You should be like "if you don't give me the money I'll break your other leg and your arms b*tch". and when you get the money, dump him
2006-11-08 08:15:33
answer #1
answered by mysticaura29 3
There are a lot of variables not addressed in your question. If he's laid-up still and not able to work, and you are working. He may be way short of money for general living expenses and embarrassed to tell you he just doesn't have the money right now. And he may see it, if you are working. That you have more financial flexibility and can wait a few more weeks. (Yes... I have 2 children and know how much $108. means) It would be good if you would... calmly... put that situation to him in the form of a question about his present situation and see what he says. Then again... It is possible he's actually just a jerk and since you've broken up, he figures you can kiss the $108. goodbye. BUT!!! There is good news. Small claims court. You have the proof(s) that you paid the bill for him, and can establish the reasonable probability that you did it with expectation to be paid back. There's no reason the court shouldn't award you the funds. As you're filing, you should check to see if you can add any amount to the case for inconvenience, filing fees and any court related costs.
2006-11-08 08:17:57
answer #2
answered by Bent 1
Get out know. The $108 is a cheap life lesson. First off why would you put your boyfriend before your child? Do not say you did not because you took the money you need for you child to pay his bill. It's a bad time for your man I am sure but you need to raise a real man that does not get into debit so he can watch TV. Teach him instead that you need to make better decisions then having your girlfriend to pay bills for you and then saying nothing about it. Next go to the book store find the book 10 stupid things women do to mess up their lives by Dr. Laura. I had my daughter read it and it helped her.
2006-11-08 07:58:47
answer #3
answered by uthockey32 6
If he said he would pay you back then he should pay you! Why did you pay the full amount anyway when you only offered to pay the minimum. You dont live with him so you are not responsible for half his bills tell him to pay the money to you or else you will take him on Judge Judy, I love that show and she always makes people pay if it was a loan which this sounds like it was! In the UK we could never do this but just lose out.
2006-11-08 07:55:06
answer #4
answered by sparkle dust 2
I'm sorry your friendship was not returned--you sound like a very thoughtful person. Anyone could have made this mistake. I'd definitely dump him ASAP and still bug him about the funds. When he contacts you following the breakup (which he will do) keep repeating that you had expected to be paid back and that you have a child's interest to look out for--he'll get off the phone really quickly and leave you alone. Good Luck. A person like you will eventually find someone worth having.
2006-11-08 08:15:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Cut your loses now and move on. Write the $108 off as a learning experience.>
2006-11-08 07:59:23
answer #6
answered by Captain Comment 4
I would insist that he pay, don't let him take advantage of you, like you said you have a child to care for, he is grown and can take care of himself. If he doesn't pay then I'd take him to small claims court. If your still seeing him I'd break it off and never see him again. No being nice and cleaning for him. If he gets by with this he will take full advantage of you and that's not fair to you or your child.
2006-11-08 07:56:00
answer #7
answered by sharpeilvr 6
You lost some money, but hang around and you will lose more and stress out so walk away now, your health and son is worth more
2006-11-08 08:06:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
From experience with a deadbeat will never see your money. Just cut your losses and get out. If you stay he will probably con more money out of you making you even more mad.
2006-11-08 07:53:33
answer #9
answered by sirelyas 2
Forget the money. Let him live with his conscience. Meet a decent guy this time.
2006-11-08 08:12:34
answer #10
answered by hornyheluk 2