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My hospital has a policy of inducing at 12 days past the due date. I have felt all along that the dates are wrong and the baby will be late (of course i don't know this for sure, just a gut instinct). I don't want to fit into the hospitals policy to keep them happy and am thinking of cancelling my induction, or at least postponing it for another week.

2006-11-09 02:33:32 · 9 answers · asked by Caroline 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

9 answers

i said no. being induced can be stressful for the baby and make your labour worse.
i will only be induced if they find a problem with me or the baby if every thing is going OK then i will say no again with this pregnancy my sis in law and friends have gone nearly 3 weeks over and it turned out fine.
so if they check you and baby are OK stick with your instincts

2006-11-09 02:44:10 · answer #1 · answered by mum_2_many 6 · 0 0

I haven't said no to being induced, but I might if I thought my dates were wrong. Go with what you think. If you had some kind of complication then maybe it would be better to be induced, but you could probably put it off a week. Of course there is risk involved with not inducing, but there is risk involved with an induction. Never do anything just to fit in with the hospital's policy. Consent to an induction only if you believe it's the best thing. Listen to those Mama instincts. And if you do want to induce, try natural methods first (evening primrose oil, sex, etc.)

I've been induced before on pitocin and now if I ever have to be induced again I will just have them break my water. The pitocin-induced labor was pretty intense, though I was able to do it with no pain meds.

2006-11-09 10:39:20 · answer #2 · answered by AerynneC 4 · 0 0

As long as your amniotic fluid has not decreased and your placenta hasn't started to deterriorate, then you are fine.
No woman has ever been pregnant FOREVER! Eventually, that baby WILL come out.
But you do need to make sure that waiting is not affecting the health of your baby. Also, if you are having a large baby...it is only going to get bigger...which will make labor and delivery that much more difficult. How far past due are you??
I am due in January and do not want to be induced either. My first two were induced and it went well, but it just seemed very unnatural. Like my body was being forced to do something that it wasn't quite ready for!
Good luck and congrats!

2006-11-09 10:56:03 · answer #3 · answered by Sunshine 3 · 0 0

I was induced both times. I am now going to have a third one on June 1st. I told the doctor that I don't want to be induced unless it is medically necessary.
I don't think a Dr should induce you just because you are over due.

I was there twice and not to scare you but it hurts a lot more because they get to decide how long and how hard your contractions are going to be.

2006-11-09 10:43:47 · answer #4 · answered by crazziegrl14 5 · 0 0

reasons for inducing labor include preventing damage to the baby. You may be incorrect on actual due date, may not be so far gone. If the baby has a b/m in the "sac" he may inhale it and cause him to be ill, etc. You need to speak openly and directly with your doc. I was told the hospital would induce but they didn't have a chance, i had a healthy son, earlier than "projected", my dates were incorrect.

2006-11-09 10:40:42 · answer #5 · answered by nanny4hap 4 · 0 0

I did not want to be induced... they told me 14 days they would induce me.... which was fine, I would think I would have the baby by then! But then they changed it to 9!!!!!!
I didn't want to be induced that early.. well... late... whatever you want to call it.
So, heres what I did.
I was 8 days overdue, I was going to be induced the next morning, I called my sister who is a mother of 3 and asked her what I should do. She said to pump.
So I used my hand held pump and pumped, of course nothing came out.... but it stimulated my body to go into labor! I pumped 5 minutes on one side, then 5 minutes on the other, then stopped for 10 minutes, then started all over again.... I did that for an hour, my sister said to do it for 2 hours.
I went into labor 5 hours later!
So don't try this if you aren't due yet... but maybe it will do something if your passed your due date!!!

Good luck!!!!!
And if it doesn't work, tell your doctor youwant to wait until 14 days passed due... its your body, your baby... screw them! There doctors... :)

2006-11-09 10:41:17 · answer #6 · answered by mrs. ruspee 3 · 0 1

never say no to being induced as the baby and you could die very quickly,after 10 days the placenta starts to deteriorate and baby stops getting oxygen and also it starts to detach from the wall of uterus and you hemorrhage and both of you die,some women never make the hormone to star labor and however long you waited you would not go into natural labor

2006-11-09 10:36:09 · answer #7 · answered by dumplingmuffin 7 · 1 1

They had to iduce me with both of my kids. Was no problem for me or the kids. I did still get the epiderhal(spell) though. Its nothing to worry about or anything so if they have to just let them do it.

2006-11-09 10:39:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

no, i was glad they induced my labor, my baby came right out and i was fine.

2006-11-09 10:37:11 · answer #9 · answered by tear drop 4 · 0 0

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