The terms Republican and Democrat don't mean as much as they once did. A much better distinction is between liberals and conservatives. Generally Democrats are more liberal (although not always,) while Republicans tend to be more conservative (although not always.)
If you are a liberal you believe:
1. Freedom is better than control
2. Tax dollars should be spent to help the poor, homeless, and the disadvantaged
3. There should be no excessive government control of the media
4. People are generally victims (of government, police, racism, sexism, etc...)
5. We need to help each other more
6. There SHOULD be gun control
7. There should NOT be the death penalty
8. There SHOULD be abortion
9. The rights of the person arrested are just as important (or more so) as the rights of their victim.
10. There is always a good excuse why people commit crimes (remember we are ALL victims.)
If you go on trial you WANT a liberal jury.
A Liberal is a conservative who has just been arrested.
Conservatives tend to believe:
1. We need more religion in America to improve our nation
2. People need to be watched and controlled to a degree
3. The rights of the victims far outweight the rights of the accused
4. We MORE punishment in prisons and less job training there
5. There should be NO abortion
6. We should be executing many more death row inmates
7. Some things need to be monitored and censored occasionally
8. Our responsibilities take precedent over out rights
9. We need to use our tax dollars for a stronger military NOT more welfare
10. Many groups in society are professional complainers--they need to shut up, stay in school get good jobs, pay their taxes and quit complaining about everything
If you have been arrested you better hope that you DON'T get a conservative jury.
A conservative is a liberal who has just been robbed.
2006-11-08 14:37:22
answer #1
answered by Mr. Curious 6
Simple, how you know if you are a republican or democrat is you fill out the paperwork declaring you to be a part of one party or the other.
People aren't born one or the other and your values don't make you one or the other either.
2006-11-08 23:03:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
write down whats most important to you maybe 5-10 things then ask opinions and ask if people are Rep or Dem.
this will help you learn more of the details of each.
also follow the newspapers and Internet on political on issue.
its great you are trying to decide what you are and what you believe in for yourself! most just do whats handed to them in religion and politics. so you are already one step ahead!
please see the Internet definitions .I've enclosed.. and note even within each party there are great variations of thought.
i am trying to be unbiased but i do not like most republicans at all.
republicans tend to believe that doing all for big business is best and things will trickle down. to the middle class and poor.
they spend money on war and defense and things corporate. they believe other than military.. govt should be small. many believe they belong in your private business and religious choices should be legislated. they are generally not proponents of civil rights or privacy.
Republican Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Republican Party (often referred to as the GOP, for Grand Old Party) is ... From 1860 to 1912, the Republicans took advantage of the association of the ... - 144k
democrats believe in bigger govt and that govt shouldn't be in your private choices . they believe that the Rich got that way by not being fair or giving any back. and try to create more opportunities for poor and middle class to do better. this takes more governing and taxes. and they believe there need to be protections from big business and corporate interests.
Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Democrats trace their roots to the Democratic-Republican Party established by ... Also see: Bourbon Democrat, a forerunner of Conservative Democrats. ... - 193
2006-11-08 22:47:32
answer #3
answered by macdoodle 5
I dont see much diference between them , Iam neither ,I vote for the person that is closer to my beliefs and is for the betterment of the State, community and its people, so yesterday I voted for Jim Rice for Florida Governor[he dint win!] and I voted foe Tom Feeney for congress, a Democrat and a Republican , both very good people! Both Americans , both with the same goals.
2006-11-08 22:28:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I will attempt to answer this, although recently these traditional rules have blurred, and now the two parties are mostly for everything the other party is against and vice-versa.
Republicans traditionally favor smaller government and greater economic freedoms (less taxes, incentives for business, less government regulation of businesses), social values (typically harder on crime, favoring longer and stricter punishment for criminals, many are opposed to abortion and gay marriage, and many are against stricter gun control for law-abiding citizens.
Democrats traditionally favor larger goverment that has many social programs to help the needy, higher taxes on the wealthy to pay for the social programs, stricter rules and regulations for businesses, favor more forgiving policies towards criminals, many are pro-choice and many favor stricter gun control laws.
In the last few decades, Democrats have taken on more focus on the environment, using their historical position in opposition to business to drive for increased environmental regulation.
It is often forgotten that, despite the rhetoric (particularly in places like this posting site) most members of both parties actually think they are in the right about what is good for America.
Republicans complain that Democrats lack brains, and often put in place quick fix plans which sound good on paper but have unintended consequences with negative implications for the future. Democrats would point out that Republicans certainly have made their share of mistakes.
Democrats complain that Republicans only care about making money for themselves and lack heart and compassion for those less fortunate. Republicans honestly believe that their policy suggestions of smaller government and lower taxes really will help everyone become better off.
At the end of the day, someplace in the middle is probably about right- and that is what our system of government maintains.
2006-11-08 22:33:28
answer #5
answered by castlekeepr 4
it is explained like this by many..... Republicans are for the big businesses that run our country. They get tax breaks and many kudos. Democrats are for the people and want to give money to Americans that need it and help them out. In a nut shell.. who knows.. I agree with republicans and Democrats on things they stand for. I say you vote with who you are comfortable with. But how can we be comfortable with politicians?
2006-11-08 22:36:47
answer #6
answered by pink9364 5
It's better than normal. It's intelligent. People who defend one party's EVERYTHING regardless of how wrong that party or that politician is being are just not thinking for themselves. There are wonderful Republicans and wonderful Democrats. There are also corrupt people in both parties. Vote for good people who don't blow with the wind and it doesn't matter which party other people you know belong to. There are too few good politicians to worry about their party affiliations.
2006-11-08 22:28:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Republicans are supposed to represent less government interference. That would mean lowering taxes, less government control in your lives, less restricting laws, etc. They typically mix religious and political views more than democrats do, and because of this, they are more "traditional" or "conservative" and are generally against abortion and gay marriage.
Democrats are about equality, helping the poor, giving welfare and medicare, etc. They put more emphasis on government power so that they can have more control about issues like pollution and such. Democrats are socially liberalists and are referred to as the "big government." Democrats are generally pro-choice and for same-sex marriages.
2006-11-08 22:32:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I believe you can be either Republican or Democrat because it depends on what you believe like one year you may vote for a Republican and the next time you vote you may not. You pick who you want but if you pick one each time you know who you are.
2006-11-08 22:28:59
answer #9
answered by HEY!!!1 1
if you are loving and compassionate ,toward the poor, you a democrat.
if you are egotistical, self righteous, money hungry,and use the poor as a tax write off you are republican.
I'm a democrat-because i try to love all people, and try to understand their -point of view.--but I'm Conservative in one aria only --i don't like gay child-molesters.IT IS WRONG.
2006-11-09 01:30:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous