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Dear friends, Firstly I am not advocating we change our natures.
Last night I had an odd thought. What if Gwenneth and I had lived as Patsy Stone and Edina Monsoon of Absolutely Fabulous fame. I tossed the idea around but eventually could not suspend disbelief. We would have a child, Saffron and probably chirrosis of the liver and various lung complaints. Interesting to speculate but a failed experiment.
Have any of you wondered what it would be like if you could change with a, b or c?
Love and dream dust, Rose P.

2006-11-08 13:22:41 · 1 answers · asked by rose p 7 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

1 answers

Hmmm. The last time I really thought of this was when I found out that Ex-Boy has the boy-and-girl baby twins he always wanted, but with another woman. Had I been able to keep babies as well as make them, my life would be *very* different. I'd still be living in Florida, for one thing. I wouldn't know how to yell at the cats in Russian the way my wife does. I'd be helping my mate detangle his long, curly hair instead of shaving her head. And then I'd be typing bitchy questions about how he takes everything to the taxidermist and how he thinks duct tape can fix everything, including velvet chairs (I'm NOT kidding!), and I'd be bitching all the time instead of just occasionally.

2006-11-08 13:32:32 · answer #1 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 0 0

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