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Why are people so against this? Everyone I meet has something rude to say to me about me working at my home and taking care of it so my better half and I can relax after work. We have enough money and I'm pursuing a dream, so what's the big deal? Why do people I hardly know think they can just mouth off about it to my face? Would people have had this problem even ten years ago? If the result of the women's movement is that people can tell you how you should live your life and think it has no worth if you stay at home and aren't lazy, then I think it's failed. What do you think?

2006-11-09 01:15:15 · 28 answers · asked by KeM 2 in Social Science Gender Studies

28 answers

It's because you're not supporting the lie they all buy into...that women have to have a career in order to be complete and happy people. Every woman who is happy not doing that rubs their noses in the lie they live by...so they "shoot the messenger". They get angry at you instead of acknowledging the lie that feminism has sold them for what it truly is.

There is almost a silent agreement between them to keep the lie going...as if they are not "socially acceptable" if they aren't happy working their butts off. Thing is this all gets pushed by the media, so women buy into it without realizing it, or why...yet reinforce it with each other by the tactic they use on you. If they could only open their eyes. It is a part of feminism though...so it's going to take other women to tell them.

2006-11-09 02:11:16 · answer #1 · answered by fishman 3 · 33 5

Well, I would say it has little to do with jealousy. However, often people fail to appreciate that managing a home is a lot of work. Just because a job does not pay does not mean it is not work nor does it mean that the job is not full of responsibility.

If you and your husband can manage financially with him providing the income and with you managing the home, then consider yourself fortunate that you can do so. Never mind what the naysayers and critics have to say.

Also, I think some people see work that provides an income as a means of providing independence and self-security. Thus, if you choose not to have a job that pays you are sacrificing the two. There is some merit to such an argument. But, even still, if the situation that you are in makes you happy and you feel secure in it, then I don't see anything wrong with it.

2006-11-09 01:34:48 · answer #2 · answered by Gin Martini 5 · 6 0

1. People have been rude and condescending to other people for millenia, this is not a new phenomena, nor will it go away anytime soon.
2. How you live your life is your business, but realize there are forces on both sides of the women's movement that want women to feel bad about their decision no matter what it is. If you think that women who work outside the home don't get a ration of #@% because they aren't at home taking care of their family, you need to talk to your friends who work outside the home.
3. Instead of being divisive, make coalitions that support women no matter where they work! You are blessed because you can pursue your dream. Maybe you can help other women pursue theirs, be it as a career woman, a homemaker, a single mom or anything else! I have yet to find a legitamate occupation for women that isn't as valid as any other.

2006-11-09 01:25:59 · answer #3 · answered by Foundryman 2 · 5 0

The main conflict dates back when our prophet pbuh died and muslims couldn't agree on who should succeed him. Muslims are not supposed to split into sects there shouldn't be such thing as Shiaa and Sunni as we all follow the quran. Today the conflict is really about politics and stupidity and not about religion. What's happening in Iraq is politics. I wonder what would happen if a law was imposed to prevent labels such as Shiaa and Sunni, maybe they wouldn't know what they are really fighting about anymore lol.

2016-05-22 00:08:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Look no one who has ever stayed home and taken care of a child will ever say such a remark to you. You have every right to stay home and not work outside of the house if you choose and your husbands income can support you. Even if the buget is tight. Your child is more important than the busybodies opinions are. The result of the womens movement is that you have a choice in the matter not that everyone can tell you how to live your life. Next time someone tells you that tell them: Well I think that having your child taken care of by someone else is wrong.

2006-11-09 01:27:30 · answer #5 · answered by elaeblue 7 · 7 1

I'm a feminist and I see nothing wrong with it, so it has nothing to do with the woman's movement. My boyfriend and I have talked about how we're going to do things after we get married, and I will be a stay at home mom. The little amount of money that I make doesn't make it worth it to keep working. I'm 27, if that puts a frame of reference in your head. If you and your husband are financially comfortable, more power to you. The women's movement has been about women making their own decisions, if you want to work, work. If not, and you're in a position that you don't have to, don't work. They're probably just jealous, so don't let it get to you.

2006-11-09 02:05:35 · answer #6 · answered by Allison L 6 · 6 0

I think women especially who say horrible, mean and nasty things are doing so because they are jealous. They wish they could do the same and unfortunately they are either unable because of their life style choices. Or they have husbands who are not caring, giving and loving enough to allow them to stay at home and live as a queen. Personally, that is not the way I choose to live, I do not like being at home, I get entirely to bored. I enjoy having a career. I think it is fine if that is what a women chooses to do and she is full filled and happy with this role in her life, I say more power to you! Live and be happy, and do not worry about those nasty, negative and hateful, jealous individuals. God bless

2006-11-09 10:38:50 · answer #7 · answered by ? 7 · 4 1

I don't feel that way at all. I am a "working" woman, but I can totally see the benefit of being home. I know that time spent after my husband gets home from work is usually on laundry, dishes, and all that. If I were able to do that before he got home..he wouldn't have to do it, and I wouldn't have to work. However most families can't make it on one income anymore. So maybe people get on you about staying home because they are jealous. Not because you get to stay home and do your work there, but because you are ABLE to stay home. Like...ooo she doesn't have to work because her husband makes enough money. You don't have to and shouldn't have to explain yourself to people, and you shouldn't have to be made to feel inferior just because you don't have a job. If I didn't have to work..I wouldn't. I'd stay home and clean and cook, and do yard work, I'd even do a little Charity work. And most of those women who give you slack, I'm sure would say the same. Who the hell wants to be told what to do at work, when you can stay home and not answer to anyone and fill your time with whatever YOU want. They are lying if they say different. Enjoy your time at home!!!

2006-11-09 01:25:47 · answer #8 · answered by jmk_jenmarie 3 · 5 1

Jim and Mikey hit it right on the head...... they're jealous. Those of us who choose to stay at home are no less important than women who leave the house to work. Keeping a home & family is the MOST important job there is, because without a stable, happy, clean home, family life would fall apart. without family, we're no different than savage animals that are in it strictly for survival of the SELF. Blow these people off, they have no right to judge you at all. And you are NOT being too sensitive, I know from experience these people can really p*ss you off.

2006-11-09 01:25:42 · answer #9 · answered by farf 3 · 8 1

Jealousy is a big part of it. Ignore them. It's your life to live as you want. Tell them they are being rude if you want to waste your breath. Prob. won't help. They will still be jealous. I don't work outside the home. I don't need to and I'm enjoying my life. My husband also likes it this way. I'm a good mother, a good cook, I have my social clubs, etc. Good life. And I don't care what anybody thinks. So, I say enjoy your life, it's too short not to.

2006-11-09 04:46:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

I don't think there is anything wrong with what you are doing, as long as you and your partner both agree to it, and make it work. Where I am, I tend to see a lot of people that don't approve of women with careers, they think we should be at home cleaning our homes, and taking care of children. I myself work a full time job, and my boyfriend does as well, but we both like working, and the rest of our chores are split. I myself couldn't be home everyday, I like working, but that's what I am comfortable with. People who judge your decisions do not know the whole story, and have no right to put you down for your decisions. I consider myself a feminist, but I don't have a problem with a woman staying at home as long as it is her decision, and she is happy with it. So kudos to you, and if you are happy with your life, don't let anyone tell you that what you are doing is wrong!

2006-11-09 01:31:05 · answer #11 · answered by supersourrainbow 3 · 4 1

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