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13 answers

God doesn't MAKE you sin. He created us out of love and no evil can exist in Heaven. We have the free choice (free-will) to do what we want. Believing in God and following His laws helps us out of tempting situations and we won't sin then. Satan doesn't even MAKE us sin. He finds our weaknesses and throws it in our faces and makes sin look appealing and pleasurable. He tempts us until we give and sin or we tell him to go away and he sees that we won't give in. We allow ourselves to sin. We know what is right and what is wrong. Homosexuals know gay sex is wrong. That's why they have struggles with it when they first start thinking about whether they are gay or not. They aren't born with that gay attraction, it's a temptation that is put infront of them and they struggle with it because they know it's not natural and that it's a sin. But the devil hounds them until they give in. The devil works through society, through movies, through media. Gays use to be quiet about it but now that some celebrities have opened up about it, people say that some past presidents were gay, that some dead celebrities were gay, society (media mostly) makes it look more appealing and tells us that it's okay. Gay people say that God made them that way and that God loves them so it's okay. Yes, God loves everyone, gays, murderers, rapists, cheaters, prostitutes, liars, He just hates the sins we commit. Being gay almost seems like the 'in thing' nowadays. It's a grave sin. It's going against God's plan of creation. He created two genders for a reason. Satan makes sin look beautiful. You can find the same sex attractive but having sex with the same sex is telling God that He screwed up in His plan of us. Being an active homosexual is a sin. There is no such thing as an individual sin, it always affects others. Having gay sex in the privacy of your house will eventually be known and affects others. Gays have 'come out of the closet' and put that gay temptation out there for everyone to see, affects us all. Promoting the gay lifestyle is Satan's work. Telling teens that being gay is okay because God still loves you is Satan's work. Gos still loves them but He will not love their lifestyle and they will be punished for it. Same goes for pornography. There is over 3 millions websites of porn. It's a sin that affects others.

2006-11-08 00:40:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

On the history channel, not too long ago, they showed where a team of scientists had located the site of Sodom. This site is located right over a natural fault line and there is plenty of brimstone around that was used, in those days, to heat & cook with. At about the same time, as listed in the bible, a natural event took place-you got it-an earthquake-which caused the brimstone to burst into flames-lots of flames.
The event took out a large section of the area and included causing waters to recided. Many towns were affected and still are today. It changed the whole landscape over there and is still a
threat today.
The story of Sodom is a myth only when it comes to God's anger. As for the pillar of salt-lots of salt mines there too and lots of pillars that an active mind could make something of.

2006-11-07 23:53:40 · answer #2 · answered by dragon 5 · 4 1

I do not think anyone is blaming God for their sins. Although I am sure that you can probably find a few who do. Most of us believe in personal responsibility.

Why are you so obsessed with Sodom did you have relatives there?

God made me homosexual and I am g0y but that is not a sin so I do not understand why you are asking us this question.

Maybe you will get the answers you seek in the religious forum.

2006-11-08 01:06:05 · answer #3 · answered by ♂ Randy W. ♂ 6 · 0 0

If you actually believe that anyone was turned into a pillar of salt, then I've got a bridge to sell you. The whole Sodom story is just a stale old tale used to try to demonize people for being gay. Get over it.

2006-11-07 23:34:43 · answer #4 · answered by Rob B 4 · 5 1

Last time i checked, the sin of Sodom was inhospitality to others.

Oh the irony...

2006-11-08 00:28:58 · answer #5 · answered by ? 5 · 2 0

Bull. It has never been proven that Sodom and Gomorrah ever actually existed.

2006-11-07 23:37:13 · answer #6 · answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6 · 4 1

Do they really blame God or do they blame the devil like they usually do. Any how you take it it might as well be God. He created the devil that we give too much props to.

2006-11-07 23:33:37 · answer #7 · answered by Osunwole Adeoyin 5 · 4 2

Nasty, mean-spirited, genocidal Gods deserve to be replaced with something better like "reason" maybe.

2006-11-08 00:48:31 · answer #8 · answered by CHEESUS GROYST 5 · 1 1

Your presence and rantings here offends me.

2006-11-08 00:15:38 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

once again, you're "preaching" in the wrong forum!

2006-11-08 01:26:14 · answer #10 · answered by redcatt63 6 · 0 0

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