You write that "anyone who says [the current president] is the worst president ever has ... never studied any history." Well, strangely, following your logic, it seems a lot of historians have "never studied history." Many historians now believe that GW Bush is "perhaps the worst president in the nation's history." (You can contact me and I will tell you where to get this authoritative information online.)
I would never vote for a person like GW Bush. I am very liberal and refused to vote for Clinton also because Clinton was, I believed, a slick rhetorician, a prevaricator, an ambitious opportunist, and a sophist. I turned to the Green Party in 2000.
For three years I tried to be careful in the phrasing of my apprasal of the current president. I would say, "I honestly think he is one of the worst presidents ever." But in 2004 I came to believe that he was actually THE WORST (my reasons are too much to detail here).
It is important to remember that thousands of Americans being slaughtered in Iraq, a burgeoning national debt and grossly unbalanced federal budget, and failing to catch Osama bin Laden were not the historical reasons that Bush lost favor with the American electorate. It was the Katrina diaster (not the "disaster" that was the hurricane, but the disaster that was the federal response to the hurricane). Only then did people begin to realize just how incompetent their commander in chief really was. Only then!
By the way, you mention Reagan and his "trickle down" economic philosophy. GW Bush's father derisively called it "Voodoo economics," and the country's leading economists at the time said it was an unsound, misguided policy. The current president has done the very same thing: give trillions of dollars to middle and upper class people. It is both sad and fascinating historically to watch this play out. How can he get away with a plan to essentially mortgage the nation and place the debt on Amercan children (as it is they who will pay the taxes to finance this windfall for the wealthy)? The Republicans had a lot of money, but it is pure genius to use the tax money itself, and thus you can buy votes; just tell people that you'll give them huge tax rebates, and you'll get millions of votes that way. Who wouldn't like to pay $4,000.00 less in taxes each year? (The rich taxpayers got a lot more than $4,000 apiece of course, starting in 2001.).
Here is something you've perhaps never given any thought to: Clinton (astoundingly) balanced the federal budget before he left office. This was remarkable, fantastic, unbelievable (as it had been grossly unbalanced by his predecessors, Reagan and Bush Sr.). So, in 2000 there was a small surplus. That "surplus" should have gone, of course, to pay down the enormous federal debt that stood then at over $5 trillion. Now, only six years later, the debt is approaching $8 trillion. And there is one lone guy in this whole universe who is responsible for this situation. I don't have to tell you his name. You know it.
Also, just for your information, some historians do not believe that Abraham Lincoln was the best of all the presidents. However, I do, and the consensus among historians collectively is that Lincoln WAS the greatest of all the presidents. Lincoln was a Republican, but do not confuse this with the Republicanism of today. The political dynamic changed dramatically during the Great Depression (with FDR). The Republican politics of today to not resemble the Republican politics of 160 years ago.
Read more. Search online for reputable Universities and history organizations that are not political but professional. There you will find frank apprasals of the current president. (Many conservatives discount these views of scholars however because it is well known that scholars (intellectuals) tend to be politically liberal. - which should not surprise; see the definition of "liberal" in a dictionary.)
Good luck.
2006-11-08 14:25:27
answer #1
answered by voltaire 3
Bush has a tendency to speak his mind. You may not agree with it, but you at least know where he stands. Clinton would take polls to see what was popular. He would say what you wanted to hear, which means you never new the character of the man. He was a sell out.
Bush and his republican comrades promised great things after the first elections. The problem was, other than the popularity of the war, it was business as usual. The did not stem the tide of spending, as promised, and the recent scandals showed that it was politics as usual. It is best to keep a republican seat, than to bar him for misconduct. Having the ability to force a bill through by popular vote did not guarantee a good bill.
It seems the the right wing is to far right and the left wing is too far left. America suffers when either one has the upper hand. Only when they are in dead lock can the real issues that plague America can be addressed and passed and the party agenda stalls. When one party has the upper hand, the party agenda seems to be the fare of the day and real progress takes a back seat. I think we need term limits for the Senate and the House, if we ever want to break the strangle hold that career politicians have on the public.
