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as real estate agent I need to have laptop(wireless) with me on meeting with new client out of office.what is the best option for laptop.

2006-11-08 08:06:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

3 answers

Whatever wireless service you have in your area and talking to people you know living there will be the best referral for that, is what will be most important. Also, as long as it has enouth memory for a program that you use for realestate and your book keeping that sort of thing. Dell is probably the best. if you are going to share files with your desktop you may not need as much memory for those programs, pictures take a lot of memory. So, Dell will design a unit just for your needs. They are great about that. They will try to sell more than you might need so really talk to other business people and see what their experience has been before you do anything. My first Gateway...first computer ever they sold me way more than I needed in programs so, I know they all do it. Just know what you want before you call and go for lots of storage and memory and speed/ Good luck.

2006-11-08 08:36:55 · answer #1 · answered by MISS-MARY 6 · 0 0

Who told you that you need to have a laptop to do real estate? ..... a laptop salesperson perhaps?

If you insist on having one, get one that bounces. It will at times hit the pavement. The one I have (bought for $150 used/abused) has a grand total of 5 GB (yes, five gigabytes). And it holds all the pictures, contracts, bible software, photos of my kids, sphere lists that any Realtor would need.

So really, almost any inexpensive laptop would work, as long as it can get wireless reception. I carry a one gig USB drive in my pocket now with all that I need and can use it at any computer.

Recently, my laptop did not bounce, but went "crack".... My kids still like looking at the pictures though...

2006-11-08 17:07:27 · answer #2 · answered by teran_realtor 7 · 0 0

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