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how did press and public opinion play in the conduct and results of the spanish-american war?

2006-11-09 00:18:18 · 4 answers · asked by Vienna 3 in Education & Reference Homework Help

4 answers

This site is "the effect of the press on Spanish-American relations in 1898:" http://www.humboldt.edu/~jcb10/spanwar.shtml

2006-11-09 00:55:32 · answer #1 · answered by Serendipity 7 · 0 0

Wikipedia: Spanish-American War
The Spanish-American War took place in 1898 and resulted in the United States gaining control over the former colonies of Spain in the Caribbean and Pacific. The US ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish-American_War
Spanish-American War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Public opinion in Cuba favored American intervention. ... Thomas; Historical Dictionary of the Spanish American War Greenwood Press, 1996 ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_American_War
Lamson Library " Blog Archive " Public Opinion And The Spanish-American War; A Study In War Propaganda
Public Opinion And The Spanish-American War; A Study In War ... Public opinion. United States. Press. Propaganda, American. Spanish-American War, 1898 ...www.plymouth.edu/library/opac/record/1125422

2006-11-09 01:26:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the most immediate cause of the spanish american was was the crisis in relations between the two countries emerging from the Cuban rebellion against spanish rule and the brutal response from spain. the coverage from american press, due mainly to growing circulation, of a war so close to americas shores fed into americas imerialistic views so prevalent during that time. the citizenry in america was fed whatever information the press deemed important. consequently american public opinion was in a fevered pitch for war. if you need more just ask

2006-11-09 01:36:58 · answer #3 · answered by Darin C 3 · 0 0

1. Socially conscious journalists who dramatized the need for reform were known as (1 point) (0 pts) yellow journalists. (0 pts) social gospelists. (0 pts) novelists. (1 pt) muckrakers. 1 /1 point 2. In 1889, Jane Addams opened Hull House, which was (1 point) (0 pts) a soup kitchen in New York City. (0 pts) a theater in New Orleans. (1 pt) a settlement house in Chicago. (0 pts) an orphanage in New York City. 1 /1 point 3. The members of the Niagara Movement denounced Booker T. Washington’s advocacy of (1 point) (1 pt) gradual progress for African Americans. (0 pts) immediate social equality for African Americans. (0 pts) racial segregation of public schools. (0 pts) African Americans running for national office. 1 /1 point 4. A bitter battle between Theodore Roosevelt and his successor, William H. Taft, led to (1 point) (1 pt) a split in the Republican Party. (0 pts) Roosevelt’s third term as president. (0 pts) the breakup of Standard Oil. (0 pts) war between the United States and Spain. 1 /1 point 5. The Federal Reserve Act placed national banks under the control of the (1 point) (0 pts) Treasury Department. (1 pt) Federal Reserve Board. (0 pts) Federal Trade Commission. (0 pts) Interstate Commerce Commission. 1 /1 point 6. One reason powerful nations rushed to grab colonies in the 1800s was the desire (1 point) (1 pt) for raw materials and natural resources located abroad. (0 pts) to learn about manufacturing practices in weaker nations. (0 pts) for new military allies in Africa and Asia. (0 pts) to import educated workers from poorer nations. 1 /1 point 7. The belief that life consists of competitive struggles in which only the fittest survive is known as (1 point) (0 pts) socialism. (0 pts) the Social Gospel. (1 pt) social Darwinism. (0 pts) jingoism. 1 /1 point 8. Sensational headlines and pictures were characteristic of the (1 point) (0 pts) newspapers owned by Matthew Perry. (1 pt) Yellow Press. (0 pts) newspapers owned by Gifford Pinchot. (0 pts) Great White Press. 1 /1 point 9. Shortly after the U.S. victory in the Spanish-American War, U.S. forces (1 point) (0 pts) surrendered Puerto Rico in the “Gentlemen’s Agreement.” (0 pts) returned control of Cuba to Spain. (0 pts) launched a guerrilla war in Panama. (1 pt) fought against an insurrection in the Philippines. 1 /1 point 10. The Open Door policy was an assertion of America’s (1 point) (0 pts) interest in trade with Japan. (0 pts) desire that all western powers leave China. (0 pts) interest in trade with Europe. (1 pt) desire for free trade with China. 1 /1 point 11. American support for the Panamanian rebels’ fight against Colombia (1 point) (0 pts) was provided despite the opposition of France. (1 pt) helped make construction of the Panama Canal possible. (0 pts) brought an end to Spanish influence in Colombia. (0 pts) violated the terms of the Platt Amendment. 1 /1 point 12. President Woodrow Wilson promised a foreign policy guided by (1 point) (1 pt) moral diplomacy. (0 pts) big stick diplomacy. (0 pts) dollar diplomacy. (0 pts) boxer diplomacy. 1 /1 point 13. World War I was caused by a variety of factors, including nationalism, (1 point) (1 pt) imperialism, militarism, and entangling alliances. (0 pts) militarism, Progressivism, and chauvinism. (0 pts) Bolshevism, isolationism, and a breakdown of alliances. (0 pts) socialism, colonialism, and pacifism. 0 /1 point 14. What crystallized American opinion at the beginning of World War I? (1 point) (0 pts) Russia’s invasion of Germany (1 pt) Germany’s invasion of Belgium (0 pts) Great Britain’s invasion of France (0 pts) Austria-Hungary’s invasion of Serbia 1 /1 point 15. Widespread support for the American war effort during World War I was promoted by the (1 point) (0 pts) Public Education Committee. (0 pts) Committee on Public Education. (1 pt) Committee on Public Information. (0 pts) Committee for War Development. 1 /1 point 16. The movement of African Americans from the rural South to the industrial North in the early 1900s is known as the (1 point) (1 pt) Great Migration. (0 pts) northern Migration. (0 pts) Underground Railroad. (0 pts) Trail of Tears. 1 /1 point 17. President Woodrow Wilson believed that if the victorious nations forced peace terms on the defeated nations after World War I, (1 point) (0 pts) the victorious nations would gain valuable new territory. (1 pt) there would be no permanent peace. (0 pts) the defeated nations would lose territories they deserved to lose. (0 pts) a permanent peace would be obtained. 1 /1 point 18. How did the end of World War I affect the economic opportunities available to women and African Americans? (1 point) (0 pts) It had little effect on either group. (0 pts) Women gained jobs, but African Americans lost them. (1 pt) It spelled the end of many economic opportunities for both groups. (0 pts) Both groups enjoyed increased opportunities after the war. 1 /1 point 19. In the 1920s, police arrested thousands of suspected radicals in what became known as the (1 point) (0 pts) Sedition Raids. (0 pts) Wilson Raids. (0 pts) Radical Raids. (1 pt) Palmer Raids. 1 /1 point Use the information below to answer the following question. 20. Which groups created relief organizations to help individuals? (1 point) (0 pts) Mexicans and Native Americans (1 pt) Mexicans and African Americans (0 pts) Native Americans and Jews (0 pts) Jews and African Americans

2016-05-22 00:03:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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