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Bad day Tuesday. Could be conservatives are losing faith in the GOP -- and while understandable -- is bad because it opens the door for loonies to start putting their liberal imprints on our lives again.

The thought of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in charge of Congress makes my skin literally crawl. My only hope is that, with more responsibility, they will finally grow up, but that is not the usual MO of liberals.

I don't think Iraq alone doomed the GOP, and cutting and running is no answer, but maybe the Democrats will force Bush to put his BOOT in al-Maliki's ***. The Iraqi government needs to get MOVING and America should shed NO tears if they erase the opposition -- and ALL who support them -- off the face of the Earth, Geneva Conventions or no. Whiny liberal reporters should also be barred from the country.

The GOP should look at why the base stayed home.

Whatever, I hope Republicans give the Democrats as much suport as the Democrats have given them the last six years.

2006-11-09 02:36:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Elections

15 answers

I am in Ohio...ashamed of my neighbors.
My friend, a loyal democrat, phoned me this morning to start rubbing it in.
I asked her if she will be happy with Nancy Pelosi being speaker of the house, and made some points about her *** backwards liberal agenda, Kennedy, Reid...you know the jackasses running our fine nation.
Her response was "I didnt vote them in"
UM, well, you voted DEMOCRAT right? YOU DID vote them in, and I hope you are happy because YOU and your BUSH hating buddies are going to get EXACTLY what you asked for....
terror attacks
no limit abortions
gay marriage
embryonic stem cell research...which I would like to add shows NO promise is curing ZERO diseases and treating ZERO as well
ACLU coming out to defend whackos like Cindy Sheehan, who has found fame off of the dirt of her sons grave that she has not even taken the time to mark with a headstone in TWO years
She then brought up that the economy would thrive, her taxes...blah blah blah, I asked her why is this important to you, you dont even work and have not in 9 years.
It all goes back to the war in Iraq and they hate the President.
OK, again, congrats, you will get what you asked for.
Shame on Ohio.

2006-11-09 03:14:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

It does not matter whether it is democrats or republicans in power they are all politicians which is something that people tend to forget, we could still get attacked anytime, just because our troops are in Iraq and some say that it prevent attacks from terrorist doesn't mean that our troops can stay there indefinitely. So I believe that the best question to ask is how would democrat react in the face of an attack, would they chicken out or would they fight back. I'm hoping that republicans give democrats the support that they need as well, because this is no longer a matter of gay marriages legal abortion or tax cuts, we are confronted with bigger problems than that, meaning we are fighting with an invisible enemy. Great tactics, smart anticipations and intelligent decisions will be our only exit out of hell hole.

2006-11-09 02:55:40 · answer #2 · answered by Halal Pig Ok in Islam 4 · 0 0

LOL, I am sure the Republicans will give as much support to the Dems as the Dems did the Republicans.

As for al-Maliki, why should he move quickly? He's got the best military in the world propping up his government, and he knows it will collapse as soon as the troops are brought home. Shame for us is a stable Saddam was better for us than a chaotic civil war situation.

I voted, but tend to avoid the current brand of "conservative" personified by Bush, because he (a) expanded government, while cutting taxes...(b) involved us in the wrong war (c) promotes illegal immigration.

2006-11-09 02:42:24 · answer #3 · answered by kingstubborn 6 · 0 1

I get it, you hate freedom, both here and abroad.

How have the loonies imprinted your life? Has gay rights turned you queer? Does making fair trials part of the American Way we keep spreading around the world stop any terrorists from being in jail?

I guess you are sorry we tried to convince the rest of the world to play nice and follow Geneva Conventions. Of course, without them, you can't call a terrorist evil--if there are no rules of combat, they are merely enemies who attacked us.

I don't think your worst nightmares will come true because you really don't get what liberals are after. We are trying to make the greatest nation in the world by promoting freedom, individual rights, and fairness in government. All these things that make you sick because you can't stand the choices a few people decide to make with their freedom.

Move to N. Korea--you'd fit right in. They tell their citizens how to behave, and their government and military doesn't take crap from anyone.

2006-11-09 03:15:29 · answer #4 · answered by wayfaroutthere 7 · 0 2

I can see why you'd cry in your coffee this morning. After all, The Constitution is just a god da**ed piece of paper. Pelosi and Reid are only as good as the majority of people censuring them and authorizing them to mobilize on behalf of the citizenry.
I am sure your lamenting the demise of unfettered tyranny, lined pockets through ill gotten gains and unchecked arrogance. We can only hope that the balance of power is on the path to recovery. With your boy Rumsfeld on his way back to his chicken farm, 43 may heed the truly conservative m.o. of 41. Finally. He will at least try and install some of his key players hoping to assuage the ire of those Republicans lost to his inept leadership. Heck, even the real shot callers, the Straussian neo-cons bi**h slapped him...
All is not lost, friend, your Department of Homeland Security will continue to blur the lines of military and civilian law enforcement and with the Real ID Act, we may all yet have RFID "voter identification" under skin for 2008. As for Iraq, drag your tired arguments over there and ask the troops how they feel. I already know. I was there.
Long live the Constitution. (What's left of it, after this way too heavy round of redactification by the good ol' boys in the 'house.)

2006-11-09 02:50:55 · answer #5 · answered by shrill alarmist, I'm sure 4 · 3 2

Instead of employing the cliches of partisan politics ("cutting and running"), you might try to spin an answer to the following:

Why, according to your own words, are scholars and intellectuals not "grown up," where business owners and wealthy investors are "grown up." I'd like to see the spin of an answer to that! Not that I need anything to chuckle about.

And I don't need anything more to make my skin crawl. I've had to suffer through six years of hearing the inane dastard stand up in front of audiences and re-demonstrate his inability to pronounce the word "nuclear". It was initially just plain scary, but when I saw him displaying his disability before, of all places, the United Nations General Assembly, I must report to you that it made my skin crawl! Let us all hope that we have a mayor of our town that can pronounce the word "city", that we have a governor that can pronounce the word "state", and that we never again have to suffer through the shocking reality of a president who is so unskilled, that he cannot do what five year old English speakers can do: to say the words "new" and "clear" in succession. Let us hope!!

2006-11-09 02:55:21 · answer #6 · answered by voltaire 3 · 3 1

I couldn't have said it any better except for the part of the conservatives loosing faith in the GOP. I'm conservative and I knew that if I had to choose between the worse and worser I'd have to go with the Republicans to keep that conservative nature in the White House. I never as a conservative would vote demo and let the liberals take control like what just happened! However I do agree with the rest of what you said!!

2006-11-09 02:42:19 · answer #7 · answered by Brianne 7 · 1 3

Your neo-con's are not interested in your safety, Iraq is only about profit for oil- and weapon industry. You can ventilate your "opinion" (read: believes all the lies) because there have been thousands x n liberal intelectuals, who have fought a lifetime to secure your rights, dream on, GWB is the best recruiter for the jihad.

2006-11-09 03:27:10 · answer #8 · answered by paradise islander 2 · 1 1

I never thought I would live in a country where saying you are a Republican is like saying you are a Christian. It is something no one wants to talk about.

2006-11-09 03:19:23 · answer #9 · answered by hard rock girl 3 · 0 1

Demcrats are going to make our country a lot better. Republicans just ruined our reputation and put us 1,000,000,000,000 dollars more in debt, and if you havn't noticed in all the pictures of republicans they are frowning and angry looking! All of the democrat pictures have happy smiling people.

2006-11-09 02:40:32 · answer #10 · answered by Nickname 3 · 7 2

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