Nostradamus predictions come true? Today democrats won the mid-term elections, and Nancy Polocy is going to be the US official speaker. I was wandering who would be "the second lady". "It was said that two ladies-allies will bring peace..." and that "... people will compare the words of these women...". I wish this happens, because it's obvious that Pelosi is going to keep standing against the war in Iraq.
By the end of 2006 there're still some things to happen that I'm expecting. Especially the words about the "... old man that will stumble, then will be recognised, but will never confess" in smth. What do you think about all these coincidences?
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Politics & Government
➔ Elections
Btw, the first "queen" in the deck of History is, imho, Condoleezza Rice.
21:10:44 ·
update #1
I was thinking, perhaps Rice is not the one to think of. Perhaps Hillary? What do you think?
03:56:27 ·
update #2