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Isn't it redundant? Why is gay marriage such a bad thing anyway (please no Bible-based, moral answers... I want to know what real harm it will do to heterosexual marriage and society in general)?

2006-11-08 03:14:14 · 15 answers · asked by lillielil 3 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

15 answers

The question in most states is whether state supreme courts will (as Massachusetts, Vermont, New Jersey and other states have) interpret the Due Process or Equal Protection Clauses of their state constitutions as requiring gay marriage or civil unions. If it's in the Constitution, then the supreme court has no room for interpretation (Now, this may change if/when the Federal government/courts get involved).

As to your policy question, most people will make a religious or moral answer. Others argue that raising kids in a gay relationship hurts the kids, which hurts society.
Really, to paraphrase a bunch of comedians, I don't know what harm gay marriage will do to heterosexual marriage that straight people haven't already done to it!

2006-11-08 03:19:12 · answer #1 · answered by Perdendosi 7 · 3 1

Well, first, it prevents 4 people in black dresses from deciding that *magically* there all of a sudden exists a right to have same-sex marriages, as happened in Massachusetts and now New Jersey.

Most sane people find that having 4 people dictate laws is not in keeping with their perception of what a democratic and constitutional republic should be. Only legislatures, the elected representatives of the people, are allowed to make law.

There is nothing inherently unequal or unconstitutional or bigoted about everybody being only able to marry a person of the opposite sex. It applies equally to everybody - thus it is inherently constitutional.

As for harm, we'll have to look to countries that have had same-sex marriage. If we look at Norway and the Netherlands, we find that after same-sex marriage was allowed, traditional marriage plummeted. This has had the result of increased single parent households and the associated social problems identified with single parent children.

And, what I need you to answer, is why you think it will do no harm tampering with the basic structure and institution that has served humanity well for millenia? Of what great benefit is this to society? What is the great societal need for this?

Toss out the foundation of civilization for the whims of a few? Not good enough.

2006-11-08 11:36:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

There is no harm. Some people have their heads stuck in the Dark Ages. Denying freedom to some of the citizens and restricting others is just like going back to slavery. Gays and lesbians deserve the same rights a heterosexuals.

2006-11-08 11:16:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Here's how I look at this situation...

What we have here are two separate and distinct concepts. One is gay marriage, the other is gay civil unions. While I have no problem with civil unions, I am against gay marriage. Here's why:

A civil union is a legal joining of two people in the eyes of the law, allowing each partner to both benefit from the other's assets (insurance, IRA's, etc.), and be responsible for the other (responsible party decisions in hospitals, living wills, etc.) I don't believe that two people who, in this world of uncertainty, are willing to love and commit to one another until death should be denied the security of a family bond such as a civil union provides simply because they happen to be the same gender.

A marriage is a civil union enacted in a church setting, or by a member of the clergy, to take place in the sight of God. Now, the predominant religions in this country (Christianity, Judaism, etc.) eschew homosexuality as a morally valid way of life. Therefore, asking the courts to legalize gay marriage is to ask the government to step into the realm of the clergy and impose state will on religious doctrine by forcing the church to join two people in matrimony against their dogmatic teachings.

I've said all of this in order to answer your question as to what harm it will cause to society. One of the principles that this country used to establish itself is a separations of the affairs of the church in the running of government, and vice versa. The enacting of a law that allows for the government to exercise its will upon the church will set a precedent that will be used as a "foot in the door" by the legal community to go further as they deem necessary. The ultimate result could end up being a state religion. If you wan to know how well that works, ask the Chinese.

2006-11-08 11:28:35 · answer #4 · answered by knightshade1228 2 · 0 2

First of all, let's be honest about this gay-whatever stuff. Most of us conservative Americans never cared about the homosexual lifestyle until the gays began marching in the streets with Gay Pride and gay parties and basically throwing their lifestyle wide open and into the homes of all of us.

Second, for the past 2 centuries marriage has been defined (yes, in the Bible) as being between a man and woman. And my marriage certificate says "Holy Matrimony", which makes it sort of exclusive.

Third, there is nothing afforded to marrieds that cannot be arranged by gays. Just get a lawyer and stipulate the nature of your relationship and what you want done. Simple as that, and you don't trod on the sacred ground of Holy Matrimony.

Now, there are apparently many of your responders who have no knowledge of history, religion, nor any understanding of laws and customs. These are the folks who wish to degrade the institution of marriage into any number of politically correct but misnomered attachments.

What about marriages of 3 people?
What about marriages of brother & sister?
What about marriages of dog and man?

2006-11-08 11:36:06 · answer #5 · answered by snvffy 7 · 0 2

Because it gets all the ignorant, insulated neanderthal bigot peasants (GOP voters) out to the polls. That's really all it is. The GOP has made a huge issue of certain people's private lives because it galvanizes bigots. Just as, in the southern states, they run "coded" ads that pander to lingering racism. By any means necessary - this is Rove's Machiavellian mantra.

Speaking of which, clearly we should all listen closely to "fr chuck" down here on this issue - as a Catholic bishop (so he claims) he probably knows all about homosexuality and the dangers of repression and intolerance.

2006-11-08 11:16:20 · answer #6 · answered by jonjon418 6 · 3 0

there is no harm in it, some people just find it unconfortable and don't want it. I personally don't see any harm in it, as long as i don't have to see it, it doesn't bother me. I think it almost scares people and they just don't know how to deal with it.

same-sex marriage is legal in some states and is becoming legal in more and more all the time. Which i think is good because we all have the same rights and we should all be able to love whom we want and that is just it.

2006-11-08 11:19:54 · answer #7 · answered by vgplamondon 2 · 2 0

Hey there,
I am not going to give Bible based answers but I shall tell you what I think from my perspective.

Gay marriage is essentially wrong and think of it this way... if everyone decided to become gay what would happen to the world as we know it? We would die off.

I personally think that the whole idead is unnatural and not normal, seeing as Homosexually goes way back through the ages but it has come about through the deprivation of women when different nations went to war so they went seeiking for pleasure through thier fellow companions.

Also it is here because of rebellion against common nature, and against God. People keep saying "I'm going to be different so yeah." But I don't believe that you can just be born with this way of thinking.. it has to be put into the mind and thought about for awhile.

God Bless

2006-11-08 11:26:02 · answer #8 · answered by artistmartista 1 · 1 2

If there is no law either way, then something has to be put in place to settle the issue. A ban simply means that the law would prohibit this.

2006-11-08 11:17:06 · answer #9 · answered by bikeworks 7 · 0 0

i am with u what is so wrong about it its not like they wake up and say hey i feel like being gay today lets go git maried. but it is legal in some places i just dont see what the big deal is guess people r scared it would carupt our society even more which i disagree

2006-11-08 11:17:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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