No...50% of all first marriges end in divorce and 65% of all seconds get even worse after that.
2006-11-08 08:46:26
answer #1
answered by Chris F 2
I'm on my second marriage. And it is sooo much better than the first. I married young the first time. Made some serious mistakes and got divorced. Being single again was first!! Yeah can do whatever you want. Don't have to answer to anyone. Have all the sex you can get. It was great. It starts to get old. Don't get me wrong I wasn't looking to get married again. It just kind of hit me.
I got divorced in 1999 and I remarried again in 2005. I didn't rush into it. Like I said I wasn't looking to get married. I even told my husband-to-be that I wasn't looking for a serious relationship when we started seeing each other.
We're married now and I work at it. I try to use my experiences from my first marriage so I can avoid the making the same mistakes in my second. It also helps that I'm not the same person I was back then as well.
You live you learn. Life goes on. I hope you can be so lucky as to find what you want or to have it find you. Either way, remember marriage is not something that should be taken lightly. It's a committment. Life or longer. Best of luck to you.
2006-11-08 17:18:26
answer #2
answered by katija 2
I am hoping so I have been divorced for 3 years now I am taking what I learned from my first marriage the good and the bad and hoping I do not make the same mistakes.
2006-11-08 16:55:32
answer #3
answered by bifgrl31 3
It truly depends. I have friends who've been married 2, 3, 4 times before they found a suitable marriage partner.
The 2nd, 3rd.. get MUCH HARDER because there can be: unresolved feelings toward the ex and or their family; feelings of failure, guilt or loss; and (oh my god!!) children to raise and support from prior marriage(s).
That's often the deal breaker. Single moms and dads come as a package with their bio kids and that should be be respected and nurtured. All too often it is NOT the Brady bunch, as in one big family, but a case of his and hers. And god forbid that one of you earns less MONEY and needs/wants something for the step-child...
I'll get off my soapbox now and just wish you well in finding your best friend and soulmate. It can happen.
2006-11-08 17:25:50
answer #4
answered by upside down 4
My second marriage was just as bad as my first. In my family, it seems like the third time is a charm...both my mom and dad are on their third marriages and they have lasted over 20 years. Don't give up on finding the right person...she's out there somewhere.
2006-11-08 16:51:47
answer #5
answered by Lab Rat 3
NO it is considered that your first marriage you should have the highest feelings for that person so to say the second one will be better you are asking for a fortune cookie answer it all depends on what you make of it.
2006-11-08 17:02:03
answer #6
answered by Livinrawguy 7
I have been married twice. And the second time around, you know what to look for to hopefully avoid the problems you had the first time! However, I have new problems with my second husband!
2006-11-08 17:00:46
answer #7
answered by ladydragondale 3
If there has to be a second marriage I should hope it would be better than the first one.
2006-11-08 16:44:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I was definately better for me the 2nd time around. I think I was older and wiser about what a relationship is and what I needed out of it. My 1st marriage was spent thinking I was happy without affection and really not knowing myself well enough to be a good wife.
2006-11-08 16:58:32
answer #9
answered by Big Mama 3
marriage the second time around is just as horrifying as the first time. and if i had to do it over again, with the exception of my children, Hell No i woulnd't do it again.
2006-11-08 17:04:41
answer #10
answered by flwrgrl692001 3