I think it is unacceptable to have homophobic views as much as it is unacceptable to have racist views.
do i mind them? do i hate them? do i love them?
I don't make opinions based on sexual orientation.
I think your question is 20 years out of date!
Oh, i am straight just in case someone will base his/her opinion on my sexual orientation
2006-11-08 07:45:38
answer #1
answered by toietmoi 6
I am not gay (as far as I can tell) but I find gay people interesting, often charming, quite witty, talented and good drinking companions. i love to watch lesbians kiss, so I must not be viscerally opposed to the thought of same sex congress.
I don't much care to see gay men kiss, but can understand the pleasure of bodies entangled together (ask any wrestler if there isn't a bit of a tingle there). There's also a certain fascination with contemplating the beauty of the archetypal phallus. One can sometimes see examples of that ideal in real life and to deny the attraction to such an enticing example of this quintessential mix of form and function is to be less than honest with oneself.
This may in fact be the key act of self-deception that enables homophobia to flourish. That otherwise natural urge for a closer connection to an object of such beauty can perhaps only be countered by societal pressures to feel self-hatred at the very contemplation of such possible pleasure, and thus hatred for the source from which that object sprang.
2006-11-08 08:32:13
answer #2
answered by Grist 6
i don't mind at all. its nothing to do with me if a man likes other men of vice versa for women. but my fiance is as homophobic as they come against gays (not lesbians!) it really annoys me! i try and explain to him that just because a man is gay it doesn't mean he's going to 'try it on' with every male on the planet! the only thing im not sure of is why you have gay pride and things like that? why isn't there straight/heterosexual pride? also a question for gays/lesbians do you still have maternal feelings or get broody? i cant imagine why a woman wouldn't want to experience pregnancy, birth and motherhood. that's not just for lesbians i suppose... there are alot of married couples without children.
went right off the point there didn't i!? LOL
well i don't have a problem..... be who you are not what people expect!!! don't be boring!
2006-11-09 01:38:20
answer #3
answered by feathergiraffe 2
Firstly to answer your question, I love them, and secondly, I'm sorry to sound like a party pooper, however, to figure out the answer to your question, all you had to do was read through past questions... you definitely would've found out other's views. And personally, I believe that by posting such a question, whatever your intentions were, it's going to spark unwanted homophobic comments and attacks... and we already get dozens... that's just my personal thoughts.
2006-11-08 09:25:41
answer #4
answered by i_am_nathan_2002 3
I have lots of gay friends, including one of my two sisiters. I don't seek out gay people to be friends with but do generally get along well with them.
I myself am straight, I do find people of my own gender attractive but I do not want to have homosexual sex - I just don't find that option appealing to me. I suppose I could have a romantic same-sex relationship without full sex - but I can't see how that would suceed in the long term. I do cross dress ocasionally but usually for specific events.
"It doesn't matter what you do in the bedroom as long as you don't do it in the street and frighten the horses." -Daphne Fielding.
2006-11-08 09:42:24
answer #5
answered by monkeymanelvis 7
I don't see why I should like or hate anybody based on their sexual orientation. Those are just labels that we use to make ourselves more comfortable in our own biases, whatever they may be. Its a bit like asking me if I like people who love mushrooms or those who prefer olives. Whats the relevance? I'd like any decent person whether they were straight or gay just like I'd have nothing to do with anybody who was a total jerk, whether gay or straight.
2006-11-08 08:35:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I take people on an individual basis, not based on their sexual preference.
I have met gay straight and bi men and women who I have really got on well with and some I have not.
I don't judge if thats what you mean.
2006-11-09 06:24:16
answer #7
answered by Ice Queen 4
None of the above. I just see them as normal people. What they do is just as natural as what everybody else does so why single homosexuality out with a question like this?
2006-11-09 02:59:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
All people deserve love and care. If you do not judge people based upon their religion, sexual orientation, or how they look you will find that there are a lot of people that you will like very much.
I have gay friends and straight friends and I do not differentiate one from the other.
Take care,
2006-11-08 07:49:43
answer #9
answered by tiuliucci 6
My girlfriend is gay as are all my friends so i guess I kind of love gay people
2006-11-08 23:42:47
answer #10
answered by valleylaydee85 2
Sexuality is just one part of someone's personality. No point in judging based on something like that.
2006-11-08 13:26:31
answer #11
answered by Rageling 4