It started with the lights dimming and the radio flickering, then when you would come to a low idle the car would die and the battery was dead. I had the alternator replaced last Tuesday. It ran fine until Saturday when it started doing the same thing again. I replaced the battery and it ran fine again until Monday. And it started acting the same way and the battery was dead. Yesterday we had the battery charged and I started the car, unhooked the + battery cable and the car died instantly. I took the alternator off to it to Autozone for them to test and it tested fine. I got a battery/alternator tester also. I got home put the alternator back on and tested it. It showed the battery and alternator both working fine. I took it for a 5 minute drive when I returned home and it show the alternator wasn't working properly again. It sat overnight. When I tested it this morning it showed to be working fine again. I took it for another 5 minute drive and it stopped working again. Any thoughts
5 answers
asked by
Cars & Transportation
➔ Maintenance & Repairs
Is there anything temp wise that would cause the the alternator not to work properly?
06:37:34 ·
update #1