Use the envelope system. Make a realistic budget for each category and when you get paid put that much money into each envelope. When the money in the envelope is gone you don't buy anything else in that category.
2006-11-08 13:13:36
answer #1
answered by The Man 5
You guys need to work out a'll be responsible for certain bills and she'll be responsible for other bills. You either can both save a certain amount each payday or you can agree that she'll pay an extra bill and you'll save a certain amount. Each of you should budget in spending money as well as unexpected small bills/food, etc....It's a team effort and you two are the team so you need to talk to work it out.....
2006-11-08 13:12:52
answer #2
answered by miatalise12560 6
I suggest you have a MUCH better understanding between the 2 of you on who pays for what or this arrangement is doomed.
Sometime there are simple solutions right after I got married we determined we needed separate checking accounts. My wife can tell within a penny of her balance i couldn't tell you with in a 100 dollars. After the checks started bouncing and the shouting settled down that solved the problem and it has lasted for 35 years.
2006-11-08 13:17:33
answer #3
answered by madjer21755 5
Yes. We always put our money together, paid the bills, put some away in savings and what was left was split between us. If it was used up that was it! I have given my husband a little of mine now and then, if he really needed it. He would give me a little if he had it and did not need it. But, in your case it sounds like you are letting her keep most of her check, so yes you should stop handing out more!
2006-11-08 13:10:29
answer #4
answered by shepherd 5
So where does all her money go? That seems odd...But, does she make significantly less than you do?
Anyways, I would put your money back in a safe place and stress to her you have very little. Then, if she asks for 20, give her 10 and tell her that's all you got. If you have very little in your wallet to give her, then she won't get very much will she? You may have to eat speghetti or bologna one night, but it'll teach her.
2006-11-08 13:15:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
0⤋ is the best resource for money. It made the biggest difference in our lives.
2006-11-08 13:19:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
if you can't trust each other with pooled income and pooled, budgeted expenses, you have a problem. write a plan that realistically deals with income and budget. yours is "ours" and hers is "ours". use one joint bank account.
2006-11-08 13:16:42
answer #7
answered by Ovrtaxed 4