Statistically, yes. But at the same time, no. Let me explain ...
It depends on your personality and choices. I am gay and not promiscuous at all, I only do committed relationships. On the other hand I know a bunch of gay guys who have HIV and have slept around or had sexual encounters with over 50 or 100 people and they are only 19 or 20 years old!
I see the most promiscuity happen when people get over caught up in the mainstream gay culture. People should just be themselves. A lot of gay activist groups promote promiscuity, dressing a certin way, and drugs being normal as a part of the way gays are "suppose to act". The culture does it in gay pride parades where people have mini orgies on the streets and even the gay media (movies, TV shows, and magazines make it seem normal and ok to do drugs. Dress in a gay identifying way. They will show an actor no-chelantly doing drugs and having fun with their friends or one office member having sex with the other office member just minutes after meeting each other on the show Queer as Folk. They barely ever show the devastating effects of such behavior).
People who get caught up in that are more likely to think it is ok or even normal to sleep with just anyone because it feels good or they are more likely to use drugs because it's socially accepted in the mainstream gay community. But we shouldn't take mind altering drugs and we should treat sex as something special and not just to be done with anyone who walks across your path. If we have stress in our lives, we need to deal with it in a way that promotes solving problems, not just hiding them. And being lonely, wanting to be accepted, and pleasure are NOT reasons to have sex. If we think they are, we have missed the point of sex all together.
I'm not saying all gay groups have negative effects. Family oriented gay groups or groups that fight for gay rights are great groups because they stand up against injustice and they provide a place gay people can go to fell comfortable and network with open minded individuals.
I think that once gay people are more accepted in our society, the gay culture will settle down. Discrimination causes a lot of gay people to seek an identity in the mainstream gay community and segregate from the mainstream prejudicial society.
Don't let anyone make you feel bad for asking your question. You had the right to pose the question. I believe that you really wanted to know ... not that you were suggesting anything either way.
So someone who is gay need not be promiscuous. It depends upon the philosophy they adopt.
2006-11-08 06:03:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
there are as many promiscuous individuals among straight and gay population. That's just the same. We gay people are not more promsicuous than straight people.
I'll just ignore that you just said that being straight is normal... because for me being gay IS NORMAL.
2006-11-08 04:35:28
answer #2
answered by Ces 6
You might feel the need to be more promiscuous as you are finally responding to your true nature and feel like sleeping with more people.
2006-11-08 03:17:53
answer #3
answered by waggy 6
You mean more than someone like Magic Johnson said he was?
Straight and gay persons have sex. Some more regular than others. Not all gay men get it every night, just like the straight ones.
2006-11-08 03:12:00
answer #4
answered by FB16 4
Being homosexual is no more or less normal than being straight is. Actiualy I think being bisexual is normal. Since 60 % of the population is bisexual.
Gay men are probably more promiscuous than straight men only becuase the women is usually the one to say no to sex. Remove the woman and you remove 90% of the no's.
2006-11-08 03:12:22
answer #5
answered by ♂ Randy W. ♂ 6
1. Gay people *are* normal people.
2. No.
2006-11-08 03:18:28
answer #6
answered by Chickyn in a Handbasket 6
no, not really, depends on your sex a lesbian and if i could have sex with my partner every night i would but its not what its all about, there is more to a relationship than sex...regardless of being gay or straight...
2006-11-08 03:29:12
answer #7
answered by geminilovingacancer 2
If you believe all the homophobes out there (and in here) yea, you would be,,,,and gay IS normal.
2006-11-08 03:08:02
answer #8
answered by buldawg 5
Not necessarily. Everyone's sex drive is different.
You grammar would probably be better, though, if you WERE a gay person. :o)
2006-11-08 04:35:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Normal? Is that a banjo I hear?
2006-11-08 03:12:42
answer #10
answered by my2cents 3