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13 answers

get the issues out, democrats love taking your money (taxes) and giving them to welfare programs and other crap that many of us don't even support, i think voters will realize in a couple of years what a big mistake they made this election, i know everybody is tired of iraq, but the dems don't even have there own solution to the problem!

2006-11-08 06:17:03 · answer #1 · answered by AFwife 2 · 1 3

A lot of Republicans base their arguments on lower taxes. Lower taxes isn't really a plan, it's like you're going to personally spend less money. How are you going to do that? Drive less, or buy less food, or buy less stupid stuff? What stupid stuff are you going to stop buying?

In the same way, what government programs are a waste of money? Is welfare always a waste of money? What about people who lose their jobs? When do you cut people off, and how do you push them back into the work force?

When Republicans start listening to the needs of the poor, and designing a government that works for everyone, they will run the country, and rightly so. Until they do so, they just sound like a bunch of psychopaths.

2006-11-08 14:40:52 · answer #2 · answered by Chris P 3 · 0 0

Great question! Get involved in local party groups. Learn what you can about the mechanics of elections. Stay active, stay organized, and WORK during the primaries to get good candidates nominated. Keep the pressure on your party representatives to be responsive. Not just at election time, but all year long - be informed, STAY ON TOP OF THE ISSUES and speak out! Try to educate others as well. So many idiotic beliefs flourish - the Republicans control gas prices, Bush staged 9/11 - that we have to do better to get the facts out.

Gains and losses come and go. They whooped us good this time. Don't be bitter - congratulate the winners and be a gracious loser. And then STAY POSITIVE and start work today for next time.

I hope the change is good for the country, but I fear it is not. If I thought the Demorcrats were better I would have voted that way!

But I think my advice is good for everyone. Never become complacent in victory either. That's what probably made it worse for the Republicans.

Good luck!

2006-11-08 14:20:55 · answer #3 · answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7 · 2 2

What young Repulsivres can do is to learn the real history of unionism, progressive movements, and rascism, and get involved in a progressive movement. ONly then will you get humbled and stop the rediculous thinking. The democrats have been the parrty that has consistently made Americans' lives beeter, not the other way around. Learn the facts.

2006-11-08 14:24:13 · answer #4 · answered by Legandivori 7 · 2 1

Get with the times! You should use this as an opportunity to evaluate just what has gone wrong...and WHY people are largely voting against the president and his "war on terror" gone wrong. Take a look at Bush and the neo-conservative agenda, take a look at REASON, and then choose your path wisely.

2006-11-08 14:21:22 · answer #5 · answered by Sizzlin Sicilian 4 · 2 1

Go back to our core. In the last few years, the GOP became the big spending pork barrel corrupt status quo party, who seemed to only give a damn about social issues like abortion, stem cell funding, school prayer and flag burning.

In 1994, the GOP swept into power on an agenda of less government, new ideas, reform and accountability.

We have to return to our economic conservative, pro individual version of ourselves. The economic conservatives must wrest control away from the social conservatives.

Man I hope Newt Gingrich runs for President. He's the one that led the victory on those ideas in 1994 and he can do it again in 2008.

2006-11-08 14:20:52 · answer #6 · answered by Uncle Pennybags 7 · 2 3

Yeah, Democrats hate you having money and love to give it to the elderly, infirm, and children. Oh, those dang children and their, "Why can't I go to the doctor, mommy?"

My favorite was the guy in line at the Social Security office picking up his check, complaining about the government.

Truly, Jesus would have gotten rid of social programs.

2006-11-08 14:20:50 · answer #7 · answered by RJ 3 · 2 1

Act like a Republican which means actually move toward smaller government and actually be fiscally conservative and actually do something when you say you're going to do it.

2006-11-08 14:28:34 · answer #8 · answered by JB 6 · 1 0

what;s so bad about the democrats taking the house? You still have George Bush in control to veto everything they try to push through.

2006-11-08 14:21:40 · answer #9 · answered by autumn 5 · 3 1

Don't worry the dummycrats will destroy themselves trying to find a common ground to use for a starting point in their great move forward.

2006-11-08 14:15:38 · answer #10 · answered by mr conservative 5 · 1 4

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