It's fine to be a straight guy in a gay bar, just don't flirt or act like you're open to getting hit on. Dressing in drag would send that message.
2006-11-07 18:59:19
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I say kudos to you for being open and wanting to go out with your friends and wife to a gay bar. Awesome indeed. Act the same way you would in a normal bar because where you are goingis actually a normal just has gaymen and women there is all but you really can't assume that since you are going there and you are str8.
On that not I would advice you not dress in drag unless it's something that you've done before. It could send the wrong message and put you in a situtation that might make others around you feel uncomfortable. You could be inviting advances or you might be percieved as making fun of the LGBT community. Just go out, be yourself, and have fun with your friends and enjoy the social atmosphere of a gay club. Hope that helps and party on dude.
2006-11-07 20:11:19
answer #2
answered by pheirmeizer001 2
It's my understanding that you don't have to give anyone a reason for turning them down. It may make it easier on you to say 'I'm sorry, I'm straight', but all you really have to do is politely, sweetly, if possible, say 'I'm sorry, I'm not interested'. You can do that in a gay bar and let them wonder about your sexuality; it's fine. Same goes for going in drag- don't let it get you down.
Plus, a great deal of straight, married men are drag queens, so you wouldn't be alone. People probably wouldn't know that you were straight, but again, so what?
Go, dress up, have a good time!
2006-11-07 19:07:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Whenever a straight guy goes to a gay bar, it must be because he or she likes to be with friends. That's all. Just because you go there doesn't mean you have to fit. on the contrary, you already fit whenever you have fun with your friends. All straight guys are worried about what people will think, but there is no act or roll to be played. You are you and unless you are going to meet someone else, then you have to dress up.
2006-11-07 23:31:18
answer #4
answered by oscar m 1
It would show you are trying toohard if indeed you have never dressed in drag, or have no intrest to join in the show. Let the preformers preform, out of respect for them. And yes indeed you could be inviteing a few more advances then you would expect, but if you want to show support, there is no problem with weearing a bit of lip gloss, eye liner and painting your nails. None of that is ostentanious, and you are not "out-dragging" the Queens! Trust me honey, that would be asking to get your eyes clawed out!. Just act like the nice guy you seems to be play along with the queens, don't do anything boarish and you should be fine! Also, buying a drink for the Queen you liked the best is always a nice show of thanks!
2006-11-07 19:01:57
answer #5
answered by essexsrose 3
a good part of the cross dressers i know are str8. so if you want to dress and hang out at a gay bar with friends more power to you! just be yourself. if anyone hits on you just say n thanks I'm with someone. they wont know or care if your str8 or gay, and word will get around that you are not on the market.
2006-11-07 23:39:50
answer #6
answered by Ron N 5
oh gosh am i on candid camera?
the proper behavior for a straight guy at a gay bar,
is to grasp a queen nearby,
tongue him ,
and let the queen go brag about you , all over the place.
no one will bother you at all because the queen will let everyone know , you are his property.
cool, huh !
2006-11-07 19:03:49
answer #7
answered by john john 5
You said it yourself. Go out. Have fun! And on a personal note, I wanna say great to see guys so open and secure about their sexuality. I hope you enjoy ;)
2006-11-07 19:01:57
answer #8
answered by ? 5
Don't buy into the MTV propaganda. You don't belong there. Stay at home and watch football.
2006-11-07 19:00:45
answer #9
answered by Sabrina H 4
the real question is why you want to, i'm willing to bet there is a side of you you havent explored yet
2006-11-07 18:59:04
answer #10
answered by ? 4