in any lingo,
it means,
HOMOSEXUAL !!!!!!!!!
2006-11-07 19:19:06
answer #1
answered by john john 5
well nowdays gay means bad usually but its real term is when a guy likes a guy and has sex with a guys. also the steriotype for gays is they hate sports and have good taste and work as room/home designers or hairdressers. gays do tend to have a very high income also and like to go shopping and say things like "omg" and "shutup!". a very good example of gay is clinton from what not to wear. gay used to mean happy and still does but if u call yerself happy people think u mean "hi im clinton (in other words "hi i like ******* guys yay!)!" i no this and im just a sixth grader
2006-11-08 02:48:06
answer #2
answered by Chicken C 1
heres a funny story.
my bro and i ride the bus everyday to and from school. we came to a stop after school, and the boy from the back walked out the aisle, while another boy from the back called out "I love u Michael!." Some one whistled. Michael said, "I love u too!" Everyone noticed. We came to another stop, and the same boy called out to an exiting girl "I love u!" Same response. I heard someone say "You cheated on Michael!" Oh dear, I couldn't stop laughing.
Just an extra story I thought I might want to share.
14 yr. old girl
and yes, the "love" between the boy and the boy was called gay attraction, lol.
2006-11-08 02:44:55
answer #3
answered by blingding 5
With no details given by the asker, I guess the answers here could be ANYTHING! :P *lol*
gay- 1. being naturally/overly happy without any sort of stimulus 2. being attracted to the same sex as yourself
How's that?
2006-11-08 02:43:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Gay used to mean happy. Nowadays, it is short for "homosexual" which means to be sexually and romantically attracted exclusively to members of the same sex as your own.
2006-11-08 03:36:59
answer #5
answered by nemesis 5
Well originally the word gay meant happy, carefree, light hearted, etc.
2006-11-08 02:45:07
answer #6
answered by rethinker 5
My primary school teacher told me that it is another word for happy. That is back in 1977.
Guess the meaning of the word has evolved.
2006-11-08 03:06:32
answer #7
answered by Melvin C 5
In the context of sexual orientation, it means sexual attraction to a member of the same gender. Of course, in the context of personality or temperament, it means that the person is a happy, fun-loving one.
2006-11-08 02:54:55
answer #8
answered by KIT J 4
The first meaning was Happy! and now it means homosexuals, I don't know any more meanings besides.
2006-11-08 02:46:56
answer #9
answered by ? 4
Have you ever heard of a Dictionary?
2006-11-08 16:31:47
answer #10
answered by ? 7