2006-11-08 14:02:57
answer #2
answered by Mr Cellophane 6
by the way, Im 13, but these are my strongest opinions.
1.The president is arrogant, stubborn, ignorant and believes he is above the law. He is a dangerous person to have as our president.
His primary goal has been to cut taxes for the rich and squeeze the working class. He talks about jobs and how great the economy is. The truth is that a lot of working-class people have more than one job to make payments and are not saving anything. If a family member gets sick and goes to a hospital, these families could lose everything.
The time is long overdue to secure the U.S. borders and stop the flood of people entering illegally. With the national debt and the balance of trade setting new records, the president may decide to declare bankruptcy for the country when he leaves office. He ignores these things as if they will go away. This president has indeed been the worst we have had.
2006-11-08 13:59:10
answer #3
answered by Aneesa S 4
My father was born in 1931, has seen the great depression, WW2, he fought in the Korean war, has been around for Vietnam, Gulf War, and this war. He has lived through and witnessed a lot of America's history. He says this Bush is the worst president he has ever seen. The one before that was Regan. And the list can go on. But for a 75 year old man Georgie takes the cake.
2006-11-08 13:58:15
answer #4
answered by Netta 3
Because bush brought us back into a war like Vietnam, won a the election by voter fraud in the south,brought us a Hugh national debt that is bringing up interest rates, reduced funding for domestic program, eroding the relationship we have with NATO, can not defuse any international conflict. He Failed in his response to national disaster like Katrina. He has so divided the country politically that historians compare it to the attitude of the American people before the Civil war. He can not seem to answer Helen Thomas' questions.
Everything that those president's did bad...Well he did too he did it all together. (Except they were never too chicken to talk to Helen Thomas in the Press corps)
2006-11-08 14:20:46
answer #5
answered by copestir 7
"Because President Bush orchestrated the terror attacks of 911. Him, his brother Marvin, Rumsfield and Larry Silverstein. Then they turned right around and used the attacks as a pretext for military intervention in Iraq. Bin Laden and Al-Queda had absolute nothing to do with it."
You know that's bulls-t come on,
The facts and the hard evidence would prove otherwise they've got their man Khalid Sheik Mohammed who helped plan it the
Al-Qaeda Terrorists themselves have admitted they did it and have threatened many times to do it again let's see video tapes of them discussing and laughing about 9/11 in their caves even more video tapes showing the 9/11 Hijackers smiling laughing a full year before 2001 preparing for their martyrdom plus alot of documentation and other evidence seized in Afghanistan let's not forget all those Terrorists in Cuba who have talked and revealed alot too.
2006-11-08 15:03:23
answer #6
answered by markm 4
I'm afraid u can find flaws in every human.. George has that specail mark of entittlement.. He knows he has no intention of keeping a promise... The whole notion of precident seemed like something 2 show up dad and prove he could shove giant tax cuts to only very weathly down everbodys throat... he would go 2 Iraq & kick Saddam out as dad did not.... George never seemed to treat the oval office or "THE PEOPLE" as if he gave one iota of poop. He did not care if country survived his frat boy antics. He does not make mistakes he just does not care.
2006-11-08 14:09:47
answer #7
answered by mary57whalen 5
Its all perspective on how the president effects and individuals life. I think that President Bush does show some character for sticking to his guns and not leaving Iraq, even if it isn't the popular thing to do. But he is not evil, just doing the best he can with what he was handed. I wonder how Bill Clinton would have responded to 9/11?
2006-11-08 14:00:20
answer #8
answered by ? 6
I guess I can't honestly say the worst, but he did go against the word of almost everyone else in the world to fight in an unjustified war. This war has cost thousands of innocent lives. To me, that's not a good thing.
2006-11-08 13:58:25
answer #9
answered by frenchy62 7
Because President Bush orchistrated the terror attacks of 911.
Him, his brother Marvin, Rumsfield and Larry Silverstein. Then they turned right around and used the attacks as a pretex for military intervention in Iraq. Bin Laden and Al-Queda had absolutley nothing to do with it. Sad but True. Have doubts?
Here....check out these sites....
2006-11-08 14:02:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous