I have two girls and I have breastfeed both. When every my girls would start to go to sleep, before they were gone they went into their own beds and put them selves to sleep. This way they didn't get used to using the feeding as their way to fall asleep. I now have a five year old and seven month old I can put in their beds and they go to sleep on their own. I do agree breastfeeding is better but I also found it hard to do a 100% so what you can do is mix bottles with breast milk and formula. Use a formula with iron in it. This allow you not to pump or breastfeed as much. This also always your husband to help with some of the feedings. I am also a ped. nurse and I found no mater if you have a breast feed baby or a formula, if mommy is happy so is baby. Do what is best for your family and you.
2006-11-08 23:38:02
answer #1
answered by tc 1
HEY. I called my baby boy the *booby boy*. He loved nursing! Babies who are on the 'boob' love it. It's very cozy to them So, It's very normal and common that babies go to sleep at the breast.
I understand that nursing takes a tremendous amount of time and so tiring. You have to do what is best for you.
Well, you do have the option of quiting nursing, but I would suggest that you keep it up if possible. They are babies for only a short time! And once it's over, you can't go back. You could pump your milk and put it in a bottle if you'd like? Or just keep nursing and when he's full and burped, put him to bed. He'll go to sleep eventually. If he fusses, then let him fuss. He'll be ok. He's just gotten used to the fact you're his 'dummy' as you called it.
Someone did suggest to use a pacifier and My first thought that may be a good idea, but then if they drop it they wake up and cry because it fell out. Neither of my babies wanted the pacifier. They tried it just for a little while, but I didn't push it on them. It's probably better without.
2006-11-08 20:07:17
answer #2
answered by Just me. 4
That is totally normal. he should have as much access to the breast as he needs. Don't give up on him because of some uneducated comments from people who are supposed to be supportive.
Your family needs to mind its own business!
Of course he is a booby boy. He's a BABY! It is quite healthy for him and for you. All babies deserve to be breastfed for at least a year, preferably longer! Babies need non-nutritive suckling as well as feeding. it is important to their development and secure attachment.
A dummy is a FAKE NIPPLE, not the other way around.
Now, if he will not stay asleep without a nipple in his mouth, you can try a dummy.
Among other great techniques in her book "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" Elizabeth Pantley describes one method for teaching a baby to stay asleep after nursing. It's called the Pantley Pull-Off. What you do is nurse the baby until he is asleep, then gently insert your finger to break the latch. Then gently press a finger under his jaw to close his mouth. if he wakes up and freaks out let him nurse, but repeat the process. Eventually he will make the connection and sleep without being latched on.
A botle would not cure his need to suck and be close to his mum, it would just fillhim with another animal's breastmilk.
2006-11-08 20:20:46
answer #3
answered by Terrible Threes 6
You are doing a great job mama !
Some babies really like and need the closeness of their mum.
BUT how exhausting for you.
There is a book called the NO -CRY SLEEP SOLUTION by Elizabeth Pantley. She has some great suggestions on how to help your little go to sleep without using you as comforter. She supports breasfeeding, co-sleeping, attachment parenting etc.
It does get easier, after having formual fed previous babies breastfeeding your new baby sometimes can make you feel like first time mum again, although you have done it twice before.
Goodluck.... oh by the way babies don't use a boob because they want a dummy.... they use a dummy because they want a boob.
2006-11-08 21:31:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I felt the same way when my girl was little. How many times did I tell her, I am NOT a pacifier! She didnt really listen that well. It does get better as they get older though, and it's the best source of food for your baby so I would continue if I were you. It really doesnt matter what your family says - I've dealt with a lot of crap from my family about nursing my girl but you have to just shrug it off. Do what you want to do, and dont let them influence you. If you're going to quit because your baby wont sleep without having you there with him and you're sick of it, try a pacifier and having your husband put him in bed. My girl quite forcefully rejected the pacifier, but we got her to sleep with a little stuffed animal at around 5 or 6mths that took my place. As a stay at home mom, I frequently let her sleep with me as a newborn. I should have started breaking that cycle a little earlier, but I'll know for my second. :-) Keep at it, and you'll see it does get better. This is perfectly normal for him to want to sleep with you, there is no better place for a baby then in their mommy's arms.
2006-11-09 04:29:36
answer #5
answered by MaPetiteHippopotame 4
Thats fine that he wants to fall asleep on mommy! Its called bonding! My 3 m/o does that all the time. makes me feel really good to. If it becomes such a problem that he isn't getting full, make it so he WILL stay awake. Make him cold, do "baby ups", play loud (not *to* loud) music, stuff that keeps him awake. Talk to him, play with his feet, hands ect...
As for your family members...so what? I don't care that it bothers you, but think your baby for a minute. You're giving him something 300 times better than formula, and you're gonna give it up cuz people call him a "boob man?" You're gonna waste 100's of dollars because of a little nickname? And you're gonna cheat yourself out of the best experience EVER because of that? Even my family calls my child the same thing...why? Cuz it's true! Unless you are overty Christian would I see this as a problem. And if you are, remember Jesus was breastfed to...
Good luck!
2006-11-09 00:17:19
answer #6
answered by Pandora 6
If you want to put your baby to sleep in 20 seconds you must get the "Instant Baby Sleep" MP3 sound track. Here is their official web-site: http://www.instantbabysleep.net
The sound track gently produces energy over the full human hearing spectrum with an embedded pulse that gently eases the brain to the Alpha state well known for drowsiness and sleep induction.
2014-09-25 09:53:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It's none of your family members business on how your kid eats. You don't call them up at dinner time and ask them what their eating and how long its going to take for them to down it.
Anyway. nursing is the best and I have found it to be more convenient than bottle feeding. I also loved having my babies so close. Both my kids are super loving and my daughter who is three has only had to be on antibiotics one time. My son who is ten has been on them twice. I really contribute them not contracting as many illnesses to be nursed over bottle fed.
ultimately its up to you and how you feel about the situation and your body. Is this going to be your last child? Take some time and think it over. good luck!
2006-11-08 19:52:53
answer #8
answered by ~brigit~ 5
I fed my first child, expressed every feed for several feed and finally threw in the towel, it wasn't for me I hate it and I started to resent him. I admire women who breastfeed their babies but you do not need to be hooked up 24/7 to your child. You could try easing him off and easing in a pacifier so as not to disturb him but if your feelings remain you may choose to switch him to a bottle. You will know what's right for you, its isn't nice that your relies have labeled him for being fed naturally but don't let that influence your decision. I only fed my first child I went on to have three more babies who were all bottle-fed and I was a better mother for it and ironically the sickest (although thankfully not seriously) of all my children was the one I fed!
2006-11-08 19:59:29
answer #9
answered by Just Thinking 6
Stick with it, it won't be for much longer. When he starts on solids, you can reduce the number of breastfeeds during the day and just keep the last one of the day before you put him down for the night. He will sleep more contentedly and more importantly, you will be able to sleep too!
2006-11-08 21:12:38
answer #10
answered by anabelezenith 3