The T'ang Dynasty Empress Wu Hu passed a special law concerning oral sex. She felt that a woman pleasuring a man represented the supremacy of the male over the female. Therefore, she insisted all visiting male dignitaries show their respect by pleasuring her orally when meeting. The empress would throw open her robe and her guest would kneel before her and kiss her genitals.
2006-11-08 10:21:40
answer #1
answered by lcraesharbor 7
I will give you a few of them most lipsticks contain fish scales, more monopoly money is printed through out the year than real money printed through out the world, one gallon of used motor oil can ruin 1 million gallons of fresh water, in 32 years there are 1 billion seconds, most dust particles in your home are from dead skin, men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightening than women, a tooth pick is the item most often choked on by americans, in Texas it is against the law to have a pair of pliers in your possesion, Alaska law says you can't look at a moose from an airplane, in Utah on any highway a bird has the right of way, in North Carolina it is against the law for dogs and cats to fight anyways I am sure all of this is more than enough to impress your toaster for now, if you need anymore go to your homepage and type in useless facts or strange facts and do a search on it, you will come up with all sorts of wonderful things like I have given you
2016-05-21 22:52:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
In 1916, an elephant was tried and hung for murder in Erwin, Tennessee.
A washroom that was built by Lam Sai-wing is the world's most expensive washroom. He built the washroom for his shop and everything in the washroom is made out of gold and jewels. It cost $3.5 million to build.
An office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet.
Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
2006-11-08 10:25:34
answer #3
answered by DanE 7
First I would like to correct the post about sharks. Most sharks must continue to move in order to breath however there are reef sharks that have a modified gill that pumps water through it. This allows them to hold still for long periods of time to ambush prey and it also allows them to sleep.
The first computer bug was a moth.
Bark scorpions can slide through a crack the size of a credit card.
If you heat up river rocks they will explode.
Pure H2O does not boil, it takes impurities in the water to create bubbles.
The united states carries the most species of carnivorous plants. (did not believe that one but its documented)
2006-11-08 10:37:09
answer #4
answered by Silent One 4
The Shar Pei dog almost became died in China and if it wasn't for Hong Kong and the United States their would not be here at all.
They were also in the Guineese Book of World Records in 1978 for rarest dog in the world.
2006-11-08 10:27:37
answer #5
answered by Sublimebaby69 3
The total actual weight of the human body in terms of the actual
atomic particle volume absent the empty space would only equal
a fraction of an ounce and would only fill the volume of a speck of dust.
2006-11-08 10:21:41
answer #6
answered by royce r 4
yes. here are some of my favourites:
-Coca-Cola was originally green
-It is possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs
-Percentage of Africa that is wilderness: 28%
-Percentage of North America that is wilderness: 38%
-Percentage of American men who say they would marry the same woman if they had it to do all over again: 80%
-Percentage of American women who say they'd marry the same man if they had it to do all over again: 50%
-The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910
-The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable
-Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted people
without killing them would burn their houses down - hence the expression "to get fired."
-The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds
-Cat's urine glows under a blacklight
-Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older
-The name Wendy was made up for the book "Peter Pan
hows that?
2006-11-08 10:54:33
answer #7
answered by moonshine 4
The average America online user spends 70 minutes day online.
2006-11-08 10:30:01
answer #8
answered by soulful thinker 5
There are 369 dimples on a golf ball.
"Arachibutyrophobia" is a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Iron weighs more after it rusts.
Earthworms have five hearts.
Finland has 179,584 islands.
2006-11-08 10:55:25
answer #9
answered by cynical 2
The word 'condom' comes from the Earl of Condom, personal physician to King Charles II, who made them for his monarch out of a stretched and oiled sheep's intestine.
2006-11-08 13:36:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous