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2006-11-08 05:46:55 · 14 answers · asked by TRACER 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Apparently alot the str8 community still have idea that we are some kind of sick community with no morales. What can we do to change that idea?

2006-11-08 05:52:49 · update #1

14 answers

I have an idea of how we gays can set a better example for the gay community.

First, I think that the gay people have a reputation for being promiscuous. I think that when you find a partner, and stick with that partner that shows that you want to have a relationship thus expelling the idea of promiscuity. Don't try to force, but lightly encourage others to do the same. I mean really, you show more respect for yourself if you don't have sex with just anyone.

Second, I think that the gay pride parades really need to settle down. A gay parade that celebrates gay rights, freedoms, and families are great! I think that pride parades can go to far ... the video in the link below explains some of how I feel. Please click the link and watch it. We need to show people that we have more commonalities than differences. You can say "Be yourself" all you want. I agree that you should be consistent and not compromise your main values. On the other hand, we gays don't have the power in this country. We NEED to appeal to the common people if we ever want marriage.

Third, I don't think we should ever use the words "Gay Marriage" right now. It should be called a "Civil Union". I think that had the gay rights organizations not been so bold, more voters might have voted against bans and people could get together. Wouldn’t your rather have had some rights for now. If we get unions now, we can always ask for marriage later. Who cares what it's called. As the old saying goes "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck".

Fourth, some gay people don't know how to deal with their loneliness or understand their homosexuality. Some of them turn to drugs as a social outlet or as a way of dealing with problems. But the truth is, people can NEVER solve their problems with drugs because drugs only make it seem like the problem will go away. By drugs I also mean alcohol and cigarettes too. Anything that impairs your judgment and alters the state of your mind (not including legal drugs for medical purposes).

2006-11-08 21:56:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Those that think we are amoral, aren't going to care what we do to set a better example.

To the vast majority who don't have feelings about gays one way or another, we can set an example by doing as any human should, treat everyone with respect, especially those we do not agree with.

Another thing is for us to not be so judgmental about other gays. If they are not breaking any laws and causing no one any harm, then we need to accept that not everyone is the same as us.

Last thing is for us to not hide who we are, the best example we can set is by being part of the larger community without making apologies, hiding or being evasive about who we are.

2006-11-08 14:00:30 · answer #2 · answered by imaginary friend 5 · 6 1

Just to offer a different perspective, I don't feel I need to pander to the straight community for acceptance. If they don't like the way I live - screw 'em. I've found that the people who think the stereotypes are true are going to think that no matter what we do anyway.

2006-11-08 17:45:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We should be responsible for how we come across to the rest of the population. Being less flaming in a straight crowd. I'm not suggesting hiding, just being less flaunt and crass. Less sexual expressions in public--save that for time at home with your partner.

I can't remember when I've heard (to my face) a slur made in the presence of my partner and I. We keep all the HEAVY expressions of "gay-ness" at home. Others of you may disagree, and If you do I certainly respect your ideas and thoughts as much as my own.

2006-11-08 13:55:47 · answer #4 · answered by SuperCityRob 4 · 5 0

I think that all homosexuals need to stand up and shout at every turn when the media portrays homosexuals as the effeminate drag queens or lesbians as dykes on bikes. We all of us need to stand up and say we are not all like that. If more people would speak out against the stereotype and speak up about the majority of homosexuals real lifestyles there would not be this rush to judgment by straights against us.

2006-11-08 14:33:56 · answer #5 · answered by ♂ Randy W. ♂ 6 · 4 0

Having lived in The Castro for the past ten years, I have found how wonderful it is to live in a diverse city.

As an individual, I come across as "straight acting" and I have many friends that are flamboyant, trannies, drag queens, MTFs, FTMs, etc.

I would not ask them to change one thing about themselves. We are who we are.

Too many people have come before me to secure the rights that I currently have. People such as Harvey Milk, Harry Hays, Will Geer, Stonewall, and many more.

The behaviors that one needs to change are those that are self-destructive to one's self.

If someone does not like me because I may be gay, flamboyant, disabled or do not fit into their "realm". That's their issue not mine.

I live my Life honestly and with dignity and respect for all.


2006-11-08 13:50:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I agree with supercity. We don't have to flaunt who we are and smash it in the faces of others.
Every time, it seems, when another person comes out they have to shout it from the roof tops. Why?
I don't hear nor see straights doing that nor having parades about their life styles.
Maybe I am just getting old and realizing what harm we have caused to ourselves.
I, like others, don't like any type of stuff shoved in my face and can sympathized with how straights feel when they have to witness that sort of thing.

2006-11-08 14:09:16 · answer #7 · answered by dragon 5 · 1 3

i dont think we need to set a better example, if i could i would like to be the first lesbian, white female Martin Luther King....and stick it up the bible bashing hetro world, but that would be going down to their level. we are who we are nothing or no one can change it, we are not out there preaching our gayness like they do with their biblicle crap...i think its them that should be setting a better example as they believe in the HOLY!!! yeah, holy crap!!!!!

2006-11-08 14:29:52 · answer #8 · answered by geminilovingacancer 2 · 2 1

I don't feel a need to set an example. Being ourselves, all of ourselves, is plenty--that alone will contradict the myths, if enough of us do it.

2006-11-08 14:02:51 · answer #9 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 2 1

Nothing you do or don't do will ever change the majority perception of gays. They will always despise & look down on gays as freaks & miscreants. don't bother trying to change their minds.

Gays are not a cohesive community either. They are INDIVIDUALS & not some corporate entity.

2006-11-08 14:06:47 · answer #10 · answered by blackbird 4 · 1 4

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