure!!!!

2006-11-09 03:04:52 · answer #5 · answered by audrey_o 5 · 1 1

I thin it depends on your perception like most things in life. I am Clarevoyant and Clareaudient hence I see and hear the dead - that therefore makes me a believer. My very close mate is a complete non-believer has seen nothing and is under the impression that if ppl can be ghost then so must dinosuars and other extinct animals - wheres the ghosts of them? Good point I suppose. i also think it doesnt matter if our souls cross over, if you get sollace or comfort from believing in that then non-believers should leave you to it.

2006-11-09 02:57:44 · answer #6 · answered by lord_c_immunitas 1 · 0 2

most of my friends and relatives had experiences with ghosts.. if you believe in ghosts and live in asia. high chance you will hear a lot of stories regarding ghostly experience..
well, the taoist will tell you that a person experiencing bad luck, or pregnant women or children will have higher chance of seeing ghosts.. when you are down on your luck, why don't you try going to a haunted house to see if you can see a ghost yourself???

2006-11-09 14:23:31 · answer #7 · answered by cheesecake 2 · 0 0

Yes. They just look like normal people. I have also seen orbs, heard things move in the house etc...most spirits are kind.

I have only come accross one bad sprit. He was monk who was burning the side of my face, with what I felt was a candle...I ended up with a red burn on my cheek. This sprit also has given people bruises, so I have been told. The staff working at the historic property concerned, try and avoid him at all costs. But a lot of people have commented on a dark, heavy presence in the house. It fightens even the staff

2006-11-09 02:50:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I am not sure if they were Ghosts, but I have encountered Spirits. None of them were seen, but they were felt. Two of them have been past pets. One was when my grandfather passed away, everyone in the room felt my grandmother come into the room and take him out (she had passed away 20 years before).

2006-11-09 03:08:01 · answer #9 · answered by Cid 2 · 0 2

I have never seen a ghost.

In relation to their existence it would be advisable to research actual valid academic sources on this area.

2006-11-09 11:52:40 · answer #10 · answered by Mike J 5 · 0 0

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