Season is pretty much over. They can start by winning this weekend.
2006-11-08 06:18:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No quarterback has had as much go on both on and off the field as Rothlesburger. And I don't know a player who has gone through what he has and been the same player afterwards. Rothlesberger has made some bad decisions in key situations and those decisions have cost the Steelers some wins.
What Pittsburgh needs is to slow down the offense for Rothlesberger, they need to tighten up their defense and start using more run blitzing, and they need to find a way to replace key guys like Bettis and Randle El.
What would it take to get on the winning track? It would take all of the above coming together this week. Can they salvage their season? No. It will take 10 wins to make the playoffs and they will not get 10 wins this season.
2006-11-08 14:04:42
answer #2
answered by Hawkeye647 2
A miracle, in short. However I think next year they will be phenomenal! I strongly disagree with anyone who says Roethlisberger should be on the bench right now. Let's face it guys, we don't have a very good (if any) chance of making it to the playoffs this year, so the best thing the Steelers can do is play Ben, let him work out the bugs, get used to the new offense, which is incorporating a lot more passing then last season, and get ready for a kick *** season next year because once the turnovers stop the Steelers will be un-stoppable!
2006-11-08 13:57:57
answer #3
answered by kristen 4
Their chances of makine a playoff run are so slim, that I don't think it's ever even happened. What are they, 2-6? They'd have to go at least 7-1 to even have an outside shot at a wildcard, but with the AFC West probably taking the two wild card spots, it's doubtful the Steeler's have a shot. They can't win their division, as the Ravens have pretty well clinched it.
2006-11-08 14:27:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The Steelers season is now over. I think their first mistake was rushing Big Ben back to the field. He could have died in that accident I don't care who you are or what you say , after that kind of experience you have to have some time to get right mentally. They may not even win 6 games this season.
2006-11-08 13:43:45
answer #5
answered by green_hornet10 2
This year, it's not looking good. If they can get INTO THE END ZONE with out the turnovers, I think they would have won last weekend! It's a rough transition - losing Bus, Randle El, and Von Olhoffen (sp?) but I think they're going to get there, it may not be this season, but they'll be back! AND I'M SO SICK OF PEOPLE SAYING THAT BEN IS THE PROBLEM! HE'S NOT!!!!!! It's a TEAM problem, not a QB problem. I won't say that Batch is a bad QB, he's great, but Ben is the starter!
2006-11-08 16:13:47
answer #6
answered by Carpenter's Daughter 3
I think they can turn things around, but their are too many other god teams in the AFC that I don't think that they can make the playoffs. I think I saw during their last game that their ranks are actually better than last year! Too many turnovers at the wrong time (as if there is a right time).
I would sit Rothie because he is making too many turnovers by making too many bad decisions, especially in the red zone. He has had a lot going on an I think his head is not clear enough to make the right decisions.
2006-11-08 13:44:43
answer #7
answered by Keif 3
it would take week 1 of the 2007 nfl season to begin
2006-11-08 13:58:14
answer #8
answered by Michael D 5
they could play baseball. that would put them on the 9 inning track
2006-11-08 17:56:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hit the reset button and start the season over with...........Charlie Batch as QB.
2006-11-08 13:59:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous